Be A Lord Starting Today

Chapter 169 My Emperor Is So Incompetent 【6/10】

"Our enemies have not been completely wiped out, they are just a forward force, and I believe that in the next few days, more enemies will surely make a comeback."

Don Juan looked at all the quiet people, and he spoke loudly.

"However, the people of my oblique moon city, don't worry, no matter how many people they come, they will fall before oblique moon city!"

"No one can hurt you."

"The army in the oblique moon city is the real army for protection!"

"The rising sun in the sky symbolizes the rise of our oblique moon city!"

Don Juan pointed to the rising sun in the east, and said loudly.

"The brilliance of the firefly dares to compete with the bright moon!"

"No one can defeat us, people, believe that no one can defeat us.

"We are the most powerful force in this world!"

"No one can defeat us!!"

Having said this, Don Juan raised his hand violently!

"Nobody can beat us!"

"Long live the lord!!"

"Long live the oblique moon city!! The oblique moon city must win!!"

"Guard our oblique moon city!"

One call and one hundred responses, what is being said is now, countless people are all raising their arms and shouting, and they all seem to be in a frenzy, and they are all shouting loudly.

At this time, Don Juan pressed his hands down, signaling to be quiet.

And at this time, it was possible to see Don Juan's terrifying influence among them.

The people began to quiet down very consciously.

Quietly listening to Don Juan's next words.

"The next thing I want to talk about is the people of Slanting Moon City."

"Everything in the city is working as usual, and only with our continuous efforts can we build the oblique moon city into a stronger one.

"And during this period, the wages of all workers are doubled, and the parents of the students don't have to worry about the school's problems.

"There will be nothing that will affect the children's learning."

"They need knowledge and they desire knowledge."

"So for the next period of time, the school will open as usual, and the students will go to school as usual."

After Tang Juan finished his last words, he said: "Everyone in the city of the oblique moon, let's go. I believe that victory is very normal and routine in the city of the oblique moon."

After the crowd dispersed spontaneously, Don Juan breathed a sigh of relief.

To be honest, Don Juan doesn't think he is a person suitable for speaking, but judging from the public's reaction at the moment, well, it seems that he is very successful.

Even in war, schools don't stop learning!

This principle must still be adhered to.

Students are so thirsty for knowledge.

Can't let them down.

"Did you notice?"

Chesley on the attic said to the servant next to him.

"Well, the commoners of Slanting Moon City really love Baron Don Juan, if every noble lord of the empire can make the commoners love him so much.

The waiter said with admiration.

"No, I didn't mean that."

Chesley shook his head at the servant, and said.


The servant was taken aback.

I didn't understand what Chesley was going to say.

"School, the word."

Chesley held out a finger, and said.

"Is there anything special about this word? I don't quite understand it.

The servant shook his head.

The word school is not common in this era, and many people don't understand what it means.

But Chesley is different. When he was young, he actually tried to unlock the true meaning of the word.

However, he failed.

Chesley never imagined that he would be able to hear this word again in Crescent Moon City after decades of becoming emperor.

For a moment, Chesley seemed to feel that he had returned to the age when he was young and a prince.

At that time, Chesley was young and energetic, trying to challenge the authority of the church (daef).

He wants to open schools and open the wisdom of common people.

But, he failed, failed completely.

If young Chesley wants to become emperor, he must obtain the support of the church.

If there is no support from the church, then he is not the legal emperor of the Karla German Empire, and no noble will recognize his legitimacy.

And Chesley wants to build schools and build common people's wisdom, which is to completely challenge the authority of the church.

In the end, Chesley compromised.

He compromised with the church and finally became emperor.

There was a moment of trance in Chesley's eyes.

"I didn't expect that what I didn't accomplish when I was young, was accomplished by a baron here, in such a small oblique moon city."

"Come on, let's go to Don Juan."

Chesley shook his head, showing a mocking smile.

This is his mockery of his own incompetence.

After being an emperor for decades, he can't do anything.

Want to create a school, open the people's wisdom, failed.

Want to initiate reforms, change the aristocratic system, failed.

I want to open the civilian examination, so that some civilians who have accidental knowledge can pass the examination and become some petty officials, or obtain titles and become nobles.


I want to start a new commercial policy, improve the commercial economy of the empire, allow more commoners to become merchants, and break the limitation of nobles controlling the lifeline of the economy.

Still a failure of failures.

In the past few decades, Chesley, who became the emperor, had great ambitions and once wanted to change the world.

But in the end, he found out.

Even if he became emperor.

Still nothing.

The Church will not take him seriously.

Every time he tried to start a reform to challenge the authority of the church, but ultimately ended in failure.

Not only that, every time because of his reforms, the churches are all strengthening the power of the aristocratic system.

As a result, over the past few decades, the reform has not been done well, but the empire has become weaker and weaker

The nobles are getting more and more corrupt.

Countless feudal nobles are like maggots, corroding the foundation of this powerful empire.

Over the years, Chesley has seen the decline of the empire and the corruption of the nobles.

So, Chesley was tired, and he had been sick all these years, but it was weird that he couldn't die of illness.

He wants to lead his troops to the wilderness by himself, and fight the evil disaster to the death.

I hope that I will die on the battlefield.

And when the old, incompetent Emperor Chesley in everyone's eyes found those nobles, they disappointed Chesley even more. .

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