Battle of the Third Reich

Vol 6 Chapter 166: Kuhnberg's story (Part 2)

"This is just a Peripheral recruiter of the Illuminati, and his goal is the captured German noble officer." Weierle replied.

"They are working for the French?" The emperor's head tapped the edge of the cup.

"Not exactly, there are senior officers of the French army among the members of the Illuminati, so they only need to spend a little money to bribe the guards, and their people can freely enter and leave the prisoner of war camp." The chief of staff took a sip from the glass.

"This is very logical, continue to speak." Xu Jun pushed the glass.

"Kunberg was not fooled by Hansen at first, and he still wanted to escape from the prisoner of war camp." Weiler continued: "But you know that after the Battle of the Marne, the strategic situation cannot be changed. The German front receded under the French offensive. By the time Kuhnberg was discharged from hospital, it was already September 18, and there were less than two months before the end of the war."

"His escape plan was unsuccessful?" Xu Jun laughed.

"He didn't have time to carry it out, and the war was over." Weierle also replied with a smile.

"It's a shame." The head of state raised an eyebrow and spit out a cigarette.

"Germany was defeated. Although Kuhnberg had had a hunch for a long time, when things really happened, he found that he could not accept this fact at all." Weiler continued.

Kuhnberg's mood fell into a trough. After the count lost his honor, he then lost his confidence. At the moment in Kuhnberg's eyes, the sacrifices made by him and his men were worthless. They were sold by the cowardly politicians and the traitors. All the blood and sweat were exchanged for only one death. Notice. One or two years later, no one will remember these brave fighters, only their family members, perhaps crying and tears in memory of these fresh faces.

The count was angry and desperate. He did not know how to explain to his family members why he alone survived the battle. After the defeat, he had nothing. He could imagine what he would face when he returned to Germany. He would be sent to the military court because he led the team without permission.

Officers and soldiers who died in the third infantry battalion would not get the honor they deserved, only because his commander had not received orders from the division. These officers and soldiers completely obeyed his orders and launched a final counterattack against the French army. Once he is under investigation by the military court, the command will not only recognize the merits of these soldiers, but will tarnish their previous honors because of this matter.

Kuhnberg could not return to Germany, or even let the Army know that he was still alive. This was the only thing he could do for his men, so that he might win some decent treatment for his soldiers.

When the count was helpless, the recruiters of the Illuminati found him again.

"He was persuaded by the other party, and it should be said that the other party just satisfied his idea of ​​escaping reality at the time." Weierle took the wine glass.

"I'm a little bit incomprehensible. The clichés of the Illuminati will still be attractive?" Xu Jun frowned and dusted the long ashes in the ashtray.

If the Illuminati in the sixteenth century could attract others to join with knowledge, culture, and political ideas, by the early twentieth century, the rest of Illuminati would probably be the crazy idea of ​​establishing a world government. They are different from Freemasonry, which in the middle of the eighteenth century to the beginning of the twentieth century, nearly two hundred years, relying on a huge and tight organizational system and financial means, has accumulated an amazing scale of contacts and wealth.

"They claim that what they are doing is to save the German nation at a certain moment." Weierle said with a wry smile.

"Kunberg believed this way?"

"He didn't have a second choice at all." The chief of staff tilted his head. "At that time, he was just a young man in his twenties, not farther than ordinary people. Plus he had nowhere to go at that time. , There is an urgent need for a place to live."

Kuhnberg witnessed the cruel crushing of Germany by the Treaty of Versailles, as well as the weakness and incompetence of the Weimar government. He was a determined patriot and believed that he had an obligation to do something for the country and the people.

"Half a year after the end of the war, he was arranged for a cruise to the United States, and then began to operate in the German diaspora on the east coast city. Illumination would need to absorb more human and financial resources, and Germans are generally There is disgust, and the identity of an earl can make things easier quickly." Weiler explained.

"He soon became a backbone of the Illuminati, and he was mainly involved in some social activities of the upper class, circling among a group of wealthy businessmen, ladies and politicians, spying on unknown inside information and business intelligence. He is a Born intelligence personnel, he did not even think of this. Kuhnberg soon became famous in the upper classes of New York, Chicago and Detroit. Everyone knew there was such a handsome German count.

Illumination will provide him with all the materials he needs to socialize, money, luxury cars, customized high-end clothing, high-end apartments and bodyguards. The noble temperament of his body can help him quickly gain the trust of others. No one will think of the person in front of him. The elegant German Earl is actually a commercial spy packed with light. "Weiler took a sip of wine and put the glass on the edge of the table."

"It's like a legendary novel." Xu Jun said with a nod in his head.

"It's exactly what you said, I thought the same way when I first heard it." Weierle quickly agreed.

"Kunberg is a wise man, and he will use the situation he has explored to seek some benefits for himself. In a few years, he has saved a lot of money, bought luxury apartments and cars, and gradually no longer Funding from the Illuminati was needed. His position in the Illuminati also began to improve, and soon he became a middle-level cadre on the east coast of the Illuminati." Weyler squeezed the hair near his ear: "Kunberg told me that his thoughts were naive at that time, and his mind was full of returning to Europe, leading the German people to overthrow the Weimar government, welcoming the emperor to rebuild the monarchy, and restoring the Kingdom of Bavaria."

The Bavarian royal family was overthrown after the defeat, and the territory was divided into a German state, but there are still a large number of remnants of the Kingdom era remaining on the ground. They are determined to rebuild the Kingdom of Bavaria and regain their lost privileges and glory.

"It's not surprising, after all, it is the nobleman who has experienced the empire era. Until now, many of my marshals and generals are still supporters of the imperial system." Xu Jun said, twisting his wrist.

This is indeed no secret. The Army itself is the headquarters of the royalists. If Hitler used the Fletcher and Blumberg incidents to clean up the army several times, a group of senior generals who supported the restoration and opposed the Nazis were removed from the command core. Some people were even forced to retire, and maybe one day Germany suddenly had an emperor.

"Before that, they were your marshals and generals, my heads, we all swear to you, no one will violate the sacred oath of loyalty." Weierle reminded respectfully.

"So I never doubted them, Weierle." Xu Jun raised his eyebrows.

The head of empire did not take it seriously, and the oath only worked for those who were willing to be faithful to it. Kanaris made an oath, Beck also made an oath, and Witzleben and Staufenberg also made a bunch of conspiracy groups. Which one of the members did not swear allegiance to Hitler, but as a result, the earl almost exploded the object of allegiance into heaven. Now that Kanaris was shot, Baker was arrested by the General Security Administration. The former chief of staff of the Army was not as strong as he thought, and he confessed to everyone in the conspiracy group.

"Next, Weierle, how could he come to Berlin?" Xu Jun said with a cigar.

"Then the financial crisis broke out in the United States, and the whole society began to slump. Bright will lose a lot of money in the stock market, and the accumulated wealth will eventually disappear in a few days. Kuhnberg rely on his previous savings, but also Maintaining a comfortable life, he started a trading company himself, selling used machine tools and tools from the United States to Germany, and the business was quite good. During that time he fell in love with the daughter of a seller, two of whom four years ago He got married, and the next year his wife gave birth to his first child, a girl named Helen." Weiler shook his glass.

"Good name." Xu Jun spit out smoke.

"Yes, my head of state. After we annexed Poland in 1939, the Illuminati decided to increase their investment in Europe. They were very concerned about Germany's military success and thought it was their chance to return to Europe." Wei Erle said.

"That was after Hitler cleaned the Freemasonry. The demise of the German Freemasonry left space for the Illuminati." Xu Jun said, touching his chin with his finger.

"Not only Freemasonry, but also Jews." Weierle replied.

"Oh, I almost forgot to have them." Xu Jun nodded in agreement.

ps: Thank you for your support.

Only one chapter can be updated tomorrow, and some plots need to be adjusted.

Thank you all.

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