Be A Lord Starting Today

Chapter 152: The Oblique Moon City That Her Royal Highness Misses So Much [Ask For Tickets! 】

"My lord! In our east, there is another army coming to us!"

And just when Wilhelm II rushed to the river and was about to let the troops set up camp, a knight came to him on a horse and said loudly.

"Another army? What's going on!"

Wilhelm II was shocked, why would there be an extra army?

"Recognize their flag?"

Wilhelm II asked immediately.

"They fly the imperial banner!"

The knight said loudly.

"The flag of the imperial family? It's the army of the empire. I didn't expect the army of the empire to arrive at last!"

Wilhelm II felt ecstasy in his heart.

"How many of them?! Thank goodness the Empire finally sent us reinforcements! Nine two three""

Although Wilhelm II sent troops because he was deceived by the empire before, a large number of troops died in the wilderness, including his father, Grand Duke Wilhelm I.

But at this juncture, Wilhelm II could not show any dissatisfaction with the imperial troops who came to support them.

"It seems that there are only about 3,000 people."

The knight replied.

"Three thousand people?"

Wilhelm II had an unconcealable disappointment on his face.

"Sure enough, it's not a large army of the empire. I'm afraid it's the army of a prince of the empire..."

"Forget it, 3,000 people is 3,000 people. After all, our military strength has increased a bit, and we have a better chance of winning."

"Let's camp by the river, we can also deter those evil disaster legions. Let's send someone to contact the troops of the imperial royal family first, and see which prince's army it is."

"Hope is the First Prince's army.

Wilhelm II said so.

The eldest prince is recognized by the empire as the prince with the strongest military strength.

Even among those dukes and nobles, the strength of the eldest prince should not be underestimated.

And when these two suddenly extra armies camped across the river to the south of the oblique moon city.

Teruk, the head of the Devil's Disaster Legion, is a big tiger.

"How could these human armies suddenly appear!?"

Teruk hastily called off the attack.

When he came to the camp of the Demon Scourge Corps in the east, he roared angrily when he saw the human troops camped on the other side of the river!

"Damn it, these human armies seem to have nearly 10,000 people, and they are on the other side of the river. We don't have the ability to make ships to cross the river to attack them!"

Teruk was extremely angry, he said through gritted teeth.

Now, the Demon Disaster Legion is in a very embarrassing situation.

They didn't have the ability to build boats to cross the river.

But the human legion will definitely have this ability.

Now let’s talk about the situation in Slanting Moon City.

To the north of the oblique moon city is the direction to go deep into the wilderness. The five thousand people of the Teluk Legion are the headquarters of Teluk and are stationed here.

On the east and west sides, in both directions, 10,000 demon disaster corps were stationed here, forming a form of encircling the city of the oblique moon.

Of course, it is impossible for Teruk to know what Wei San Que Yi is.

Because this Wei San Que Yi was formed by coincidence.

To the south of Crescent Moon City, near the direction of the Principality of Wilhelm, is a river.

The south wall of Xieyue City was close to the river, and it was impossible for the Demon Disaster Legion to station troops, so the south wall was not attacked from the beginning to the end.

And because the city wall on the south side of the oblique moon city is close to the river, they cannot deploy troops on the south side.

But at this moment, it has reached an impasse.

If the evil disaster army attacked the oblique moon city, it would be impossible to attack with all its strength.

Because there are nearly ten thousand human troops on the other side of the river.

Then the evil disaster legion in the west and east must hold against the human troops on the other side of the river, beware of their sudden attack.

In this way, only the north wall can be attacked by the evil disaster army.

However, the number of the demon disaster army in the north is less than 5,000 people at this moment. Facing the strong city wall of the oblique moon city, Teluk doesn't think that without the help of the other two sides, only 5,000 people can capture the entire oblique moon city .

"Damn dammit dammit!"

Teruk roared extremely angrily: "If we attack from three sides together, it won't be long before we can take down that city, but now, why are there so many human troops suddenly!?"

"And those bastard human troops are still on the other side of the river. Our vanguard troops don't have the technology to build ships, so we can't beat them even if we want to. Disgusting humans!"

A tiger adjutant said very angrily... 0

At this moment, they generally feel that it is because of the sudden appearance of the human army that they have not succeeded in capturing the oblique moon city. Otherwise, with the help of the siege ladder, attacking from three sides at once, they must have captured the oblique moon city long ago city!

"Legion Commander, look quickly. The human camp has sent two small boats. They are starting to cross the river. They seem to be approaching the southern wall of the city."

"They are going to contact the human forces in the city!"

At this time, a tiger officer suddenly shouted.

"Is there a way to stop them?!"

Teluk asked immediately.

"Legion Commander, we, we have no way to stop them.

"They are floating on the river, and we can't hit them at this distance. At this moment, our vanguard troops don't have the ability to build ships. All the orc artisans are despised by us and will slow down their progress, leaving it to the follow-up troops."

The tiger officer said in a very embarrassing way. 4.4 "Damn it!"

Teluk could only watch helplessly as the hanging ropes and the large frame were lowered on the southern city wall, and those human nobles entered the large frame from the boat, and then were pulled up by the defenders on the city wall.

"Is this the Oblique Moon City that Her Royal Highness has been thinking of?"

"It turned out to be like this. Sure enough, only such a city can make Her Royal Highness never forget it.

"It's so great, with so many tall buildings, the capital of the empire can't compare with this city.

The few nobles who successfully climbed the city wall of the oblique moon city all stared wide-eyed, looking at the concrete and reinforced concrete buildings everywhere in the city, with an unconcealable shock.

[ps: Let’s just let’s go to the fifth update for today, and continue with the seventh update tomorrow. 】.

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