Be A Lord Starting Today

Chapter 242: Monsters In The Black Mist Forest [2/7]

"Lord Pendragon, shall we go in now?"

Goffin rode to Pendragon enthusiastically and asked him.

Naturally, Pendragon is not a baron, he is just a high-ranking officer in Don Juan's army.

The system adopted by Xieyue City is closer to the centralization of power in China, not the aristocratic enfeoffment system in the Middle Ages.

However, in order to deceive others, Don Juan told Goffin that Pendragon was his canonized baron.

Don Juan is an earl, nominally and legally qualified to confer his vassals as barons or viscounts.

After all, institutions, these are two fundamentally different things.

Different systems may also cause some hostility from other nobles.

Especially the old rigid church.

And Goffin, who believed that Pendragon was a baron, was naturally shocked.

Because according to the system of the mainland, when nobles lead troops out, they naturally carry their own troops.

Therefore, Goffin also subconsciously believed that the fifteen hundred knights carried by Pendragon belonged to his own troops.

Goffin was naturally extremely shocked. From his 400 point of view, Pendragon should be the strongest baron on this continent!

A total of 1,500 knights, what an elite force this is.

So, Goffin is naturally enthusiastic about Pendragon's being in every possible way, and the intention is obvious.

"No, we need to wait for a while, look at the black mist that is everywhere in the forest of black mist, who knows if it is poisonous or not.

Pendragon shook his head and said, "We need to test it."

"Okay, then how do you test it?"

Goffin said immediately.

"It's very simple. Grab two rabbits, then tie them to a rope and put them into the dark misty forest. After a while, we pull them out to see if they are poisoned. If there is nothing wrong, then we can go in."

Pendragon took off the bucket helmet on his head, took a breath, glanced at Goffin, and said.

At the same time, he was muttering in his heart.

I am used to wearing a slightly loose iron helmet, and it is really (daed) a little uncomfortable to suddenly wear this iron bucket helmet at this moment.

The chain mail and cotton lining inside the iron barrel helmet are close to the head, and when wearing the iron barrel helmet, it really feels like your head is being squeezed by something.

Very uncomfortable.

"No problem, let it be.

Goffin nodded and said immediately.

Soon, someone was sent to catch two rabbits.

Tie a rope to the rabbit, and then the two templars grabbed the rope and put the rabbit into the black fog.

Watching the two rabbits jumping and jumping into the dark misty forest.

All eyes were on the two ropes.

Looking at the two ropes extending into the dark misty forest.

Suddenly at this time, the two ropes became tense, and everyone's spirits also became tense along with the two ropes.

"What's the matter? What's going on inside?"

At this time, Goffin asked a Templar very nervously.

The templar who was pulling the rope tightly felt as if something was pulling him, and his strength was incomparably huge. He tried his best to resist this force.

"Inside, there is something pulling the rope with great strength!"

The Templar's muffled voice came from the iron bucket helmet, he gritted his teeth, and pulled the rope hard.

And the same goes for another Templar.


Suddenly at this moment, a burst of force came from the rope, and one of the templars screamed, and the whole person was instantly pulled into the sea of ​​black mist!

No trace!

"Not good! Come and help me!"

The eyes of the remaining templar under the iron bucket helmet suddenly widened, and he roared angrily.


The next moment, more than ten Templar knights and Sergeant Dark Moon dismounted and ran over. Like a tug-of-war, the armor on their bodies moved together and made a loud sound of ten pieces of steel rubbing against each other.

"Pull! Something inside is pulling on the rope!"

More than a dozen Templars and Dark Moon Sergeants howled together and pulled the rope violently.


At this moment, there was a loud roar in the dark mist.

A black shadow was instantly pulled out and fell to the ground.

"Roar! Roar!"

The sun in the sky shone down, and the next moment, the black shadow howled tragically under the sun, and the sound was very miserable.

The body exposed to the sun was smoking all over.

There was a "sizzling" sound like a fire.

"This, what is this thing?!"

Everyone stared at the thing that was pulled out, staring at their pockets.

Among them was a beast-like humanoid species with black scales all over its body, struggling and howling miserably on the ground.

Soon, countless flames burned on that thing out of thin air until it turned into ashes.

"Is this thing a blood race?"

Pendragon got off his horse, stepped on the steel armor boots on the ground, and approached the pile of ashes on the ground.

But he frowned again.

Because it's not like, the real blood race, Barney Duo, Pendragon has also seen it.

It's not like this, and it doesn't have Black's scales on it.

And at this moment, another figure sprang out from the dark foggy forest.

Everyone was shocked, but the next moment they relaxed their vigilance.

The person who came out was the Templar who was pulled in before.

"Inside, there is no poison inside, but there are monsters."

The templar was lying on the ground, out of breath, and there were some traces of the armor on his body.

Obviously, the armor saved his life. .

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