Battle of the Third Reich

Vol 6 Chapter 172: Next to Guquan (Part 1)

"Come and listen to these words. The crawler crushed the desert thorns, and the tank roared forward. Nothing could stop this force. We are the glorious African army." The loader Hoffman took his A small notebook, reading the lyrics he just thought of to Sergeant Rem.

"It sounds good, you have to give this score a good tune." Rem encouraged the young loader.

"After the war, you should go to university, Huffman." Lieutenant Sparru said in the intercom in the car.

"It's true, sir, this kid is a genius." Sergeant Rem nodded in agreement.

"He might be a writer or something." The driver who had always been reticent also joined in the ridicule of his comrades.

At this moment, the indicator light on the car radio began to beat rhythmically, Rem covered the headset and recognized the received signal.

"It's the battalion headquarters." Rem reported to the captain, and then took a pencil to record it on the codebook.

"It's a new situation briefing. The second battalion captured O'Vikley. The seventy-seventh regiment of the Cologne Division is advancing to Rafha." Rem translated the received message.

"The battalion ordered us to continue to carry out the mission of the Legion Command. The Air Force will airdrop supplies to us at the scheduled time. They asked us what special requirements we have. I want to drink cold beer, sir." Rem handed the message to the commander .

"Replying to the camp, I said thank you for your concern. There is no need for it at the moment." Sparru folded the telegram and stuffed it into the map bag around his waist.

"Don't slow down, we are only two kilometers away from the destination." The captain glanced at the driver, and then stood in the command tower again.

"2011, here is February 13th, we found smoke rising from the direction of one o'clock, about two kilometers away from us." The voice of the leader platoon came from the headset.

The 213 tank is the same as Sparru, it is also a 38t command type, equipped with a two-way voice intercom made in the Czech Republic and a remote radio station made in Germany.

"I saw it too!" Spalu looked up at the team at one o'clock in the direction of the car. Through the dust raised by the car in front, behind the dunes near the horizon, a few black smoke pillars suddenly rose.

"Is there our destination? I think we should send a motorcycle scout to investigate." The deputy company commander said on the radio.

"Well, just do it." Spalu immediately agreed with Lien's suggestion.

A four-wheeled armored vehicle drove out of the column of the motorized infantry company, surpassed the leader's tank, and drove towards the position where the smoke column was raised.

The terrain in this area is not like the Sahara or Yemen border. It is covered with endless sand dunes. It looks closer to some parts of North Africa. The ground is solid sandstone, and some places have black or white rock foundations exposed. The mobility of the German wheeled armored vehicles in this terrain is not inferior to that of tracked vehicles, and even because the body weight is lighter, it is more flexible to move than tanks.

"Maybe a nomadic tribe." Rem leaned out from the front entrance.

"That color won't be cooking smoke, the troops continue to move forward, and each row is ready for combat." Sparu wiped the sweat from his chin and issued a command to prepare for the battle.

"I hit him, did you see it? I hit that bastard!" Randolph yelled in excitement, and replaced the mp40 with a new magazine.

"Pay attention to the left! Don't let them get close." Captain Horne lifted the Mauser rifle and shot a white cloth-headed savage warrior to the ground.

"These people are lunatics." Krieger pressed a bridge bullet into the Mauser pistol, and threw the bridge board on the trench edge.

"Three, four, five" Sergeant Merkel swiftly pulled the gun of the Mauser sniper rifle. Every time this excellent shooter pulled the trigger, there must be a Bedouin warrior who died.

"Where did these **** guys come from." Lieutenant Wenzel emptied a magazine. He dropped the mp40, pulled a Browning from his waist holster, and howled at a wailing The black samurai with his sword shot continuously.

The silver-plated ancient helmet could not withstand the attack of modern weapons at all, the bullet easily penetrated the thin iron plate, and then drilled into the skull protected by the iron helmet.

"These people are not desert robbers, but the royal guards." Jurgen pulled the mp40's gun and exited the blind fire bullet in the barrel. The former Gestapo did some research on Arabia before coming, and with the detailed information obtained from the British, he had already recognized the identity of the enemy who attacked him.

"Really? Major, are you sure?" Horn asked aloud.

"There are a lot of black people inside, only Ibn's guard will have so many black people." Jurgen replied loudly, and then emptyed the submachine gun's magazine.

As mentioned earlier, at this time, the Saudi army still belongs to various tribes. There is no formal establishment at all. Each tribe prepares its own armed ammunition and supplies at the time of the battle. The Saudi royal family is only an ally and commander.

Since Ibn Shat suppressed the religious militia who opposed him, he no longer believed in any warrior who was not his own tribe. In order to protect himself and the members of the royal family, he purposely formed a personal guard.

Unlike the Saudi tribal guards mentioned in the previous book, these people only ordered from the Saudi king, because these people are not Arabs, but black slaves bought by Ibn Saudi from Africa.

You are not mistaken. At this time, the Arab tribe still retains the custom of slavery. Some wealthy chiefs will buy themselves a few strong black slaves, usually used as guards and servants. Because of the need to buy the hearts of the people, these slaves will not be abused. The only thing they have to do is to obey all the orders issued by the master unconditionally. The slaves who offend the master or attempt to escape will be whipped, and any slaves who resist and betray the master will be punished. Death penalty.

The personal guards of Ibn Shat are all black slaves. He built a new era of Mamluks and spent a lot of effort and money on these people. These black slave soldiers received the strictest in the eyes of the Arabs. In addition to modern firearm training, they must learn to use ancient Arabic swords and shields proficiently. They usually wore ancient locks and scale armor, armed with Arabian scimitars and spears, and patrolled the king’s tents and palaces day and night, just like their predecessors during the Arab Empire.

Although the chiefs of some large tribes also had slaves and black warriors, only the Saudi royal family, the oil trade and the pilgrim business were formed on the scale of the establishment, giving the royal family enough financial resources to build such a slave army.

"Get rid of these barbarians! Pay attention to both sides of the line of defense!" Randolph fired a three-shot burst, knocking a Bedouin warrior to the ground.

"They have too many people!" Sergeant Graeme Rock threw the last grenade from him. The m24 grenades with prefabricated fragment sheaths on the outside blew up a circle of Bedouin tribe warriors. These poor guys were riddled with holes and screamed and rolled in the sand.

"They are detouring to our flanks, sir, we must give up the line of defense." Wenzel ran down the trench to Randolph and suggested to the commander loudly.

"Leave two people to cover, and the others evacuated to the yard." Randolph also noticed this. The difference between the two sides is too great, and now the plan can only give up the first line of defense.

"I stay." Captain Horne volunteered to take cover.

"And me! Sir." Merkel pulled the bolt and quickly installed a new bridge clamp.

"When you enter the yard, you will be covered to evacuate." Wenzel said.

"Faster speed, the next offensive is about to start again." Horn pulled the bolt and swept out a burst.

ps: In a blink of an eye, June is coming to an end. The new January is coming. There are too many things encountered in this month. Now this kind of achievement is not surprising

I will repay the chapters owed to you one after another. The author will continue to work hard next month, and the following plot will be more exciting.

In addition, there have been some major changes in the authors during the past two days, and the update may fluctuate. I will notify you in advance if you have any questions. I hope everyone can understand.

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