Be A Lord Starting Today

Chapter 153 Anvi Miya's Troop【1/7】【Seventh Subscription】

"Is this the inside of the oblique moon city?

"I've only seen it from the outside, but I didn't expect it to look like this. It's not a big city, but the buildings inside look extremely majestic!"

Wilhelm II also boarded the south wall together, and he stared at everything in the city.

The cement and reinforced concrete buildings are arranged in an orderly manner, and the top-floor attic buildings with Chinese civilization characteristics are above the buildings.

The buildings with Chinese characteristics are erected on top of various cement and reinforced concrete buildings. If a modern person sees it, this is a perfect combination of modern and ancient characteristics.

But for people in this era who have never even seen modern buildings on Earth, this is really a brand new and unique civilized building.

Unlike any other city.

"Grand Duke Wilhelm."

At this time, Don Juan was wearing armor, and he brought his soldiers to meet Wilhelm II and others.

After the death of Grand Duke Wilhelm, Wilhelm II succeeded the position of duke and became the new Grand Duke Wilhelm.

"Baron Don Juan."

Wilhelm II made a noble salute to Don Juan. 30

From the point of view of class, Wilhelm II is a duke, while Don Juan is only a baron, so there is no need for Wilhelm II to salute Don Juan.

But at this moment, Wilhelm II still felt that it was necessary to have enough respect for such a border baron who stood on the border of the wilderness and was able to block danger from the Principality of Wilhelm.

"You are Baron Don Juan."

At this time, an old nobleman who looked a little old and had a sick face on his face nodded lightly to Don Juan.

"I don't know who you are?"

Don Juan has always respected the old man and asked.

"I am Earl Chesley. I have come to support the City of the Oblique Moon under the order of Her Royal Highness the Princess."

"We belong to the army closest to the oblique moon city from Her Royal Highness, and I hope that Baron Don Juan will not dislike our small number.

Earl Chesley saluted Don Juan briefly, and then said.

"No, how come, you can come to support at this critical juncture, when everyone has given up the wilderness, I am very grateful."

Don Juan smiled and said to them.

Although it is a polite remark, it also represents Don Juan's sincerity.

Because at such a juncture, all the nobles avoided the wilderness, and some people could lead the army to the wilderness to support the city of the oblique moon, which in itself deserves respect from Don Juan.

And Don Juan also understood in his heart that the two armies that appeared on the opposite side of the river, one belonged to the Principality of Wilhelm, and the other belonged to Anvimia.

Anvi Miya mentioned to Don Juan before that they need to send people to support Xieyue City and help Xieyue City defend the city wall.

But was rejected by Don Juan.

The reason is naturally that the oblique moon city is too small, and there is simply no room for so many troops in the city.

But Tang Juan didn't expect that Anvimiya didn't listen to Don Juan's words, and she still sent troops to Slanting Moon City.

And it seems that this troop was dispatched a long time ago, but it was only because of the long distance that they rushed back to Xiecheng now.

But it was just right.

"How many troops do you have loaded together?"

Don Juan talked a lot, and asked straightforwardly.

"I have brought five thousand people, this is the Duchy of Wilhelm, the last troops."

Wilhelm II sighed.

"Three thousand people."

Earl Chesley said.

"Including the four thousand people in Xieyue City, that's twelve thousand people."

Don Juan rubbed his chin, thinking.

"There are 12,000 people, and the number of the demon disaster army that surrounded the oblique moon city should be around 25,000 people.

"The enemy's strength is at least twice that of ours at this moment."

Wilhelm II frowned, clearly distressed.

The orcs of the Devil's Disaster Legion are generally physically fit, and their individual combat capabilities are stronger than ordinary human soldiers, but now, they are even inferior to the Devil's Disaster Legion in number.

"It seems that this battle will be very difficult."

Earl Chesley sighed and said.

"Twenty-five thousand orcs are nothing, but what we need to worry about now is the follow-up troops of the orcs."

Don Juan waved his hand and said.

"Following orc troops?! Do they have reinforcements?"

Wilhelm II was taken aback and asked hastily.

"Yes, this is only the vanguard of the orcs. According to our speculation, they will have at least three follow-up troops coming.

"I just don't know when they will come."

Don Juan said.

"Then this battle is getting more and more difficult."

Earl Chesley shook his head and sighed.

"So, before the enemy's follow-up troops support, we have to "quickly win!"

Don Juan clenched his right hand violently in the air, and said.

"A quick fix?"

Both Wilhelm II and Earl Chesley were taken aback.

"How to make a quick decision?"

"Come and see."

Don Juan took Wilhelm II and Count Chesley to the northern wall.

"The soldiers in the oblique moon city are so elite, Baron Don Juan, are all the soldiers in the oblique moon city equipped with such armor?"

Earl Chesley opened his eyes and looked at the sergeants who were wearing JS-1 sergeant armor and carrying the supplies for the defense back and forth. He was horrified and said. 450 "Approximately."

Don Juan answered casually.

"Before I saw Baron Don Juan lead the troops, I was amazed that there were so many elite knights with full body armor in the oblique moon city, but I didn't expect that the entire army in the oblique moon city was like this.

"Such an army, even if there are only 4,000 people, is quite terrifying."

Wilhelm II couldn't help but gasped.

"Come on, look, the troops stationed in the north of the disaster army, have you found anything?"

Don Juan pointed to the headquarters of Teluk on the back and asked the two of them.

"That legion, that banner!!"

Wilhelm II looked at the bloody Red flag fluttering in the opposite sky, his eyes suddenly widened, covered with bloodshot eyes, his hands pressed against the city wall violently, his veins bulging.

"It's the Teluk Legion!"

"The Legion that we confronted head-on in the wilderness!"

"It is also a very elite army among the evil disaster army."


"It is also the evil disaster army that broke through the defense of my father's army head-on, the Teluk army!"

At the end of Wilhelm II's speech, his voice gradually became quieter, but he could still clearly feel the hatred in his voice.

"I didn't expect him to be the first to rush to the edge of the wilderness this time."

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