Battle of the Third Reich

Vol 6 Chapter 173: Encounter an enemy

Before we turned the time back thirty minutes, Randolph and his party were quite lucky. They hardly took much wrong paths and found the ancient spring in the center of the desert quite easily.

The morale of the survivors of these plane crashes has always been very strong. This may have something to do with the proportion of officers in the team. A total of eight survivors, except for three are middle and senior sergeants, the remaining five are all officer class.

In addition to the two gray swordsmen who died on the spot during the forced landing, British pilot Lieutenant Winter also stopped breathing due to serious injuries. The German buried the Royal Air Force lieutenant next to his landline and used the metal on the wreckage. Made him a humble cross. All of them survived due to Lieutenant Winter's superb flying skills. The Germans decided to wait until they were rescued, and they would jointly join the superior to call for Lieutenant Winter.

The sacrifice of the British Air Force Lieutenant led to the survival of the squad. Only the Germans remained. They were SS Lieutenant Colonel Randolph, SS Major Jurgen, Army Captain Horne, SS Lieutenant Wenzel, and Air Force Lieutenant Kerry There are also Sergeant Merkel of the SS, Sergeant Graelock of the SS and Sergeant Woodman. It can be seen that in addition to the differences in military services, the ranks of these people coincidentally lined up a ladder.

Randolph had no talent in identifying the road. Speaking of the confidants around the head of the empire, it seems that they all have this problem, and I don't know if they were infected by the head of the state.

The guide in the team was handed over to Captain Krieger and Horne. Especially Captain Horne, who has received professional training in this field, not long ago in French Indochina, he also used only a map and a north arrow to lead the commando through the wild wild jungles of the region. If the environment in the rain forest is worse than the desert, at least the desert can raise its head to see the sun, and there are no annoying jungle mosquitoes.

After finding the right direction, they soon discovered a natural beast trail. This trail, which may be trampled by wild camels and other desert animals, led them all the way to Hamill Springs. An important water supply place.

During the reign of the Ottoman Empire, the Turks built a post next to this ancient spring, and a tax officer was stationed here to collect taxes from the caravans. The empire also stationed fifty cavalry to protect this The tranquility of Duan Shangdao.

When the Arab uprising broke out, it was still an important rest stop. There were all kinds of tents around it. Various merchants hugged prostitutes and dancers, singing and dancing here all night.

There is no doubt that everything that happened here in the eyes of the religious militia is decaying and degenerate, so when the Ihwan movement began, the religious militia ganged up the post here and killed every man and woman they met Finally, a fire destroyed the ground buildings and tents around the spring.

As a result, this prosperous business road has gradually been abandoned. From that day on, few camels dared to set foot here. Legend has it that they were cursed by the innocent victims. The ghosts of these victims wandered around the spring all night. They would Use witchcraft to kill all Arabs who dare to approach.

Of course, Randolph had never heard of this legend at all. He only knew that he had found an important source of water and could drink sweet spring water.

Time and the desert have wiped out the traces of the brutality that year, and everything is buried under a thick layer of sand. The Turkish post covered by the spring water was only half exposed at this time, and the rammed earth fence protecting the courtyard was already broken. The main structure of the post has not been damaged, and perhaps the militiamen are also worried about the pollution of precious water sources, because that is a violation of teachings.

After arriving at the destination, of course the first thing to do is to find the Quanyan. The Germans did not spend much effort, because the target was in the center of the courtyard. In order to prevent the well from being buried by the yellow sand, the Arabs built a flat roof hut with stones above the spring water, and installed wooden doors with iron reinforcement .

It seemed that there was no one visiting for a while, and half of the doors were buried in the sand, because the stone house had no windows. After opening the wooden door, there was a black hole in it. I could vaguely see a water well in the middle of the house, and some crocks were stacked in the corner And bucket.

Corporal Woodman walked to the well with a torch and opened the wooden board covering the wellhead. He took a torch and took a picture in the well, and then he was delighted to see the light and shadow reflected from the water. The water here is as clear as a whole Block crystal.

The Germans drank a cold spring water, and the fatigue they had accumulated seemed to be swept away. With fresh water supplies and ready habitat, the survivors decided to spend the night here and move on the next day.

Lieutenant Krieger has determined that this is the ancient Hamill spring on the map, and there are more than fifty kilometers away from the nearest village. It may take a whole day to complete this road in the desert.

Randolph knew that the African Army was advancing into this area. He was originally flying to the African Army’s front line base to check the progress of the battle. He wanted to provide the head of state with a front-line report. Randolph was still very serious about this kind of thing. .

The plane started smoothly after taking off from Yanbu Port, but soon the desert showed the outsiders its terrifying side. Wellington’s flying height was not high at that time, because the pilot flew this route for the first time, so he needed Lower the height and compare it with the landmarks on the ground.

At that time, the height of the plane was only about 600 meters, and then it faced a large sandstorm that was rare in this season. Everything happened in a very short period of time. At first there was no strangeness at all. A layer of dust rolled up on the horizon. This is normal in the desert. Looking at the location of Randolph, the window is still sunny and serene. .

But the wind instantly increased, and before the people on the plane reacted, there was an earth-shaded wall in front of the plane. This is a terrible natural disaster composed of fine sand and dust. It was almost impossible for Wellington to dodge, but in a blink of an eye, the bomber was caught in a huge sandstorm.

It was dim outside the window, and the engine of the aircraft began to emit a disturbing howling. Although it was equipped with an air filter, in this environment, several layers of filters did not play much role. At this time, the speed of the engine must not be reduced. Lieutenant Winter can only watch the temperature of the two engines rise rapidly. He knew that Wellington could not persist in the sandstorm for a long time, and decided to find a vacant land before the engine was completely scrapped. In the face of such natural disasters, pilots can only have one chance. Lieutenant Winter finally succeeded, but he gave his life for it.

After eating the emergency food that was carried with them, the squad of air disaster survivors began to divide the work, some people explored the surroundings, and others stayed in the post to clear out the houses that were camped at night.

Sergeant Merkel was carrying his Mauser sniper rifle, preparing to spray his luck around to see if he could meet a desert camel or antelope. The compressed biscuits and cans alone could not fill this group Food appetite.

On their way to Guquan, they met some desert animals, but they were eager to hurry and they didn't even bother to hunt. Merkel is a Hessen, and he followed his father to hunt up the mountain since he was a child. His good marksmanship has been practiced since then. Although hunting in the desert is completely different from that in the forest, on the whole it is inseparable.

Merkel found himself lucky, and just after walking a short distance, he found animal tracks. The hoof prints should be herbivores like antelopes.

Following his footsteps, he quickly saw the figure of this animal. It was a single Arabian antelope. Judging from the length of the horns, it should have just grown up. This is a social animal. I don’t know why it will break away from the antelope Group, came to this place alone.

Arabian antelopes do not have many natural enemies on the peninsula. Their greatest threat comes from humans. The Bedouins like to bring hunting dogs to hunt this animal for its fur and slender beautiful antlers.

At this moment, this beautiful animal knows nothing about the dangers that are about to face. It is bowing its head and trying to eat a bush of Salix, which is the most common vegetation around the desert oasis. The Arabs even deliberately planted this plant. , To stop the spread of quicksand.

Merkel lifted the rifle, adjusted the sights, and gently pulled the bolt to push the load. The German hunter adjusted his breathing. The cross in the sight was stabilized on the head of the antelope. He did not know the position of the animal's heart, so hitting his head was the best choice at the moment.

Merkel breathed out slowly, and the finger on the trigger began to be full of force, but at the moment when Merkel was about to pull the trigger, a figure suddenly appeared in the afterglow of his eyes.

The Sergeant Major SS quickly released the trigger and quickly turned the muzzle to the newly emerged target. A Bedouin warrior appeared in the sight, wearing a wide gray Arab robe, a white headscarf on his head, a cowhide belt with a bullet bag in his waist, and a leather **** his chest Bullet belt, filled with Jincancan rifle bullets, a gorgeously decorated Arabian scimitar on his waist, a curved dagger slanted on the belt, and a Li produced in the First World War on his shoulder Enfield no.1 rifle. From the gap of his robe, he can be seen bare legs and a pair of leather sandals on his feet.

Then another warrior in a similar costume turned out from behind the dunes. Merkel was surprised to find that it was a black man. He had never seen a black man in an Arab robe. Then a third warrior appeared. The dune was like a magic box. A continuous flow of Arab warriors came out from behind. Merkel noticed that the situation was not good. He quickly put away his rifle and started to Hamel Spring Direction retreat.

ps: Thank you for your support. The new month begins. The author will continue to work hard this month.

In addition, let me know that the author has something to do in the next two days. The update may need to be suspended, and I owe you two chapters. I hope you can understand.

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