Be A Lord Starting Today

Chapter 189 The Oblique Moon City Is Completely Unable To Keep 【2/7】

But before, what they told Don Juan at the meeting was the amount of all the troops they brought.

This total force includes the forward troops, the middle troops, and the rear troops, all the numbers.

It is only the vanguard troops of all of them who have reached the oblique moon city at this moment.

Troops will arrive one after another in the future.

When all the troops have arrived, their strength will be as stated in the camp before.

After all, this era is very backward, and the transportation of grain and grass is also very inconvenient. The amount of grain and grass needed by an army of tens of thousands of people is extremely arrogant.

And they can only use this method of starting in batches to advance waves of troops, and finally all the troops will reach their destination and gather together.

"Marcus, you failed?"

At this time, Grand Duke Portia looked at Marcus.

"Yes, we lost badly."

Speaking of this, Grand Duke Marcus, Earl Yordle, and all the other knights looked sad.

"If you put all your troops together, shouldn't there be more than 100,000 people?"

"Isn't the number of the Devil's Disaster Legion small? The empire told us that they have less than 100,000 people."

"How could this fail?"

Grand Duke Portia was taken aback for a moment, and asked suspiciously.

"Less than 100,000... How is it possible, hahahaha, the empire lied to us 500.

Grand Duke Marcus laughed sadly.

"The number of the Devil's Disaster Legion is not 100,000, but their total strength is 300,000."

Earl Jodl was silent for a while at this time, and then said.

"What!? Three hundred thousand!"

Grand Duke Portia screamed, with a look of shock on his face.

"This, the total strength of the Demon Disaster Legion is actually 300,000?!"

"This, how to fight this?"

Immediately, some nobles who heard these words also whispered in panic.

"However, it's only been less than three months, why did you lose so quickly!?"

"Also, as I remember, Earl Yordle still has quite a few castles in the wilderness. Relying on those castles for defense, at least one or two years of resistance will be no problem.

Portia recovered from the shock, and asked again in a puzzled manner.

Although the number of 300,000 sounds a lot, it is impossible for them all to gather together, at least they are divided into legions, and they are fighting against the human legion in the wilderness.

Earl Yordle has been running the wilderness for at least twenty years.

He has many castles for military defense on the wilderness.

For this kind of castle, it will take at least a year or two to garrison troops and the evil disaster army to attack one by one.

However, it has only been less than three months, how come Earl Yordle and the others have already lost?!

Portia was puzzled and very puzzled.

"That's what we thought too."

"We are relying on the castles above the wilderness, with 100,000 people fighting against the 300,000 demon army, we will not necessarily lose.

"However, after the war started, we knew that our thinking was too naive.

Earl Jodl smiled wryly, full of sadness in his eyes.

"There is a giant six-legged beast in the Demon Disaster Legion."

"The height is five meters, and the body is covered with hard scales, which cannot be cut by knives and impenetrable by arrows."

"And this six-legged monster actually feeds on stones!"

"When this six-legged monster lay on the city wall, it stood on its two hind legs, and its four extremely sharp front paws, which could easily dig out stones, began to destroy the city wall.

"Because of this giant beast, we lost seventeen castles and five cities within a month."

"Until now, in less than three months (daca), we have all retreated."

"Lord Wade and Grand Duke Tang Ji, they both died in battle."

"What?! There is such a monster!?"

Grand Duke Portia's eyes widened, with a look of astonishment on his face.

The six-legged monster, which feeds on stones, can easily destroy city walls.

And at this time, Grand Duke Portia unconsciously looked at the seemingly solid city wall of Xieyue City.

At this moment, there was only one thought in his mind.

"The oblique moon city can't be kept..."

At this time, another impulse to leave with the troops also rose in his heart.

"This news must be communicated to Count Don Juan."

"Let him abandon the city."

"It is impossible to keep the oblique moon city, there are those six-legged monsters."

Grand Duke Marcus said with a tired face: "According to what you said, after the follow-up troops arrive, our strength will reach 100,000."

"And after such a long battle, we have also caused tens of thousands of damage to the Legion Extinguisher.

There are so many castles and cities on the wilderness. Under the occupation of the Demon Calamity Legion, there must be troops stationed. We have confirmed this. "

"Although there are more than 50,000 demon disaster corps rushing to Xieyue City now, but when their follow-up troops arrive in the future, the number will be a little over 100,000."

At this time, Grand Duke Marcus pointed to the river in front of him: "This river is wide enough, with a width of one or two hundred meters."

"There is such a giant beast in the Demon Disaster Legion, it is impossible for us to rely on the oblique moon city for defense, but the six-legged giant beast is afraid of water, we can rely on this river for defense.

"At that time, 100,000 of us, and hundreds of thousands of Demon Disaster Legion, will face each other on both sides of the river."

"And the giant six-legged beast is afraid that the water will not be able to cross it. We only need to be prepared for the evil disaster army to cross the river."

"At that time, I will ask all the nobles in the empire for help, and pass the real situation to those nobles in the empire who don't know the real strength of the Demon Calamity Legion.

"After they send troops to support us, we can counterattack the evil disaster army."

"At that time, it is still possible to take back the wilderness step by step."

Grand Duke Marcus is worthy of being the Duke of a country, and he is also middle-aged, so many things can be seen clearly.

Although he was defeated in the wilderness, but at the moment when he changed the battlefield, Grand Duke Marcus changed his strategic thinking.

In general, Marcus still has a strong strategic vision.

Hearing what Marcus said, Duke Portia suppressed the urge to leave with his troops.

That being said, they are not without a chance of winning.


The oblique moon city is completely lost.

Grand Duke Portia looked at Slanted Moon City with some reluctance. .

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