Be A Lord Starting Today

Chapter 190 Let's Run First! 【】

[ps: The author went out for a temporary business trip today, and I am very sorry that the update is so late. If there is no more tonight, then the chapters that are missing tonight will be updated tomorrow. 】

"We are not in a hurry to cross the river, let's inform Count Don Juan first."

Portia and the others are at the west gate of Slanting Moon City at the moment.

And Don Juan has been watching them from above the city wall~.

"Count Don Juan, things have changed a lot now, and the countermeasures we discussed before need to be changed!"

Portia yelled to Don Juan directly under the city wall.

"You tell me, I'm listening."

Don Juan nodded and responded.

good. "


Portia took a deep breath, and then told Don Juan what Marcus and Earl Yordle told them just now.

After listening, Don Juan nodded, and then said: "So, you want me to give up the city of the oblique moon, and together with you, lead the army to cross the river, go to the other side of the river, rely on the river to confront the evil disaster army, and wait until the follow-up Troops coming, eh?"


Grand Duke Portia nodded.

"Don Juan, hurry up and take your army out of the city. In this situation, the demonic disaster army has six-legged giant beasts that eat stones, and any city walls cannot be defended.

"And those giant beasts are afraid of water, they can't cross the river, so we can only rely on the river for defense. 11

"And no matter what we do to those giant beasts, there is no way to hurt them, not even the bed crossbow.

"It's impossible for Xieyue City to hold on, so let's evacuate to the other side of the river and station.

At this moment, Grand Duke Marcus shouted at Don Juan.

"Grand Duke Marcus, just now you said that even a bed crossbow would not be able to harm those giant beasts, right?

Hearing this, Don Juan thought for a moment before asking.


Marcus nodded.

"How many monsters of that kind are there in the Calamity Legion?"

Don Juan asked again.

"In the various previous battles, we have confirmed that there are only five heads of that six-legged monster."

"However, with the help of these five giant beasts, the Demon Disaster Legion managed to destroy seventeen of our castles and five cities in a row within a month.

"As long as it is a city, it is impossible to resist that kind of giant beast."

"Also, Count Don Juan, don't think about splashing water on those giant beasts. The giant beasts are not afraid of that level of water, but it will be self-defeating and irritate them.

"Only like this river can they be stopped."

Count Yodel shouted loudly at Don Juan at this moment.

At this moment, he hoped extremely that Don Juan would give up the City of Oblique Moon and retreat to the other side of the river with them, but he was also very reluctant to part with this result.

Because he was the first to experience the magic and prosperity of the Oblique Moon City.

"If there are only five, then I can deal with them."

Don Juan's words at this time made Earl Yordle and Marcus a little dazed.

"Don Juan, I don't look down on you, but I want to know, how do you deal with them?"

"Before this, I used the most powerful bed crossbow in the empire, with a range of 800 meters, and the power can directly penetrate several people, but I couldn't kill that kind of giant beast, only hurt them a little.

"How are you going to deal with them?! That's impossible at all. We can't deal with that kind of giant beast with manpower. Maybe we have to invite people from the church in the end!"

Earl Jodl was stunned, he looked at the figure of Don Juan standing on the city wall, at this moment he thought, why is such a young person so stubborn?!

Don Juan glanced at the cast iron cannon placed on the top of the city.

He just said directly: "My reliance is not out of thin air, it is this weapon next to me."


"Is he talking about the big iron pipes on the city walls?"

Everyone was taken aback.

"Don't be joking, Don Juan, can you still let this kind of thing shoot arrows?!"

"I didn't see bowstrings, don't you want to smash them to death with this big iron pipe!"

"That's impossible!"

Marcus was a little annoyed.

This is simply a joke, how is it possible, those things look like some common iron pipes, if it is a kind of crossbow bolt, how can they attack without a bowstring?!

Is it impossible to smash the opponent to death!

It's just nonsense!

"Wait a minute, talk about this question later."

"Now, Count Don Juan, I need you to attend an emergency meeting for a while. This time we have to hurry up. The Demon Disaster Legion is thirty miles away. I will call the nobles and discuss countermeasures. also participate."

Duke Portia said at this time.

"I'll be there."

Don Juan nodded.


Don Juan came to the previous tent once.

But this time, he saw Earl Bergenlas again.

But at this moment, Earl Bergenras seemed very reluctant.

Because, Turaggen is dead.

After Turabe was brought back, it didn't last long.

Don Juan's strength was really too great, even if he saved his strength, he was not killed on the spot.

But with the medical conditions of this era, it is impossible to rescue them.

As for Turabe's death, Bergenlas was not sad.

Because they didn't know each other very well.

But Bergenrath felt that he should be able to make a fuss about this matter.

Further compromising Don Juan.


But just as he was thinking about how to further persecute Don Juan, the people sent by Portia found him.

Inform him to attend the meeting again.

Before Bogenras turned his face and said he couldn't go.

The messenger said it was about the Demon Calamity Legion.

This startled Bergenrath.

Although they had heard the extremely long sound of the horn from a distance before, they did not understand its meaning.

But now that they knew that it was the meaning of the Demon Disaster Legion, Bogenlas and some imperial nobles were frightened.

"The Demon Disaster Legion actually came here?!"

"This, how is this possible, are Wade Kingdom and Yodel a bunch of waste?"

"How could they lose so quickly?"

After the envoy left, Bogenras and a group of imperial nobles were blown up. They talked to each other in panic.

"Everyone, it seems that this time I have to go again."

"Why the Demon Disaster Legion fought so fast, we can only know after we have attended the meeting.

"But you wait for my order. As soon as my order comes out, you immediately start to organize your troops and prepare to leave."

Bergen Lars sighed and said.

"We get it."

The other nobles nodded.

"It's good to leave earlier, the evil disaster is so fierce, we can't beat it.

"Let the oblique moon city and Portia be the rear guard for us, we will prepare first and be ready to leave with our troops at any time.

The other nobles nodded again and again. .

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