Be A Lord Starting Today

Chapter 244 Accidental Discovery Of Gunpowder Explosion [4/7]

"The mechanical engineering team has been on vacation because they have researched a lot of new things.

"Our progress is still very slow, just improving the revolver rifle to a flintlock, which is not a big breakthrough."

In the gunpowder and gun craftsman group of Xieyue City, two craftsmen were holding a chemistry book in their hands, and they were talking while reading.

Although the rotary rifle was improved to a flintlock, this did not really change the shape of the rifle.

Rifle research is still in the form of projectiles fired by gunpowder.

Although a breakthrough has been made, this achievement does not satisfy Kivers, the leader of the gunpowder gunsmith group.

The mechanical engineering group was a research group established later, several months later than their gunpowder gunsmith group, but now, their engineering progress has made a major breakthrough, while their gunpowder gunsmith group still has no major breakthroughs. Two forty" broken.

There is no real conscious change to the form of the rifle.

So this made many members of the gunpowder gunsmith group feel a little bit upset.

"Made, I don't want to read it, but I can't understand it."

A member of the gunpowder gunsmith group was holding a chemistry book in his hand, feeling a headache for a while.

He glanced at Kivers who was adjusting some reagents on the test bench on the other side, and shouted at him: "Leader, what should we do, our progress is too far behind the mechanical engineering team."

"If this continues, what if the lord loses his trust in us?"

He was a little impatient.

As the first team to be established in Oblique Moon City, now that they have been overtaken by the mechanical engineering team that came from behind, it is inevitable that individuals will feel uncomfortable.

"Don't talk, the team leader is adjusting the nitric acid and sulfuric acid solutions according to the method mentioned in the chemistry book."

Another team member said to him at this time.

"Nitric acid and sulfuric acid, what's the use of these two things?"

"It's better to continue to study black powder."

The crew murmured.

After all, in his opinion, nitric acid and sulfuric acid have nothing to do with gunpowder, so why study it?

But Kevers didn't think much of it.

After studying some chemistry books, Kivers believed that there must be a relationship between chemical substances.

A certain level of matter can be made into something completely new by adding another thing.

This made Keefers very obsessed.

Now that the research on black powder itself has been slow to make progress, Kivers came up with the idea of ​​starting from some other things.

Perhaps, such a research direction can allow them to make a major breakthrough.


At this moment, a loud noise suddenly sounded, and the loud noise startled everyone.

"what happened!?"

Everyone in the gunpowder gunsmith group put down the chemistry books in their hands and shouted in astonishment.

But Kivers, who had just adjusted the nitric acid and sulfuric acid, was shocked by the loud noise, and his hands shook suddenly, and the just adjusted nitric acid and sulfuric acid solutions were knocked down directly on the test bench.

The two solutions mixed together on the table and flowed all over the table.

"damn it!"

Kevers scolded angrily, and immediately brought a piece of cotton cloth specially used to wipe the test bench, and began to wipe off the solution that had flowed all over the table.

"What happened just now!?"

Kevers yelled at the others with the piece of cloth in his hand.

"I do not know!"

"Leader, leader!"

At this time, a team member broke in, and he shouted loudly: "Si Lang made a mistake when he was researching black powder, and it exploded!"


Kevers was furious, and he shouted: "Didn't I say that the research on gunpowder should be suspended at this time? Now is the time for us to sort out our chemical knowledge. Who told him to start the research!"

"Team leader, the progress of our group was surpassed by the people in the mechanical engineering group. Si Lang felt unwilling, so he went to study gunpowder by himself. Who knows, something went wrong...

"Damn it! What about others?!"

Kevers yelled.

"Si Lang was seriously injured by the gunpowder explosion, but fortunately, we always have healing potions, and he will be fine after drinking it."

After hearing that Si Lang was fine, Kevers breathed a sigh of relief, but soon another wave of anger came up.

He forgot to throw down the cotton cloth that he just wiped the table in his hand, and ran out directly: "Where is Si Lang now?"

"Outside the room where the accident just happened, the room where the gunpowder explosion just happened caught fire, but the fire is now under control."

The team member replied.

"Take me to see."

When Kevers rushed to the room where the accident happened, he saw a lot of soldiers gathering here... 0

They are fighting a fire.

But fortunately, because the house is a cement and concrete house, it is not conducive to the burning of the flames, and some flames scattered outside the room due to the explosion were extinguished.

But there are still a lot of combustible substances burning in the room, and the sergeants have not had time to go in and extinguish the fire.

And Si Lang was lying on a simple bed outside, and he felt very ashamed when he saw Kevers coming here.

Before he could say anything, Kivers rushed directly into the room where the flames had not been completely extinguished at the moment.


Everyone else was stunned and startled.

"I remember there are some chemistry books in this room, don't let those books be burned!"

Kevers yelled and rushed in.

"Mr. Kevers."

"Damn it, there are still some fires inside that have not been extinguished at the moment, go in and stop him!"

Some of the sergeants outside were shocked.

Kivers is the leader of the gunpowder gunsmith group. He is the one who researched the revolver gun. It can be said that he is a very important talent in Crescent Moon City. There may be some scattered gunpowder in the room. There's a secondary explosion, and if something happens to Keefers, it's over!

After Kevers rushed in, he realized at this time that he was still holding the cotton cloth he had used to wipe the table in his hand.

At this moment, Kiefers felt that the cotton in his hand seemed to emit heat.

"what happened?!"

Kivers was startled. He seemed to realize something. Looking at some books that were still burning with heat, he hesitated for a moment. approached the past.

In the next moment, something unexpected happened to Keefers!

As soon as the cotton cloth came close to the flame and touched the heat, there was a sound of "flutter!", and a large number of fireworks burned violently!

Kivers shook his hand and threw the cotton cloth on the ground. The next moment, the cotton cloth covered with nitric acid and sulfuric acid burned cleanly on the ground without any smoke or ash.

"Could it be, this is a brand new burning gunpowder?!"

Kevers suddenly realized something, he thought with great excitement in his heart. .

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