Be A Lord Starting Today

Chapter 130 Research On Muskets【5/7】【Seventh Subscription】

Don Juan has always been a straight guy...

He never guesses about girls' minds.

After eating, Don Juan received a good message.

A firearm called the revolver has been developed.

Hearing this news, Don Juan was overjoyed.

Firearms, finally fire came out.

When Don Juan left, he left the City of Oblique Moon and entered the map of my world.

The research and development of firearms and other weapons has always been carried out in my world map.

In my world map, it can prevent information leakage very well.

It can be said to be 12 points safe.

Revolving muskets, this kind of muskets are more popular than the northern matchlock guns.

The matchlock gun has a hook on the barrel behind it, and the matchlock is fixed on the hook.

After igniting the matchlock, pull the trigger, the hook will rotate around the bearing, just hitting the gunpowder leaking from the breech fire door, and the burning matchlock ignites the gunpowder, thereby igniting the gunpowder and launching the projectile .

However, the disadvantages of matchlock guns are also extremely obvious. First of all, matchlock guns

Soldiers who use matchlock guns must carry a few meters long matchlock on their body.

Although the matchlock on the matchlock gun burns slowly, it does not mean that it will not burn out.

Usually after a few rounds, the match will burn out.

The matchlock had to be replaced.

Therefore, the process of changing the matchlock and reloading is extremely slow, which also greatly slows down the rate of fire of the matchlock gun.

And the arquebus has another very obvious disadvantage.

That is, if the fire rope gets wet, it will not be usable.

This also led to the fact that if it is raining, the matchlock will lose its effect and cannot be used anymore.

Moreover, when the match was lit, sparks accidentally fell on the ammunition bag on the soldier's body, which would cause the explosion of the ammunition belt on the soldier's body, which was extremely dangerous.

Moreover, the use of matchlock guns does not allow sneak attacks at night.

Because at night, the light produced when the arquebus burns will reveal the position of the arquebus shooter himself.

The even more obvious disadvantage is that the operation of the matchlock gun is extremely complicated.

Someone in the previous life calculated that the complete operation of the matchlock gun, from raising the gun, aiming, shooting, to reloading, changing the matchlock, lighting the matchlock, blowing out the matchlock, etc., is divided into twenty-five extremely complex operations. step!

In these steps, even the most excellent, most agile and accurate person can only shoot two or three rounds per minute.

The accuracy and range of matchlock guns are extremely poor.

The shooting range is less than a hundred meters away, and the accuracy is not to mention.

So for this reason, that is why, the matchlock gun cannot be used for volleyball shooting.

Rate of fire, range, all too bad.

This is also the reason why Don Juan had developed the matchlock gun before, but it was not used by the army, but continued to be developed.

And now, Don Juan got a notification from Minecraft.

The matchlock gun has been improved, the matchlock has been abandoned, and replaced with sawtoothed steel wheels, chains, springs, hammers and other devices.

There is a flint on the hammer head, and the fine teeth on the surface of the steel wheel rub against the flint to ignite the gunpowder.

Before the soldiers shoot, they need to use a small wrench to roll the chain. During the process of rolling the chain, the spring is compressed, and the spring opens to drive the steel wheel to rotate. The whole process is like the clockwork of an alarm clock.

After the flint installed on it rubs against the toothed steel wheel, sparks will be generated by friction, which will ignite the gunpowder in the fire door!

This is a very simple device full of technology and whimsy.

Although it sounds that the technology required to write this device is not high, but otherwise, there is only a small spring in it, and it is impossible for people of this era to make it with the technology of this era!

Even if a spring is produced through untold hardships, it is impossible to meet the qualified requirements.

Only Oblique Moon City, which has a smelting furnace, can manufacture such parts.

When Don Juan heard this description, his eyes lit up.

He knows what it is, isn't this a revolver.

The predecessor of the flintlock, something far more advanced than the matchlock.

With the revolver, the development of the flintlock "is just around the corner.

Don Juan immediately entered my world, he wanted to take a good look at what this revolver looked like.

"My lord, you are here."

When Don Juan entered the testing site, he saw a few muskets placed on a craftsman's table.

The whole body is painted with a layer of black paint, and some simple patterns are carved on the wooden gun stock for decoration.

These people who experimented with firearms actually knew nothing about fire before.

…0 for flowers…………

Most of them are carpenters, and a few loyal blacksmiths were found among the refugees from outside, and they joined the project of developing firearms.

For them, Don Juan just described to them the principle and function of muskets, and gave them a direction.

And it turns out!

What stands in the way of people's research on desire is that they are not sure whether a thing exists or not.

Before developing something, people will spend time looking at it to determine whether this kind of thing is feasible, whether this kind of thing really exists, and whether it can really be manufactured.

And once determined, the existence of this kind of thing is indeed a fact, and it can indeed be manufactured.

Then, people have a goal and a direction.


And once a person has a clear goal and the right direction, can he be far from success?

In addition, in Don Juan’s Oblique Moon City, there is a smelter that looks like a plug-in. As long as you can think of any parts, the smelter can use very unreasonable molds to make this thing Make it!

If there is no smelter, just the manufacturing technology, the steel strength problem, and the barrel manufacturing problem, at least these craftsmen will be busy for several years, or even more than ten years, and they will not be able to produce a qualified firearm.

But all of this is not a problem in front of the smelter!

As long as you have enough ideas, you can let go! Go make it!

Just like that, it took nearly two months to go from matchlock gun to revolver, which is still slow!

The smelter is so unreasonable, the smelter can do whatever it wants! The smelter is such a fraud!

It can even be said that the map of mine world is not Don Juan's biggest cheat, but the biggest cheat is this smelter!

Without a smelter, Don Juan would not be able to produce armor, weapons and equipment in a fast, firm, and precise manner like an assembly line.

"Is this the revolver?"

Don Juan looked at the Black musket in his hand and kept observing.

[ps: The muskets will not be installed on a large scale so quickly. Now I just write it out to show that the oblique moon city has the ability to manufacture muskets. Later, when the fire comes, a large-scale replacement will be carried out. 】

[ps: The current form of warfare is still dominated by cold weapons. Small】.

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