Be A Lord Starting Today

Chapter 131 The Whimsical Revolver Gun【6/7】【Seventh Subscription】

The revolver in Don Juan's hand is a firearm with an exposed revolver.

Above the butt handle, the part of the barrel, is used to rotate the hammer, so that the toothed steel wheel that the hammer hits on the fire door is exposed.

This kind of revolver has poor protection for the barrel.

But the advantage is also obvious, that is, it has a full mechanical beauty!

Quite a steampunk style.

And another advantage is that it is very easy to clean up the gunpowder residue in the barrel.

Looking at the 130cm long revolver in his hand, Don Juan couldn't put it down.

"Bring powder and ammunition, and I will try this musket."

Don Juan immediately said to a craftsman.

"Yes, my lord."

The craftsman brought Don Juan the gunpowder and projectiles, as well as the cleaning rod, and the hammer. "seven seven"

"What is this hammer for?"

Don Juan was taken aback.

Isn't the musket in his impression that gunpowder is put into the gun chamber, and then the bullet is stuffed, and finally the bullet and gunpowder are compacted with a cleaning rod, and then the gun is fired?

What is this hammer for?

"My lord, this hammer is used to hit the cleaning rod, so that the cleaning rod can completely compact the bullet into the barrel of the gun.

A craftsman answered at this time.

"When we were experimenting with muskets, we discovered that if there is a gap between the projectile and the barrel, if it is not completely compacted, then the projectile will not be fired at all.

"So, the projectiles we choose are the same size as the barrel. That is to say, when inserting the projectiles, if you don't hit the cleaning rod with a hammer, then the projectiles will not be inserted into the barrel at all."

When the craftsman said this, Don Juan suddenly realized.

I see.

This involves a problem of air tightness.

If there is air in the chamber between the gunpowder pellet and the chamber, the pressure generated by the explosion of the gunpowder will simply not be sufficient to fire the pellet.

Even if it is launched, there is no pressure at all when it hits people.

Only in a truly sealed space, the huge pressure generated by the explosion of gunpowder, this huge energy can really push the projectile, and launch the projectile with full power!

And under the huge pressure generated by the explosion of gunpowder! Once the quality of the gun barrel is not up to standard, there will be a Don Juan and his familiar term, bombing!

Substandard barrels will burst instantly under the enormous pressure created by this gunpowder!

This burst is like a small frag grenade!

The broken steel fragments of the barrel are the fragments of the frag grenade!

They will be fired directly at the shooter himself, inspired by the explosion of gunpowder!

When a general shooter is aiming, the head is close to the barrel of the gun.

So, that's why, when the chamber explodes, the shooter himself is either dead or injured!

Fortunately, so far, even if the craftsmen have wrongly developed matchlock guns and wrongly used gunpowder, there has never been an incident of bombing.

It is because of the quality of the barrel made by the smelter and its excellent hardness!

Even with a hammer, the steel barrel will not be deformed.

Regarding this, Don Juan just wants to say one more thing, the smelter is awesome!

Seeing the craftsman skillfully loaded the gunpowder, and then hit the cleaning rod with a hammer, compacting the projectile into the barrel of the gun, Don Juan frowned.

Although the whole process took about half a minute, the process of using a hammer slowed down the shooting speed.

It would be nice to be able to subtract this process.

Don Juan was thinking deeply.

"My lord."

The craftsman handed the loaded revolver to Don Juan.

Don Juan nodded, and then raised the revolver in his hand.

The range of the revolver gun is about 300 meters.

It is more than 200 meters farther than the matchlock gun.

At one hundred and fifty meters away, there is a target made of steel.

This target is made of steel, very thick, with a thickness of more than ten centimeters, and is generally used for experimenting with muskets.

And the steel target is full of pits and hollows, and it seems that it is often used by craftsmen for trials.

Don Juan pulled the trigger, and at this moment Don Juan, who had been paying attention to the firing device on the barrel, saw it very clearly.

The trigger is connected to the spring, the spring strikes the mainspring, and the steel wheel is driven by the mainspring to rotate.

The jagged surface on the rotating steel wheel rubbed against the flint on the hammer, and at this moment a lot of sparks shot out from the flint!

Hit hard on the fire door containing gunpowder!


A crisp gunshot sounded, and at this moment, a large amount of Black smoke emerged from the barrel of the gun.

And the projectile is instantly shot out by the huge energy generated by the explosion of the gunpowder inside it... 0

A flame flickered from the muzzle of the gun.

The projectile shot straight out, instantly hitting a steel target 150 meters away!

This revolver has matured.

"Cough cough cough cough!"

Don Juan himself was coughing constantly due to the black smoke, and he said to the craftsman: "Why, the black powder used, cough cough cough.

When black powder is used, it will produce a lot of black smoke, and this black smoke is the same as the sparks shot out by flint hitting the fire door, which is why the shooter must close his eyes at the moment of shooting.

And this also affects the accuracy of shooting to a certain extent.

"My lord, although the power of smokeless gunpowder is stronger, which can make muskets more powerful and have a longer range, we don't have a lot of smokeless gunpowder taken out of the creeper's body. The villain is based on the idea of ​​saving money. , so I reluctantly use smokeless gunpowder.”

"In this way, the villain saves one point now, and when the war breaks out in the future, then a soldier will be able to use an extra gunpowder. Maybe this can save the lives of soldiers on the battlefield."

"That's what the villain thinks."

The craftsman said to Don Juan.

"very good."

Don Juan nodded repeatedly.

"Who came up with this rotary firing method?"

asked Don Juan.

"Report to the lord, it was a human idea.

The craftsman touched his head in embarrassment, and then said.

"Oh, you came up with it, how did you come up with it?"

Don Juan asked with great interest.

"When I passed the city gate, I saw the scene when the winch of the city gate was pulled to open the city gate."

"At that time, the villain saw the sparks when the winch was pulled and rubbed against the steel base below.

"At that time, the villain had an idea and thought that this principle could be applied to muskets. In this way, when firing muskets, there would be no need for matchlocks at all. How much work could be saved."

"So the villain began to improve the musket, and finally after several tests, he finally made such a rotary musket.

The craftsman said to Don Juan.

"Very well, very well! What's your name!"

The more Don Juan heard it, the more he felt that this craftsman was a talent, he asked. .

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