Be A Lord Starting Today

Chapter 170 The Ambition Of The Old Emperor【7/10】【Ten More For Subscription】

When Chesley found them and asked them to help him send troops, none of the nobles in the empire were willing to send troops.

The rhetoric Chesley got was nothing more than: "Magic disaster, it's too far away from the empire, what do you care about him?"

"Aren't the Grand Duke Wilhelm, Earl Yordle, and the armies of several other countries all in the wilderness? Then we don't need to send troops."

"The empire supports those duchies, what does the kingdom do? Isn't it to let them resist the evil disaster?"

"They are currently sending troops to resist the evil disaster. I believe it will not take long before they will win. So, Your Majesty, we don't need to send troops at all."

On the wrinkled face of the aged Chesley, those cloudy eyes stared blankly at the nobles who kept arguing with each other.

He was disappointed, he was utterly disappointed.

Perhaps, what the empire needs is not reform, but destruction.

After destruction, comes new life.

However, Chesley knew that he was old.

Nothing more can be done.

And as an emperor, it's ridiculous to say that such an emperor doesn't even have his own private army!

yes, no!

Because of what he has done these years, the church has deprived him of the right to have a private army as an emperor.

Therefore, Chesley can only take his only trusted servant and go to the wilderness alone.

Then they met on the way and went to the wilderness together, and were ordered by Anvimiya to support the troops in the oblique moon city.

In the end, he followed Anwei Miya's troops and came to the city of the oblique moon.

But today, after seeing all kinds of differences in Xieyue City.

Today, when Don Juan heard "school" such a word that he had forgotten for decades.

Chesley woke up.

He was completely enlightened.

Perhaps, Slanting Moon City is just such a small city now.

It will be the hope of common people in the whole continent.

Maybe, when I was young, I can see all the ambitions and ambitions completed in the oblique moon city!

The waiter looked at Chesley, who was walking down the stairs with a straight back and a rosy face, and he widened his eyes in disbelief in shock.

Chesley was already old and bent, but at this moment, he became extremely straight!

If it weren't for the old face still full of wrinkles, the servant might feel that he has returned to the age when the emperor in front of him was still young!

And at this moment, a sergeant in armor was also going upstairs, and ran into Chesley head-on.

"Hello, my lord invites you to the breakfast banquet, and also invites you to come with me."

The sergeant bowed slightly to Chesley, and said.

"Well, open the way. 11

Chesley stood with his hands behind his back, and an unspeakable aura suddenly exuded from his whole body.

The sergeant couldn't help but look at the old man more.

He remembered that when the old man first arrived, he looked sick and dying.

"Could it be the effect of the healing potion poured down?"

The sergeant said doubtfully in his heart, but he didn't show anything on his face. He was leading the way for Chesley and his servants.

Passing the main road of Oblique Moon City, Chesley walked on such a city road with full of energy. ,

Looking at the energetic people coming and going on the street, Chesley's old face was smiling like a blossoming flower.

"The people of Oblique Moon City seem to be living happily."

Chesley spoke.

"Yes, my lord, I am a local resident of the oblique moon city. I have lived here for more than ten years. Just half a year ago, before the lord came to the oblique moon city, it was still an extremely poor place, all of which were wooden, backward and poor. small town.

"Only half a year ago, there were not so many buildings in Xieyue City."

The sergeant spoke with emotion.

"Don Juan came here half a year ago?"

When Chesley heard this, he was stunned.

"Yeah, I remember it very clearly. Half a year ago, Xieyue City was still Xieyue Town. At that time, we could only eat one meal a day, and if we were lucky, we could eat two meals, and what we ate were the worst dregs. Now this kind of food is fed to pigs and even pigs don’t eat it.”

"I can't eat anything like white bread, white flour, rice, honey, watermelon, vegetables, meat, sugar, salt, etc."

"At that time, everyone was even more naked. In a family of three, only one person could have a complete top and bottom. Children even ran around naked without clothes every day."

Said the sergeant, he was very impressed with the previous days.

…0 for flowers……………

"But now, look, after the lord has come, we have everything."

Chesley stared blankly at the obviously wealthy people passing by on the street.

Only at this time did Chesley realize that even he, the emperor of the empire, had never seen the clothes and fabrics worn by these Common people.

It is not necessarily possible to wear clothes made of such fine fabrics.

On the street, there are some breakfast shops that have opened their doors.

The smell of meat buns spread to the street, filled Chesley's nasal cavity, and impacted his sense of smell.

"That's really, unimaginable."

Chesley swallowed, and stammered.

It never occurred to him that everything in Slanting Moon City was developed by Don Juan just half a year ago!


To be honest, if the sergeant hadn't mentioned it, then Chesley would have thought that he had developed here for at least ten years.

As for the authenticity of what the sergeant said, Chesley had no doubts.

Because, the sergeant has no reason to deceive him.

"Does it all seem like a miracle?"

asked the sergeant, laughing.

"Yeah, even if it's a miracle, it's not that amazing."

Chesley nodded, still talking in a state of confusion.

"The city center is ahead, let's continue walking.

The sergeant nodded, smiled, and said.

"Wait, what's that? It's..."

At this time, Chesley saw a building, and saw the crowd gathered at the door of the building, most of them were adults and children.

"Is that, school?"

Chesley asked hesitantly.

"That's right, that's our school in Slanting Moon City. To be honest, it's also thanks to the lord, who founded the school, and let the children of Common commoners go to school for free."

The sergeant nodded, and he said: "Now is the time for school. I have a younger brother who is also going to school. Unfortunately, I am on military duty and cannot take him to and from school."

"Yes, can you take me to see this school?"

Chesley said, full of longing in his cloudy eyes.

Building a school is his dream door that was stifled by the church since he was young. .

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