Be A Lord Starting Today

Chapter 243 Find Your Own Happiness [3/7]

"Is it a lot?"

Pendragon asked immediately.

"The quantity, the quantity is not very large, almost dozens."

"And they are very chaotic. I was attacked as soon as I entered, but I reacted quickly and had armor protection. Their attacks could not break through my armor, so I saved my life and came out."

The Templar spoke out of breath.

"Lord Pendragon, in this case, I think we can lose it."

"The black mist inside is not poisonous."

Goffin said to Pendragon at this time: "And there are not many monsters inside, we can crush them directly."

"No, Priest Goffin, it cannot be ruled out that this black mist is a chronic poisonous gas. Let's wait outside for two days to see if there is anything unusual about this knight. If there is anything unusual, then we can go in, but if there is something wrong , you can’t be so reckless.”

Pendragon is visibly more sedate, he said.

"Well, you're right."

Goffin thought for a while, what Pendragon said was not unreasonable.

"Okay, camp here!"

Pendragon nodded this time.

"Your Excellency the Baron, do you carry a lot of supplies?"

"Our supplies and food seem to be insufficient."

At this time, Priest Goffin came to Pendragon and asked.

Pendragon glanced at the baggage cart at the end of the line, and said, "It's not too much, it can last for a month.

"That's great! Of course, Your Excellency the Baron, we will pay, and please sell us some food."

Goffin said happily.

He is not a fool, and he did not arrogantly ask Pendragon to share the food with him.

He knew that Pendragon didn't have that obligation, so he offered to buy it.

This will also give Pendragon a good impression.

Goffin had already made up his mind to pull Pendragon to the side of the church.

After all, 1,500 armored knights are quite a force for the church.

Here Pendragon stays outside the Black Mist Forest Sea, and the Oblique Moon City on the edge of the wilderness has already begun to plant some rubber trees brought by Anvimiya from the southern part of the empire.

Don Juan planted those rubber saplings in Minecraft.

Experiments are underway.

After all, rubber is also very important to a modern civilization.

In addition, Anvi Miya also brought some rubber, and Don Juan also began to let people start researching and making it.

Rubber is used in a wide range of applications, not just for car tires. Due to its unique characteristics, rubber can also serve as some mechanical buffer rubber rings.

Like a piston machine, the mechanical rod of the piston machine is constantly moving, and rubber gaskets can be used at the connection with other mechanical rods to increase friction and increase the stability of the entire structure.

"My lord, take a look. This is the data of the new generation of vehicles we made. The wheels are tires made of rubber."

"We found that this tire has better load bearing and better shock absorption for the vehicle as a whole."

"The performance and speed of vehicles using tires are much better than those of tracked vehicles.

"My lord, do you want to replace the wheels of the tracked armored vehicle with these tires?"

Engineer Smith reported to Don Juan in the twin buildings.

"No, the wheels of tracked armored vehicles cannot be replaced with tires.

...0 for flowers...

Don Juan took a deep breath and said.

"Tires are convenient and have superior performance, but for some sharp weapon attacks, tires can't resist like tracked steel wheels, so they can easily be unloaded by possible future enemies."

"So, the wheels of armored vehicles are still tracked."

Don Juan was sitting behind the desk, holding the information of this new type of vehicle in his hand, and put the information on the table after reading it.

"Very good, your engineering team has done a good job of research."

"I decided to give you three days off."

Speaking of this, Don Juan glanced at Smith and said, "Smith, you seem to be in love recently, right?"


Smith stammered a bit, he didn't know why Don Juan asked this, but he still replied: "Yes, yes, Lord Lord, she is a waiter of a pastry shop in the city, a half-orc girl."

Speaking of this, Smith is a little awkward.

"Hahahaha, there's nothing wrong with being in love."

"Smith, for your three-day vacation, I decided to give you a double salary bonus, and spend some time with your girlfriend.

"During this period of time, how much contribution your engineering team has made to Xieyue City, I also see it in my heart."

Don Juan stood up laughing, walked out from behind the desk, and patted Smith on the shoulder.

Smith is still very young, in his twenties, but in this era, it is common to get married at the age of fifteen or sixteen.

So Smith is considered an older leftover man.

Smith found his happiness in the city of the oblique moon, and Don Juan should bless Xi. .

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