Battle of the Third Reich

Vol 6 Chapter 170: In the desert (two in one)

"The dust belongs to the dust, the soil belongs to the soil." A rifle with its bolt removed was inserted straight into the sand, and a sand-colored helmet was buckled on the top of the stock.

"All upright! Salute!" Adjusted the collar of the sand yellow uniform, Randolph raised his right arm to say goodbye to the dead. Behind the lieutenant colonel, the three SS soldiers stood upright. They put up a rifle with a bayonet in their hands, and saluted the victim with a gun.

"Prepare! Shoot!" Captain Horne ordered loudly, and the soldier raised his rifle and shot into the sky. With five live rounds in the empty magazine, this simple battlefield funeral ceremony was officially completed.

"This is the home of a soldier. Although it is not a battlefield, it is better than death on the bed." Jurgen leaned down and grabbed a handful of sand, then released his fingers, and the falling sand drifted with the wind.

"What should we do next, whether to find a way out, or to stay in place and wait for rescue." Lieutenant Krieger's head was covered with a gray-green military hemostatic bandage, and the blood from the wound on the head had coagulated into brown Blood spots.

"One day has passed, we must now find a way to save ourselves. The water carried on the plane will not last long. We must find the oasis before the fresh water is depleted." Randolph walked to the crowd with his arms on his hips, loudly Announce his opinion. In fact, this is already an order, after all, he has the highest rank on the scene.

"Before departure, we have to examine this big guy again to see what else can be used." Randolph raised his thumbs and pointed to the wreckage behind him.


"Their route is very clear. If the aircraft is not yawed, we estimate that they may be forced to land in this area." The spokesman was a major officer of the Royal Air Force. He pointed with a pointer on a huge aerial map. Out of scope.

"You have also seen that it is a large area, and our search force is somewhat inadequate." The spokesman was a British lieutenant colonel.

"What is the result of the aerial reconnaissance? Haven't you found any trace of the plane?" Colonel Dougan wore a blue-grey armed SS colonel uniform with a red ground black eagle shield on the left arm of the headquarter, and the cuffs were still sewn. Wearing the black armband of the head guard flag team.

This is a figure from the core of the Third Reich. At the moment, whether it is the British or the Germans, the invisible pressure is felt, because the colonel is standing behind the legendary empire head.

"I'm sorry, there is no result yet. When the incident was discovered, the base of Yanbu Port dispatched a light reconnaissance aircraft at the first time, but then the aircraft also disappeared. In the final contact record, the pilot reported that the aircraft was encountered. When the wind and sand hit, the entire sky was yellowed by sand and dust. He wanted to climb above the clouds, but then the communication was suddenly interrupted." A German Air Force major reported.

"They can't disappear without a trace in the world, they will always leave some traces, I can feel that Colonel Randolph is still alive, he is somewhere in this desert, waiting for us to rush Rescue. How much weight did they carry when they started?" Dougan turned his head and looked at the British lieutenant colonel.

"They were flying on a modified "Wellington" bomber with a large internal space and a total of eleven pilots. Because the original plan was to return to Yanbu port on the same day, everyone only carried a standard The provision of individual soldiers, together with the first aid food and drinking water on the plane, is estimated to guarantee their survival needs for 48 hours. We are now only worried that some of them will be injured when they fall, because the injured will speed up the consumption of their drinking water." Army Lieutenant Colonel reported To.

"The structure of Wellington’s body is very strong. Pilot Lieutenant Winter is a veteran, and the flight time exceeds 9,000 hours. Most of the time is driven by Wellington. We believe that after the accident, the Lieutenant Winter’s technology should be able to drive. The plane landed on the desert." The Royal Air Force major added.

"It's been more than twenty-four hours since the incident, and we're running out of time." Dogen said flatly.

"Sir, the 21st Armored Regiment reported that they had dispatched a search force to the target area in accordance with your order." The SS communications officer submitted a telegram translation.

"What happened to the search team you sent before? I heard that they were also missing." Dougan looked down at the telegraph and then looked up at the British Army Lieutenant Colonel.

"Just lost contact, perhaps because of a communication failure. The guides they hired are very experienced and should not be lost in the desert," the lieutenant colonel reported.

After the crash of Randolph's plane, the news alarmed the British Army troops who were landing in Yanbu Port. The British Army volunteered to send an elite landing team, and they flew over the Hanzhi Mountains on three gliders. According to the report of the towing plane, all three gliders successfully landed in the desert, but when the scheduled communication time was reached, the Yanbu base did not receive the radio signal from the other party. The search team composed of paratroopers seemed to have evaporated under the blazing sun of the desert, which made the British army feel inexplicable.

"Tell me about the missing reconnaissance plane." Dougan turned to look at the German Air Force major.

"It was a white stork reconnaissance aircraft under the command of the African Legion. The pilot was Lieutenant Lehhard and the rear observer was Sergeant Crisson. Lehhard was an excellent pilot. He participated in the battles of Poland and France. Medal of Swords and Crosses of Military Achievements. As long as the structure of the aircraft is not damaged, he will be able to land the aircraft safely." The Air Force Major's tone is quite affirmed, and he is obviously confident in the pilot's technology.

"Do you know this Lieutenant Lehhard?" Dougin asked.

"Yes, sir, he is the best white stork pilot I have ever seen." The Air Force Major replied loudly.


"Don't go to the radio station, this thing is finished." Lehhard used a short knife to cut off a piece of canvas skin on the tail wing, which was above the shield sign of the African Command flight team.

"It has been disconnected for twenty-six hours. The troops must be mobilized to search. We must let them know that we are all alive." The observer half-drilled into the cabin tilted into the dune and tried to debug the rear cabin. That radio transmitter.

"If we stay here, we can't all survive." Lehhard tucked the canvas into the soft combat hat and added a sunshade to himself.

"Our current position is south of the scheduled route, at least ten kilometers away." Lehhard sat down in the shadow under the fuselage, looking at the aerial map spread on the sand.

"The onboard compass still works, and I brought an extra compass." Lehhard adjusted the map's orientation.

"If I guess right, we are going in that direction. There is an ancient water source 15 kilometers away. If we can find fresh water supplies there, we should be able to stick to the search team to find us." A small dot on the map.

"I don't think this is a good idea. We should stay near the plane." The observer gave up the effort to restore radio contact. As the pilot said, this thing is completely finished.

"Then the brutal Arabs will catch you? They will peel your skin alive." Lehhard scared his comrades.

"Is there an Arab near here?" Sergeant Collison subconsciously grasped the holster around his waist.

"Who knows, they are wandering around in the desert, maybe behind that sand dune, there is a pile of pointed tents filled with live-eating Arabs."

"They are still alive?!" The sergeant general widened his eyes in horror. He had never heard of such a thing.

"They also like to strip the captured captives of their clothes and pierce them on a pointed wooden stake erected on the sand, letting the captives wailing painfully under the hot sun, the prisoners often need two or three days to cut off their breath." The pilot side Organizing his debris bag, while continuing to intimidate the sergeant.

"I remember hearing this kind of thing. In the medieval Transwara, it was still a place with a similar name. I didn't expect anyone to use such brutal punishment for prisoners. This is a serious violation of the Geneva Convention."

"Transylvania." The pilot shook the spare kettle. He usually put one or two in the cabin to get it in case of an accident.

"What did you say?" Sergeant Major asked.

"The name of the place you said, Transylvania. In addition, the Arabs have never signed the Geneva Convention."

"Did they sign?"

"No sign." The pilot nodded affirmatively.

"Damn it." The sergeant major kicked the sand pile.

"Okay, don't complain, carry your backpack, we are ready to go. Today we have a long way to go." The pilot checked the Mauser pistol holster around his waist and picked up the military with emergency food. Shoulder bag.


"Don't get in touch yet?" Captain Fokker crouched in the shadow of the dune, inquiring about the correspondent who was debugging the radio.

"All the noises received." The soldier said, shaking his head.

"Sir, I suggest we should return to the landing site." An ensign advised Fokker.

"No, Lieutenant Hull, we must now continue to reach the Hamill Springs on the map, where to replenish clean water. Now even if we return to the landing site, I am afraid there is no way to cross the Hanzhi Mountains." Captain Fok said A spoonful of corned beef was stuffed, and the can was passed to a paratrooper on the left.

Although there are only half of the paratrooper platoons here, each one is the elite of the Army Paratroopers. They have received special combat training in the desert zone in Egypt and know how to survive and fight in this environment, otherwise the British Command will not Send them to complete this task. This operation involves not only allied relations between the British and German armies, but also an attempt to rebuild the honor of the British Army, but now it seems that the above plan is likely to be defeated.

"We have enough supplies, and the most important thing at the moment is to find a source of supplemental water. If the guide did not point me in the wrong direction, we could reach the ancient spring in three hours. Then from there, fifty kilometers east is Jubai, which is a Villages built around the oasis, where we can get supplies and find ways to get in touch with our superiors." The captain removed the kettle from his waist and unscrewed the lid to take a sip of fresh water.

"What about the task of searching for the Germans? Sir," the correspondent asked.

"If the location given above is correct, they should fall in this neighborhood, and we will search on the way to the oasis. Now my first consideration is the safety of the subordinates. Only after this premise is guaranteed can it be executed. The established order." Fokker tightened the lid tightly and pushed the kettle back around his waist.

"Now we have almost rested. We are going to reach the water source by noon. Everyone gets up and sets off!" The captain stood up and carried his Thomson on his back.

"Tank! Advance!" Lieutenant Sparru waved his arm forward handsomely, and the tank engine gave a loud roar.

The 38t tank is an armored vehicle with excellent performance, but it is not very suitable for combat in the desert. During the long-distance march, the 38t engine cooling system has been severely tested. It was not designed for tropical combat. Czech summer The average maximum temperature of has never exceeded 25 degrees.

The German tank soldiers should really be thankful that it is cool winter and the average temperature is around 267 degrees. In the hottest summer, I am afraid they will all be cooked in these iron cans.

Because the armored company left the desert road, it meant that they could no longer obtain logistics supplies in a short period of time. In order to save precious cooling water, the tank had to stop at intervals to rest.

There were two platoons of motorized infantry acting with the second company. They were filled with various ammunition and supplies in each of the semi-tracked personnel carriers that they were riding on.

The field supply squad of the 2nd Armored Company is equipped with three off-road trucks, and now the car is filled with large and small wooden boxes and iron barrels, which are spare parts, fuel, fresh water and engine lubricants.

The tank itself has a strong load-bearing capacity. In order to carry more weight, the German tank drivers used almost every plane that can stack supplies, even two ammunition boxes were stacked on the top of the turret, and it seemed to run Same for long-distance buses.

Don't think that they carry a lot of supplies, the two company officers and vehicles are consumed, this thing is only enough to support this armored unit for three days of combat operations. This is the true face of modern warfare. The story of the mechanized troops abandoning the heavy independent operations only exists in the fiction of novelists.

"From the map, we are now seventy kilometers away from our destination." Sergeant Rem sat on the communication table, holding a military map in his hand. In order to dissipate heat and ventilate, the sergeant opened the entrance above his head. Cover plate.

"They will airdrop a batch of supplies for us in this place called the Hamill well." Sparru untied the kettle on the tank bulkhead and drank up a large sip of fresh water.

"So we have to reach our destination on time and clear out an airdrop area as soon as possible. It should be noted that we may encounter nomadic cavalry there, which is an ancient desert water source, which will definitely attract many Arabs to supply. Fresh water." Spalu screwed the lid and hung the kettle back on the bulkhead.

"Relax, sir, no matter if it's a hundred or a thousand Arab cavalry, we will wipe them out, it's just a matter of time." Pilot Heinz inserted into the conversation.

"You're right, Heinz, it's just a matter of time." Sparru flipped the pedal and protruded half of his body from the turret. He watched the marching team forward and backward, then moved forward with satisfaction Wave your arm.

"Tank! Keep going!"

ps: Two chapters in one, thank you for your support, the author is still working hard.

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