Be A Lord Starting Today

Chapter 183 Six-Party Meeting【3/7】

Obviously, this coalition of humans, dwarves, and elves was invited by Anvimiya.

Although, Don Juan had told Anvi Miya before that he was confident in defending the City of the Crescent Moon.

Because the oblique moon city is too small to accommodate more troops, and if there are only tens of thousands of reinforcements, then it is impossible to accommodate them in the city.

They can only be stationed outside, but Don Juan's defense confidence is based on the defense of the city wall. When the main force of the evil disaster comes, Don Juan can fight the enemy attrition war with his outstanding defense.

But the reinforcements stationed outside are extremely vulnerable to attack.

At that time, Xieyue City can only watch helplessly, and cannot do rescue.

Therefore, Don Juan refused Anvimiya to send reinforcements to help Slant Moon City.

If the number is only tens of thousands, it will not play a critical role.

But what Don Juan didn't expect was that when Anvimiya left the City of Slanted Moon for the second time, she passed through the Principality of Wilhelm and entered the territory of the elves.

And through the business scale he had established on the mainland as a benefit, let the elves and dwarves and the Duke of the West of the Empire jointly send troops to aid Don Juan.

Anvimiya not only has trade caravans in the empire, she also has a lot of commercial scale in the elves and dwarves' territories.

When Anvimiya first appeared in Slanting Moon City before, it was Anvimiya who felt that her business scale was enough, so she led a caravan to the wilderness for the last time. business activities.

When I arrived at the first stop above the wilderness, I was passing through the City of the Crescent Moon on the way. Based on the principle of businessmen who can't afford it early, they wanted to see how much benefit they could get from the Baron Don Juan, even if it was only a gold coin. not bad.

But what Anvi Miya didn't expect was that after she went around among the nobles and lords in the wilderness, she returned to Xieyue City, and it was only a month or two. The city has undergone earth-shaking changes.

As a result, Anwei Miya was trapped in the oblique moon city.

And Anwei Miya didn't know if it was her own selfishness or some kind of emotion, she still wanted to do something for her.

So she found the Duke of Portia, the prince of Azeris the elf, and the duke of the dwarf steel chain, and offered them all the benefits of the business scale in the western region of the empire, the elves, and the dwarves, and asked them to send troops to help support the city of the oblique moon.

(Note that the original business scale is Anvimiya's basic market before Don Juan used Anvimiya to form the Dark Moon Caravan, not the basic market of the Dark Moon Caravan, and the Dark Moon Caravan is not that big now .)

This time, Anvi Miya paid a huge price.

Because this directly sent away half of her own business base.

And Anvi Miya thought very thoroughly.

The original basic disk is gone, as long as the oblique moon city is preserved, as long as Tang Juan is preserved, then relying on the newly established dark moon caravan, she will once again create a business empire.

However, whether this action was for her own benefit or for Don Juan himself, Anvimiya herself couldn't tell...

"They're finally here"`

On the other side of the river in the oblique moon city, where the Principality of Wilhelm and the Anvimiya troops were stationed, an imperial count looked at the coalition forces that were already approaching here from the southwest, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Finally? You knew they were coming?"

Wilhelm II next to him was taken aback for a moment, then asked.

"Didn't I tell you?"

The Earl of the Empire was stunned, then slapped his head suddenly: "My memory, I forgot this.

"They are the reinforcements invited by Her Royal Highness, the Duke of Portia, the Duke of the Western Region of the Empire, the Elf Prince Azeroth, and the Dwarf Duke Steel Chain."

"They are all here to support Xieyue City and help us resist the evil disaster."

The Earl of the Empire said.


Wilhelm II was excited.

At this moment, nothing can make him excited, except for one thing, that is the reinforcements at this moment!

"However, where did the other two troops come from? Her Royal Highness didn't tell me that she invited other people."

The Earl of the Empire looked at the two troops that appeared in other directions, very puzzled.

To be honest, at this moment, because of the distance, he couldn't see what flag the army was flying.

But according to him, the reason why he was able to identify the coalition of human dwarves and elves was because of the direction they came from.

There is a place in the southwest of Duke Wilhelm that is the junction with the elves, and the Duke of the Western Empire and the dwarves will also drop by the way to Crescent Moon City.

So just know the direction.

However, the troops from the other two directions obviously came from two relatively different directions.

"Although I don't know where the other two troops came from, they came from the human world, so they shouldn't be enemies."

Wilhelm II said at this time.

"々 is also right.

"Notify the oblique moon city, prepare to welcome our reinforcements.

The earl laughed, he said.

On the wall of the oblique moon city, Tang Juan who received the notification was also a little surprised.

"What, the coalition of human dwarves and elves is actually the reinforcements invited by Anvimiya?"

Don Juan rubbed his temples, looking at the envoy in front of him, he felt a little headache.

"Forget it, they are all here, let's welcome them."

Don Juan shook his head and put his hands on the parapet.

Wait until all three armies have rushed to the other side of the river and start camping on the other side of the river.

Slanting Moon City, Wilhelm Principality, Anvimiya Headquarters Troops, Human Dwarf and Elf Coalition Troops, First Prince Troops, and Second Prince Troops.

This can be regarded as six forces, gathered in a tent on the other side of the river outside Xieyue City.

(Enough) Don Juan sat on a simple chair, looking at the tent filled with dozens of people, he felt a little headache.

"He is Don Juan? A boy."

Representing the eldest prince, the earl named Turabe looked at Don Juan with an incomparably proud and disdainful gaze.

The first thing everyone sees a person is to see the face of the other person.

After all, as a human, Don Juan is indeed a bit too handsome.

"This human being is actually as handsome as me!"

The moment he saw Don Juan, the prince of Azeris, who has always been known as the most beautiful man in the elves, couldn't accept it.

The appearance of elves has always surpassed other races, and Azeris is very proud of this aspect.

Simply put, it is smug.

But now, Azeroth feels that he has met an opponent comparable to himself. .

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