Battle of the Third Reich

Vol 6 Chapter 171: on the way

In the winter, the temperature in the Arabian Peninsula remains between 15 and 27 degrees. The temperature difference between morning and evening is relatively large. Noon is the highest temperature of the day. For desert travelers, this is a lucky season. They don't have to worry about the danger of heat stroke. They save a lot of water, so that they can stick to this desert for a lot of time.

"Our location should be in this area, what the hell, all these **** dunes look exactly the same." Lieutenant Krieger knelt on the sand, he was holding a compass to find the right direction.

"Pay attention to saving fresh water." Horn handed the kettle to the grey swordsmen around him.

"Understood, sir." Sergeant Graeme Rock took the kettle and unscrewed the bakelite lid. In this air crash, the Gray Sword team sacrificed two players, Scott and Corporal Weir. For this special team with a total of 20 members, one-tenth of the personnel loss can not be considered serious.

"There is not even a landmark here. The sandstorm must have blown us off the scheduled route. Lieutenant Colonel Randolph's judgment is correct. The search will be carried out along the original route above, then they will never be able to find us. "Lieutenant Krieger tucked the compass into the holster around his waist.

Major Jurgen stood in a naturally formed sand pit, rolled the cuff of his white shirt to his elbow, and then Major SS squatted down, dug a few times on the wall of the pit, then grabbed a handful of sand and wiped his hands.

"It's all dry." Holding a handful of dry sand, Jurgen raised his head and said to Horn.

"This pit is not deep enough, Major, at least four or five meters below." Captain Horne reached out and helped Jurgen climb out of the bunker.

"Hello!" On the top of the sand dunes not far away, an SS soldier waved his hands vigorously.

"Sir! There is a mountain in that direction!" the soldier shouted, pointing behind him.

"A mountain? Are you sure?" Randolph asked aloud.

"It can be clearly seen from above, that is a mountain range." The soldier replied loudly.

"Just stand there and don't move!" Krieger grabbed the map on the ground and ran towards the sand dunes.

"Does the map show any mountains nearby?" Jurgen reached out and brushed the sand on his knees.

"There are some very old rocky mountains, and it is said that the treasures of desert robbers are also buried in the mountains." Horne replied seriously.

"Aladdin's magic lamp? Alibaba and the forty thieves?" Jurgen couldn't help laughing.

"It was a rocky peak above the surface, not a continuous mountain range. The Hanzhi Mountain Range should be in that direction." Krieger pointed to the west and said to Randolph.

"But we can finally figure out where we are. It should be Mount Omus Nimman. Visually we are at least 20 kilometers away from it." Krieger pulled out a pencil from the map bag and drew on the map A cross.

"Our luck is good, and we haven't gone in the wrong direction. If I'm right, then go northeast for five or six kilometers, which is the oasis we are looking for." Krieger said happily.

"What are you waiting for, everyone, the oasis is right in front of us. Everyone will clean up immediately, and we will immediately release the doffer. After hearing it, he is also happy, and he turns around and shouts to the people who are resting by the dunes.


"Lehhard, what do the Arabs call this?" Cresson dug out the last spoonful of ground beef from the canned corned beef.

"Well, it's called canned corned beef." Lehhard raised the backpack **** his shoulder. He turned to his partner and said, "Who do you think I am? An Arabic expert?"

"I just asked casually, don't you know the Arabs very well." Krison swallowed the beef in his mouth, and threw the empty tin box to the side of the road. The sergeant master wiped the scoop on the cuff of the uniform, and then put The baby spoon tucked back the sundries bag behind his waist

The two pilots had good luck. They found an ancient business road in the desert. This is not an artificially constructed engineering product, but a natural road that has been trampled by humans and animals for many years.

Traces of desert caravans can be seen everywhere on the road and around, the footprints of humans and animals and animal feces, as well as some artifacts abandoned on the roadside, such as broken clay pots and damaged camels. From time to time, we can see severely weathered pale bones in the sand piles on the roadside, there are camels and there are no animals, Lehhard dare to guarantee that there must be human remains inside.

This trade route seems to have not been used for some days, the footprints on the road have been blurred, and animal feces have dried into lumps. Lehhard judged that no one had gone from here for at least a few months.

"This road is not marked on the map, it should be the kind of secret smuggling channel they say." Lehhard moved the holster to his front and released the leather buckle of the lid. It is not an accident that a road is abandoned. There must be a reason behind it. Whether it is man-made or natural, it may pose a threat to two outsiders.

"If you go in this direction, this road should pass through the well on the map." Cresson didn't notice anything strange, he said with a map.

"How far away do you estimate?" Lehhard asked his pilot.

"Five or six kilometers, maybe farther." Cresson folded the map and put it back in the map bag.

"Our direction is correct." Captain Fok put down his telescope and jumped off the standing rock.

"Henry, give me the map." Fok held out his hand, and the adjutant quickly unfolded the map and handed it over.

"There is a rocky hill in front, and the direction matches the map. Our location is here." Fokker pointed to the map and said: "We are one hour away from Hamill Springs. Let's rest for another 20 minutes. Depart later."

Having determined the exact location of the troops, Fokker's heart was finally dropped by half. As long as the troops' water was guaranteed, he would have the courage to face all challenges.

The paratroopers took the last recuperation, and the march in the desert consumed considerable physical strength. The soldiers needed to replenish the lost water in time, and at the same time add some heat and salt. As paratroopers who need to perform activities behind enemy forces, they all know how to take care of themselves. Once jumping out of the cabin, paratroopers can only trust their comrades and weapons in their hands.

This paratrooper team is quite well equipped. In addition to the conventional Lee Enfield short rifle, non-commissioned officers and officers have issued Thomson submachine guns. These civilian submachine guns purchased from the United States are actually more fierce than the military version. Because of the use of real materials, the price is much more expensive than the latter.

In the Battle of England, the German Army fully demonstrated the role of submachine guns in combat. The British Army also began to prepare to increase the number of submachine guns in the troops to catch up with the trend of the development of world military equipment and technology and tactics. Although the submachine gun produced in the United States has excellent performance, the price is too expensive, and the caliber is special. The required ammunition can only be imported from abroad.

The British Army is currently considering purchasing a batch of German Army mp38/40 submachine guns. At the same time, it is introducing production lines to process and produce in the United Kingdom. Perhaps in a few months, British paratroopers will be able to carry the mp40 submachine guns produced by Enfield.

"Smoking a cigarette, sir." The paratrooper lieutenant passed the exquisite cigarette case.

"Thank you, Lieutenant Hull." Fokker took out a cigarette from the cigarette case and looked at the trademark as an American product.

"Good luck? We need this right now." Fokker pulled out a lighter from his pocket and lit the cigarette. The paratrooper captain raised his head and took a sip, then spit out a cigarette.

"This was brought by a friend from London." Lieutenant Hull lit the cigarette and put the cigarette case in the chest pocket.

"How is it over London now?" Fokker asked with a cigarette in his hand.

"The pre-war prosperity on the market has been restored, at least on the surface. That is, the goods in the shops have become abundant, and there is no shortage of food. But the life is still not very good, but it is much better than three months ago. The Army The conscription is still going on. The Labor Party says that this is the government’s way to reduce the unemployment rate. In my opinion, it is completely nonsense. Now that Europe is stepping up preparations, we are likely to fight the Russians." Ensign Hull is a A well-informed person, he can always get a lot of gossip.

"If the war really breaks out, the British Empire will definitely join the battle. It is really interesting. If someone said to me half a year ago, Fokker, one day you will fight alongside the Germans, and I will punch the guy's face with a punch." Fokker shook his head and smiled.

ps: I feel sick. There is only one chapter today. Thank you for your support.

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