Battle of the Third Reich

Vol 6 Chapter 167: Organization (on)

The German Nazi Party itself has the color of a secret society. Many of their activities are like a religious ceremony. Hitler has always believed in the existence of mysterious forces. At the same time, he is also a conspiracy theorist and has other religious secrets. Association is very sensitive.

Freemasonry was positioned as a political organization by the Nazis, which was not a crime of desire. The German Freemasonry did penetrate the Weimar government and intervened in many social and political activities at that time.

In the process of Hitler’s Nazi party seizing power, the German Freemasonry split into two factions. When the Nazis took power, the Freemasonry members who opposed the Nazi party system were cleansed, and most of these people have Jewish Descent. The Nazi Party obtained the list of most members of the German Freemasonry through the members of the organization that supported the Nazi concept. The Freemasonry members who had no time to escape from the border were arrested by the General Security Bureau and then sent to the major concentration camps in Germany. Red triangle label for political prisoners.

The German Freemasonry suffered a devastating blow in the hands of the Nazis. Only a few were lucky enough to end the war. The only reason these people were not killed was the Germanic ancestry they possessed. The arrested Jewish members were far more miserable. They could not even get the labels of political prisoners. They could only sew yellow hexagonal stars representing their national origin on their chests. At the end of the war, these people were almost indistinguishable.

Germany is one of the birthplaces of Freemasonry. It was rumored that Frederick the Great had served as the President of the Freemasonry of Germany when he was the Crown Prince of Prussia, and even obtained the highest level of mastership. For a long time, the German Freemasonry has always maintained the true nature of religious associations. Although it also intervenes in political affairs, its main energy is still focused on the exchanges in the economic and cultural fields, because of the excessive pursuit of mystery, the German society The influence is not strong.

In the history of the activities of the German churches and city-states opposing the ideological restraint and religious oppression of the Holy See, the German Freemasonry played a role in communicating and organizing civilians. However, in the twentieth century, this organization had long been separated from the underlying social populace.

Therefore, this is not the mysterious group that controls the world in the rumors of later generations. To put it bluntly, it is actually a social organization similar to senior clubs and industrial unions. The system and structure are not as strict as people think, otherwise how could it be so easy to be The Nazi Party ran out in one go. Historically, European Freemasonry organizations have been banned repeatedly. Every time, high-level officials are taken away, and their survivability is not as good as those of underground cult organizations.

The establishment of the Freemasonry itself is to fight against the Holy See. The original purpose was to preserve the knowledge left by the predecessors in the environment of religious oppression, and to explore new knowledge and culture, and strive for ideological emancipation and freedom. Most members are Protestant. Christians or Christian Reformers, the so-called heretics of the Romans at the time.

This organization was once advanced and revolutionary, and played an important role in the European Enlightenment. At that time, many ideological pioneers and famous scientists in Europe were once members of Freemasonry, and the noble members of Freemasonry can Provide protection to these people from the persecution of the Catholic Church.

Hitler was very hostile to Freemasonry, because a non-Nazi-controlled organization would certainly destroy the new order of the country he established, such as the various commercial, industrial, and agricultural self-governing associations established by the Nazis, which were mixed with a lot of freemasonry. Members, the Nazi Party will never allow a group with a cross-disciplinary nature to stay outside their political and economic systems. Not to mention that this organization is not only not controlled by the government, but also maintains close ties with overseas countries. The high level has an anti-Nazi tendency, and there are still a large number of Jews among its members.

Such an organization will of course be regarded as reactionary and decaying by the Nazi Party. Even if some members do not fall to the Nazis, Hitler will not tolerate its continued existence under his eyes.

The German Freemasonry was torn to pieces by the Nazi government in a few weeks. What happened in Germany caused the British and French Freemasons to be alert. When they remembered what to do for the brothers of the German branch, Nazi Germany Of tanks have already crossed the Polish border.

The rapid demise of the Freemasonry in Germany left a lot of political and economic heritage, most of which was divided by Nazis, but those intangible heritages are still preserved. That is the business network and the establishment of Freemasonry. Markets, and various economic, political, and cultural archives kept by members.

So the Illuminati in the United States was prepared to take advantage of the situation and wanted to take over the site left by the German Freemasonry and search for these important heritages that had not yet been discovered by the Nazis. With such a purpose, Kuhnberg returned to his hometown after nearly two decades of separation. He quickly took over with the local Illuminati members and obtained a new legal status through the relationship of the other party.

But then he realized that the German Illuminati seemed to have a completely different plan than the American Illuminati. They did not want to touch the legacy of Freemasonry, because this kind of behavior required a great risk and the benefits gained Not as big as the American chapter imagined.

The Nazi Party’s General Security Bureau is not a group of fools. How can they not see the value of Freemasonry’s legacy, so it is more likely that the Nazis deliberately left bait to wait for the greedy big fish to hook.

The German Illuminati was not as innocent as Freemasonry. They admired the philosophy of superhumans and worshipped the politics of strongman centralization. In some ways, they shared the ideas of the Nazi Party. They had sent several peripheral members to infiltrate the Nazi Party before. As a result, these people became loyal Nazi party members. The worship of the head of state soon exceeded the obedience to the organization. This is the situation faced by the German Illuminati. Arrived at a terrible opponent who simply could not compete.

The senior leaders of the German Illuminati are not prepared to cooperate with the Nazis. The end of Freemasonry is a lesson. In their view, it is impossible to complete the current political situation in Germany. It is impossible to complete the task, so they can only rely on external forces. Overthrow the Nazi rule.

A war to destroy Nazi Germany was the quickest and most effective way, but in view of the situation at that time, it was the group of Nazi madmen that most wanted to fight in European countries.

After Hitler's occupation of Poland, the European Illuminati and Freemasonry quickly merged. They foresee that a huge crisis has enveloped Europe, and Germany and the Soviet Union are allied. This is simply the most feared nightmare of these associations.

Since then, Kuhnberg has become the head of an unofficial intelligence group, all members of the group are civilians, their job is to collect military and political intelligence in Germany, contact anti-Nazi organizations and personnel in Germany, Provide them with the funds and weapons needed for the activity.

Kuhnberg is not clear about the background of this group, but it is nothing more than a few intelligence agencies of the US government, the FBI or the Army, and may also be the Cabinet and the State Department. Anyway, these are the units that need this.

Because all members do not have a government background, even if they are arrested, they will not involve the government department. The government can put all responsibilities on the head of Freemasonry. In this year, the members of the Illuminati will also have Freemasonry status. What kind of news.

The American Freemasonry is at a historical low point. The economic crisis and the Great Depression have caused them to lose a large number of members. This once powerful organization has already weakened to the extreme, leaving a bunch of bad reputation accumulated in the prosperous years. It is too suitable for taking It's time to be a shield.

The Kuhnberger Intelligence Group's initial activities in Germany were not very smooth, and two people were accidentally lost during this period. At that time, the anti-espionage atmosphere in Germany was very strong. Any stranger who appeared to be suspicious will soon be questioned by the block police. If they cannot come up with a convincing answer, the end of these people will be very pitiful. .

Just as Kuhnberg felt at a loss for the job at hand, a mysterious man suddenly came to the door. Because the German Illuminati was involved, Kuhnberg personally received the man.

ps: There is only one chapter today, thank you for your support.

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