Be A Lord Starting Today

Chapter 182 Three Powers! 【2/7】

[ps: This is a hand-drawn map by the author, which is part of the mainland. Don't dislike the author's ugly handwriting. Since he came out of school, the author has basically never written with a pen, and all of them are typed with a keyboard. . . Let's make do with it, everyone]

"Lord Earl, crossing the river ahead is the City of Oblique Moon."

"However, there seem to be quite a few troops stationed on our side of the river."

"The banner of the Archduke Wilhelm and the banner of Her Royal Highness the Princess were hoisted above their camp."

For the southeast troops, Bogenrath rode forward, and at this time a scout riding over from the front reported to Earl Bogenrath.

"Flags of the Grand Duke and Princess Wilhelm?"

"Didn't it be rumored that Grand Duke Wilhelm died in battle in the wilderness, so the leader of this army at this moment is Wilhelm II who inherits the title of duke?"

"Princess Anvirmia's troops are also here."

"Then, are they here to help Oblique Moon City?"

Bergenrath stroked the goat-like beard on his chin, thinking.

"Hmph! I don't care if the Duke of Wilhelm and His Highness the Princess are here to help Slant 30 Moon City, but Baron Don Juan of Slant Moon City has committed such a crime that he dares to illegally confine His Royal Highness the Earth Prince!"

"We should move forward immediately, ask the teacher to question the crime, and let Don Juan release His Royal Highness the Second Prince!"

At this time, a nobleman who was also an earl snorted coldly and said.

"Also, hand over Oblique Moon City!"

"A place like Crescent Moon City is in the wilderness and the main road of our human world! Don Juan, a small baron, is unable to manage it. I think he should hand over Crescent Moon City to the empire immediately!"

"Let the empire run!"

"Not bad, let the empire run it."

"Don Juan, a small baron, is naturally unable to guard such an important route, so it should be handed over to us with stronger troops!"


At this time, the other nobles laughed loudly, and they showed extremely greedy expressions one by one.

After Bogenras returned from Slanting Moon City, he described the magic and abundance of Slanting Moon City in an eloquent way.

Xieyue City was almost portrayed by him as a land of gods where silver paved roads and rivers flowed with gold.

After hearing his description, many nobles were moved immediately.

Therefore, Bogenrath did not return to the imperial capital at all. Near the southeastern border of the empire, he directly attracted a large group of imperial nobles who were more oriented toward the second prince.

Then they took the army and marched towards the oblique moon city.

This is also the reason why they can come so fast.

And the troops of the First Prince.

They came from due south, directly across the territory of the Principality of Wilhelm.

After the three hundred knights of the First Prince arrived in the Principality of Wilhelm, they used their own identities to ask the Principality of Wilhelm to provide them with mounts, and hurriedly returned to the empire.

The First Prince is a single-minded warrior, so the knights under his command are more or less affected by the First Prince's rough thoughts.

They did not notify the think tank of the First Prince in the imperial capital of the empire at all. They directly found some nobles who were loyal to the First Prince on the northern border of some empires, and then threatened and lured other nobles.

It was a team that was stronger than the second prince's army.

Come directly to Xingyue City Xingshi to question the crime.

And the force coming from the southwest.

The number of this army is even larger, close to 50,000 people.

"How is it, Cang Hao, do you see anything?"

Standing on the top of the city wall, Cang Hao of the Goshawk tribe is holding a binoculars, and their pupils have built-in telephoto function, so they can see farther and see more clearly.

"I don't know anything about human nobles, but I can tell that that army is not purely composed of humans."

Cang Hao put down the binoculars and said.

"Isn't it simply an army composed of humans?"

Don Juan was taken aback.

"Yes, that army is composed of multiple races. y

"Men, elves, and dwarves."

Cang Hao's words made Tang Juan even more confused.

If it is said that the troops of the Second Prince and the First Prince came to Xieyue City, that would make sense.

But the dwarves and the elves, Don Juan has nothing to do with them at all, why did they come to the city of the oblique moon at this moment?!

"Could it be that they assembled troops to resist the evil disaster?"

Don Juan thought about it, and then came up with a possibility.

"At present, it seems that this is the only possibility."

Cang Hao nodded and said.

"In the southwest direction, through a small part of the land of the Principality of Wilhelm, you can directly touch a corner of the elf territory."

At this time, Don Juan looked towards the southwest, with a thoughtful expression in his eyes: "After the elves' territory, there is the dwarves' territory."

"And part of the elves' territory borders on the empire's mainland territory, and the dwarves completely border on the empire's border territory."

"If the calamity goes out of the wilderness and passes through the Principality of Wilhelm, part of it may cross the small part of the territory bordering the Principality of Wilhelm and the elves, thus threatening the elves

"And the dwarves border on the territory of the elves. Once the elves can't resist the evil disaster, they will be dwarves in the future."

"So, it makes sense for dwarves and elves, two races that are usually not easy to deal with, to unite in the face of evil disasters.

After hearing what Tang Juan said, Cang Hao also nodded: "Lord, what you said makes sense."

"As for the troops of the first prince and the second prince, I think it is unlikely that they came to help Xieyue City. On the contrary, they may come to ask me to ask questions. However, it seems that they are all guests! People!"

When Tang Huang said this, the word "guest" deliberately emphasized the tone.

"In the next period of time, the outside of Xieyue City became completely lively."

In the southwest, the combined forces of human dwarves and elves.

They are composed of the troops of the Duke of Bohemia, the Duke of the West of the Empire, and the troops of the Duke of Steel Chain, the Dwarf, and the Prince of Azeroth.

"Is the oblique moon city ahead?"

The Duke of Bohemia was riding on the horse. He looked at the flags erected by the other two sides, frowned and said, "Could it be that Anvimiya invited other people to support the Crescent Moon City besides us?"

"There is a possibility. After all, there are rumors that this time the evil disaster will be so severe that our troops may not be enough. Considering this [Anvi Miya probably also invited other imperial nobles besides you."

The Azeris elf prince with a very handsome face and long green hair, blue pupils said at this time.

"Hmph, I don't care how many people Anvimiya has invited, I only care about whether she can really do what she said to hand over all her business in the dwarf territory to me."

"If she can't do it, then I won't let her go in the future."

The dwarf Duke of Steel Chains snorted coldly as he rode on a pan-horned antelope, his full beard trembling with his words.

He is at least half shorter than the Duke of Portia and the prince of the elves of Azeroth. .

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