Battlefield Contract Worker

Chapter 1670: silent raid

Genius 3 seconds to remember the website address【】

"Captain, are you there?" Cobain's voice asked.

Lin Rui made a gesture to silence the surrounding team members, and said solemnly, "It's me, how is the situation?"

"We did six hours of surveillance and basically figured out their personnel configuration. There are more than 20 armed personnel, and 35 cameras and surveillance devices in the whole area, and the defense is very strict." Cobain replied, "During the day and The patrol routes on duty at night are different, and it can be seen that they are arranged and deployed in a targeted manner.”

"How is their armament?" Lin Rui frowned.

"The good news is that they don't have heavy weapons, they are individual self-defense weapons for guards. The mp5 submachine gun is the main one. I suggest you enter the duty room after entering, control the people inside, and then move. In this case, they will not be able to Using monitoring and communication equipment to communicate will be easier to deal with." Cobain whispered.

"Good job, mark the route on the actuary's tactical computer. We need your assistance throughout the entire operation. Because you can observe things we can't observe through their surveillance video." Lin Rui said solemnly road.

"Understood, the command is yours, and I will assist you," Cobain replied.

Lin Rui made a gesture to Jiang An, Jiang An immediately took out the tactical computer, and quickly received the information from Kebain. It includes the floor plan of the warehouse and the entry route label, which is marked in great detail. Specific to each position, how many people will be on duty.

Lin Rui nodded, "Very well, these are very important to us."

Cobain replied, "I suggest you act after forty minutes, which should be their shift time. This is the best time to get into their shift control room."

Lin Rui nodded, "Okay, let's act now." He turned to all the team members and said, "This is the last part of this mission, whether or not we can take this warehouse will affect the final result of the mission. Put the muffler on, try to be as stealthy as possible, we can't make too much noise. Because this shipment is unusual.

Under the contract, we couldn't even let Iraqi government forces find out. Only after the situation is completely under control, contact our employer and let the US military come over to receive it. Do you understand? "

"Do I need to wear a gas mask?" Sergey frowned.

"It doesn't matter whether you bring it or not. We don't have full-body protective equipment. If any weapon-grade chemical agent leaks, one will die horizontally and vertically. So remember, after entering the warehouse, you must not shoot indiscriminately. Otherwise, not only We will be finished, everyone in this area, and even Baghdad, causing a large number of civilian casualties." Jiangan looked at the team members and said.

Lin Rui and others came to the periphery of the warehouse without a trace. The towering wire fence was made of a special material, with high strength, and ordinary wire scissors could not be broken at all. Inside are huge storage facilities, guarded at the door. However, Lin Rui and others did not enter through the door. Under the guidance of Cobain, they came to the side closest to the control room.

Lin Rui stuck his head out and looked around, waved his hand, "Action!"

Sergey rushed over quickly, he quickly crouched down in front of the wire fence, and took out an item from his bag. I smeared the wire fence with a circle of soft glue-like thing, and then quickly flashed to the side. The chief was in charge of the ignition, and soon the thermite began to burn violently, instantly burning a hole in the purse seine.

The burnt purse seine was still smoking green smoke, and Sergey had dexterously jumped in, rolled quickly, pressed his body against the wall, and looked to the side with guns in both hands. "Safe!" he gestured to the others.

"The above is the control room. We go directly to the second floor from the outer stairs, and then enter from the west side of the control room. Action!" Lin Rui said solemnly. The stairs stopped at the door. After listening to the voice inside, he made a gesture to Sergey to open the door.

Sergey lowered his head and quickly opened the lock with his own lock-picking tool. In less than a minute, the door lock slammed softly. Sergey nodded to Lin Rui and stepped aside. Lin Rui held the gun with one hand and slowly opened the door with the other hand. There was no one inside, and according to the map, the monitoring duty room should be at the other end. Lin Rui made a gesture of safety to the players behind him, then bent down and walked in.

This is a typical warehouse building with steel structures everywhere. The military boots could make a metallic sound when they stepped on the floor, so Lin Rui kept his pace as slow as possible, lest the footsteps disturb the people inside, and the other team members followed.

Lin Rui stopped in front of the monitoring room and made a gesture to the team members behind him: four people are downstairs, two are left at the door upstairs, and the sniper is responsible for monitoring the downstairs window. The team members who received the order began to act.

Lin Rui took a deep breath, he still liked this rhythm. Silently infiltrating, killing people invisibly, is what o2 is really good at, compared to attacking tough positions. Holding the gun, he pulled the bolt very quietly. Then he gestured to Crazy Horse beside him, three, two, one! ! !

Crazy Horse suddenly kicked the door, and then rushed forward with Lin Rui. After Lin Rui and Crazy Horse rushed in, they immediately opened fire. The two were back to back, each responsible for one direction. The two security guards who were watching the newspaper and drinking coffee in front of the monitoring equipment were a little surprised, and in a daze, they fell to the ground.

Lin Rui and Crazy Horse are both the best commandos in o2, with fast reaction times, decisive and ruthless shots, and high efficiency. Lin Rui moved while shooting, and two armed security guards came in through the side door. Lin Rui calmly moved the muzzle, "Da Da Da!" The three consecutive bursts were extremely lethal at such a distance.

The two armed security guards were immediately shot back a few steps and fell to the At the same time, on the other side, Crazy Horse also opened fire continuously, killing the other staff on duty in the room. The whole process, from the moment they broke in to the end of the battle, only took a few seconds. They made several moves, aiming and firing. There were no more openings left in the room.

Lin Rui walked over and kicked the armed security guard on the ground. After confirming that he was dead, he breathed a sigh of relief and said in the team communication channel, "Second floor is safe. The command room is under control."

"It's safe downstairs, we cleared six people." Sandro's report came through the headset.

"Well done, stay alert downstairs. Wait for the next order." Lin Rui whispered.

Kishi walked in from behind them and quickly connected his tactical computer to the computer in the control room.

"The target is in warehouse No. 7, marked as medical supplies, hazardous chemicals." Jiangan tapped on the keyboard, staring at the screen and whispered.

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