Battlefield Contract Worker

Chapter 1669: Dreaming of Baghdad

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"Got it, Captain. We'll always have your back," Cobain replied.

Turning off the communication channel, watching the fire and gunshots get farther and farther behind. Lin Rui leaned in the carriage and fell asleep amid the bumps. He was so tired that day, and the injury to his head and the blood loss from his arms left him weak. He looked at the distant firelight in the darkness and fell asleep.

That burning battlefield is going away, as if even his own soul is going away, drifting away. Only the shelling and gunfire of the Iraqi coalition continued in the distance.

"Goodbye, Mosul." The cigarette at the corner of the snake's eyes lit up slightly, then dimmed again, just like the chaotic war in the distance.

The players all fell asleep, and they all needed rest. About a few hours later, Sergey pulled over to the side of the road. After he got back to the car, let another team member take his place and drive for a while.

Time is tight, they can't stop and rest, they can only drive through such a substitution, so that everyone can guarantee a few hours of sleep, otherwise the later tasks can't be completed, they are fighters, but not iron men. A prolonged lack of sleep can make people unresponsive and unable to concentrate.

Just change people, don't stop. By nine o'clock the next morning, they were almost in Baghdad.

The old Tigris meanders from the city center, the highways that lead in all directions are interspersed with the lush date palm forests, the residential villas are scattered throughout the city, and the temples with golden spires and blue domes are set against the greenery In the blue sky - this is Baghdad in the past, to be precise, Baghdad before the outbreak of the Iraq War.

Then came the devastation after the U.S. occupation of Baghdad under the shadow of international sanctions.

Crazy Horse and Snake Eyes, who had witnessed most of the fighting here, now return to Baghdad to find that the country once known as "the land given by God" is still suffering from the unbearable pain of war.

In downtown Baghdad, the pothole-strewn streets are narrowed by the messy blast walls, and the dusty cars pass by and passersby can only pass by with their noses covered. The bustling Rashid Street near the Grand Bazaar in the old city is now deserted, and some old houses that used to be traditional Baghdad architecture have been empty and dilapidated.

From Saadun Street to Ferdos Square, the US tank pulled down the Saddam sculpture here, symbolizing the end of the old era. Ten years later, the sculpture has long disappeared, but the stone seat below still stands alone in the middle of the dilapidated square. Sewage flows across the perimeter of the plaza, a microcosm of the far-unfinished reconstruction.

In order to strengthen security, the Iraqi government has set up numerous checkpoints on the streets, and suspicious vehicles will be interrogated, but this has also caused serious traffic jams. When there is a traffic jam, everyone is worried. With so many cars and people crowded together, it is even more dangerous to encounter a car bomb. Because of the appearance of foreigners, they are often interrogated here. In addition to checking documents, the soldiers also took the opportunity to chat with foreigners.

In many of Baghdad's neighborhoods, major intersections are blocked by concrete piers, and people have to detour through a small opening guarded by soldiers. In some residential areas, even entire blocks are fenced off with tall blast walls, and entrances and exits are closed late at night. Some Iraqi soldiers joked that living in Baghdad is no different from Gaza in Palestine.

Lin Rui and others showed them the card of the military company. After checking, it may pass. Lincoln turned his head and asked, "If there is an attack, do you think these soldiers are useful?"

"What do you think?" Crazy Horse smiled wryly.

"How do you feel when you come back? I don't know how many of our partners are still alive." Snake Eyes turned his head to look at Crazy Horse Road.

Crazy Horse was silent for a while, "Who knows? Last time I met one in South Africa, I didn't talk much, so I left in a hurry. It's been a long time since I left, and the pain of war may not need to be repeated. In war, A person's life disappears faster than the fireworks dissipate, even making you wonder if it's real. Everything becomes calm, as calm as water."

"Never mind, man. At least we're still alive." Snakeeye patted him on the shoulder.

"Yeah, at least we're still alive." Crazy Horse smiled bitterly.

"Stop talking nonsense, I just want to know, where is that **** warehouse, and how long until we get there?" Lin Rui whispered.

Jiangan glanced at the GPS locator and said in a low voice, "There are still three kilometers, are we driving there?"

"No, stop the car first. We can't break in without any knowledge or preparation. At least we need to get the basic information in the warehouse." Lin Rui whispered.

"But how can we get their basic information if we don't get close?" Sergey frowned.

"There is a thing called remote reconnaissance, Cobain hacked into the security system of the warehouse, and if he succeeded, he could control all the surveillance systems there. He will use those surveillance to scout for us, which is better than we rush in rashly. Much more reliable." Lin Rui whispered.

"Okay, what do we do, just wait here?" Sergey frowned.

"This is a good idea." Lin Rui waved his hand. "But you have to go out and find the nearest pharmacy. I have a fever. Although the wound on my arm has been burned, it may still be infected."

Yelena touched his forehead and whispered, "You do have a fever. It's best to find a local hospital to re-treat the wound."

"It's okay, I just need some anti-inflammatory drugs. At least it will be fine for a day or two." Lin Rui shook his head. "Anyway, let's talk about it after this task is completed."

The chief parked the car on the side of the road, and Lin Rui moved his hands and feet after getting out of the car. Although there was some fever, it did not affect his normal movements. Sergey's efficiency is very good. After ten minutes, he found medicine for No matter when, the thief can always find what he wants at the first time. ' Sergey handed him the medicine triumphantly.

"Do you understand Arabic?" Snake looked suspiciously at the box and said, "Isn't it because you found some cold medicine for him?"

The rest of the mercenaries also burst into laughter. The chief is an Arab. He took it over and looked at it and said, "Actually, you are really blaming him. The Russian guy didn't get cold medicine."

"That's fine, just any anti-inflammatory drug that works." Lin Rui said while moving his neck.

"But it's—that kind of medicine. It's the kind that men use when they're out of power, you understand?" the chief smiled bitterly.

"Fuck you, Russian, you dead illiterate." Lin Rui was stunned, and then he laughed too. He threw the medicine back to Sergey, "Keep it for yourself to deal with those African girls, bastard." All the other mercenaries laughed.

At this moment, Cobain's communication came.

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