Be A Lord Starting Today

Chapter 151: Unexpected Support【Ask For Tickets! 】

"Ah! What a beautiful light.

A tiger adjutant held a transparent gem fragment in his hand, facing the sun in the sky, looking at it shining brightly under the sun, the tiger adjutant expressed emotion

"It seems that those humans are really afraid of us, otherwise they wouldn't have destroyed all these gems, hahahaha!"

Teruk looked at the pile of transparent gem fragments in front of him, and laughed happily.

This time they explored the abandoned barracks, although they didn't find much, but Teluk's inner anger towards Slanted Moon City has subsided.

After finding this "Steel Black Great Shield" and this large pile of transparent-gem fragments.

"There are so many beautiful fragments, looking at the light they emit under the sun, it is hard to imagine how beautiful they must have been before they were broken.

A tiger adjutant said with emotion.

"Don't worry! There must be more such beautiful gems in that human city."

"This also proves that they must be very rich!"

"When our follow-up troops arrive, with the siege ladder and battering ram, we will be able to attack that damned city directly!"

"At that time, those rich and weak humans can only tremble in front of our butcher's knives!"

Teluk pinched a shard of glass in his hand, and said with a sneer with full coldness in his eyes.

"Legion commander, should we make some simple ladders and try to carry out some sieges during this time?"

A Khajiit lieutenant suggested to Teluk.

No one in the vanguard at the moment can build complex ladders, but they can still build some simple ladders that are long enough.

Note that the ladder mentioned here is not the kind of long ladder, but a huge, complex, siege vehicle that can stand on the top.

This is the real ladder.

And those long ladders are just some common ladders, and they are not qualified to be called cloud ladders at all.

"Alright, when the follow-up troops arrive, let's get local materials and build some ladders for use."

Teruk nodded, agreeing to the proposal.

By the third day, the barracks of the Demon Disaster Legion had been initially established.

Moreover, many siege ladders were simply made by them.

"With the ladder this time, even if it is not a ladder, it must be easier to attack the city wall.

"At least, there won't be an embarrassing situation like before where all the soldiers are blocked under the city wall and can't get in!"

Teluk watched the second wave of Tek teams carrying siege ladders ready to set off. It looked at the Slanting Moon City in the distance, with a sneer in its eyes.

Weak human beings, prepare to tremble in front of my evil disaster army!

"This time they got smarter and started building some ladders."

Don Juan sneered as he looked at the troops of the Calamity Legion who were already preparing for the second wave of siege.

"The orcs are starting to attack the city again, huh?"

Don Juan looked at the orcs who were about to attack the city, his expression suddenly changed.

Because of the drumbeat of the Demon Disaster Legion just now, the sound of the horn suddenly changed.

Moreover, those orcs also suddenly began to shrink their troops, seemingly wanting to stop the siege this time.

"what happened?"

"How did these demon orcs stop attacking the city? What happened?"

Seeing this situation, Hu Zun shouted in confusion.

"My lord! To the south, across the river to the south, two armies appeared! One of them looked at the flag, it was the army of the Principality of Wilhelm!"

"The flag of the other army is unknown to us!"

At this time, a messenger who rushed over from the south wall shouted loudly.

"The army of the Principality of Wilhelm? Are they here to support us?"

Don Juan was taken aback for a moment, but his mood immediately became complicated.

He understood the current situation in the Principality of Wilhelm.

Grand Duke Wilhelm led most of the army in the principality and died in the wilderness.

At this moment, there are not many troops left in the Principality of Wilhelm.

And in this situation, Wilhelm II is willing to send troops to support him?

Moreover, there is another army that I don't know coming?

"Finally we're here, cross that river, and you'll see the City of Slanting Moon in front of you!"

"Has the Demon Disaster Legion come so close already!?"

In the south of the oblique moon city, a human army finally arrived here after a period of time.

Wilhelm II looked at Slanting Moon City, which was surrounded by the Demon Calamity Legion, with extremely worried eyes.

The Principality of Wilhelm is very close to the edge of the wilderness and the City of the Oblique Moon.

Wilhelm II retreated back to the Duchy of Wilhelm after Duke Wilhelm died in the wilderness to consolidate the duchy's defenses.

But Wilhelm II paid close attention to the wilderness.

Earlier, Wilhelm II's scouts left in the wilderness had already discovered the demon-scourge orc army that was advancing towards the city of the oblique moon.

…0 for flowers……

That was almost a week ago.

But because the scout went deeper into the wilderness, the scout was discovered by the Demon Disaster Legion.

Before dying, scouts from the Principality of Wilhelm released a carrier pigeon.

This pigeon was trained because of Wilhelm II's whimsy. Strictly speaking, the unreliable carrier pigeon did not live up to Wilhelm II's expectations, and successfully brought the news of the disaster army back to the Principality of Wilhelm.

And because of this, Xieyue City did not get any news from the Demon Disaster Legion.

Because the carrier pigeon will not stay in the oblique moon city.

After receiving the subpoena, it was determined that the number of the Devil's Disaster Legion was around 20,000. Wilhelm II was not depressed, nor did he have the time to rule out the envoys to communicate with Slanted Moon City.

He summoned the nobles of the Principality of Wilhelm, and led the last remaining troops of the Principality of Wilhelm, only 5,000 people, to march towards the city of the oblique moon.

Support Don Juan went.

Because to them, the Oblique Moon City is not only the Oblique Moon City, but also a fortress erected between the edge of the wilderness and the Principality of Wilhelm.

If the Oblique Moon City is breached, then the Principality of Wilhelm will be directly exposed to the sharp blade of the Scourge Legion!

This is a very simple truth, and Wilhelm II can still see it clearly.

If Crescent Moon City is finished, then their Principality of Wilhelm is also finished.

"According to the information that Baron Don Juan told me, the strength of the oblique moon city should be more than 3,000.

"And now I bring the last five thousand people of the Principality of Wilhelm."

"Together, we only have 8,000 people, and now, it seems that the number of demon disaster corps besieging Xieyue City is more than 20,000."

"Eight thousand against twenty thousand, this battle will be very difficult, but we can't lose!"

"If we lose, then the Principality of Wilhelm will be over! I am even more sorry for the dead father!"

Riding on his horse, Wilhelm II took a deep breath, with an extremely firm look in his eyes.


At this moment, there were bursts of horns sounding from afar.

"Damn it, those disgusting orcs have started to attack the oblique moon city!"

"I hope that the oblique moon city can survive this round of siege and wait for my support."

"All speed up! We must rush to the river outside the oblique moon city and set up camp there!"

Wilhelm II's expression changed, and he immediately roared loudly. .

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