Be A Lord Starting Today

Chapter 245 The Foundation Of Smokeless Gunpowder! 【5/7】

"Mr. Kevers, it's dangerous in here!"

At this moment, two sergeants in armor rushed in. They forcibly pulled Keefers and took him out of the room.


Just as they walked out of the room, there was another loud noise inside!

Some remaining gunpowder in the room had a secondary explosion!

A large amount of Black smoke emitted, and huge heat was emitted to the outside.

The two sergeants were very vigilant and took Kivers directly to the outside, lying down on the ground.

"Mr. Kevers, are you all right?"

A large group of sergeants outside, members of the gunpowder and gun craftsman group all approached, and they screamed.


"I found it! I found it!"

What they didn't expect was that Kievs screamed excitedly, got up from the ground, shouted excitedly like crazy, and then rushed to his own laboratory 30.

"what happened?"

The sergeant and the team members stared blankly at Kivers' back.

"Go and have a look!"

"Mr Kevers don't think there's something wrong with his head.

The others hurriedly caught up.

"Mr. Kevers!"

"Team leader!"

Kevers ran in front, and a large group of people chased after him.

"Don't bother me! I've discovered a brand new gunpowder! I'm going to experiment!"

Kivers roared at them, then rushed into his laboratory, and slammed the door shut.

All were turned away.


They looked at each other.

"what to do?"

"I don't know what to do either."

"Stay outside and keep the healing potions ready at any time."

Faced with this situation, the sergeants and team members were also at a loss. They could only wait outside with healing potions.

In the laboratory, Kivers was extremely excited, and he started to prepare the two solutions of nitric acid and sulfuric acid again.

He kept muttering: "Smokeless gunpowder, the real smokeless gunpowder. Hahahaha, I have found it!"


About half a day later, when all the sergeants and team members were waiting outside, suddenly there was a scream from inside!

"No, go in!"

Everyone was shocked, fearing that something might happen to Kivers, a sergeant's foot in steel armor boots slammed on the door.


With a loud noise, the door was kicked open, and everyone rushed in!

"Mr. Kevers!"

they yelled.

But when he went in, he saw that there was nothing wrong with Kevers. He just yelled excitedly at a piece of cloth that was burning rapidly and emitting a lot of flames, but no smoke was emitted.

"Look, I'm done! I'm done!"

Kievs shouted excitedly at them: "Real smokeless powder, real smokeless powder!"

Obviously, Kevers is extremely excited and excited now, and his mental state is not very stable.

Soon, Don Juan was told about Kivers, and Don Juan was very excited when he knew about it.

Of course, Don Juan is more concerned about the state of Kivers.

However, after some healing potions were poured down, Kievs' state stabilized.

Afterwards, after Kievs regained his mental state, he began to face up to the thing he discovered by accident.

And Don Juan also understood what this thing is, and he remembered a proper term for this thing on Earth in his previous life.


Nitrocellulose is not just used for gunpowder.

Nitrocellulose, also known as nitrocellulose, gun cotton.

There are two major application fields, military and civilian.

The military part mainly focuses on weapons and explosives military items.

The civil part is used in various fields such as paint, rayon, ink, film, cosmetics, etc.

It can be said that this is an extremely versatile thing.

As for Don Juan, he has some understanding of the subsequent uses of nitrocellulose, but he has forgotten how to make it.

But Don Juan didn't expect that now Kivers made this kind of nitrocellulose by mistake.

However, nitrocellulose is still very unstable now, and it cannot be regarded as a real smokeless gunpowder.

Easy to burn, easy to explode.

And it is difficult to store.

However, Don Juan vaguely remembered that the nitrocellulose was dissolved in ether and ethanol, and an appropriate amount of stabilizer was added to it to form a jelly. After being pressed into sheets, cut into strips, and dried and hardened, the world's first nitrocellulose was made. True smokeless gunpowder.

This is the real first smokeless gunpowder in the world.

The explosive force of smokeless gunpowder is higher than that of black powder.

The black powder pushes the lead projectile, and the exit speed of the lead projectile is only 400 meters per second.

But the smokeless gunpowder pushes the projectile out of the chamber at a speed of 700 meters per second!

"Now, only one primer is missing, which can make real all-metal shell bullets."

Don Juan thought to himself.

The striker-style rifle has been researched in Slanting Moon City, but because of the lack of 980 primers for ammunition, it cannot be assembled and used.

So now the oblique moon city is still using the Kivers Z187 revolver rifle, and no further changes have been made.

The launch is still the old-fashioned old-style loading, gunpowder, fixed paper shell gunpowder, and lead projectiles.

It is very troublesome to launch.

(The flintlock is also a type of striker rifle.)

Even for the most skilled human soldiers, it takes more than ten seconds to fire a shot.

Now the foundations of the oblique moon city's smokeless gunpowder and the firing pin rifle are in place.

What is missing now is a primer.

The firing principle of the full metal case bullet is very simple.

The firing pin strikes the propellant used as a primer, and then the propellant explodes, triggering the smokeless powder in the shell, and the smokeless powder generates a huge driving force in the shell with sufficient airtightness, pushing the front-end bullet out of the shell and unloading out.

The bullet was fired from the barrel.

And the earliest primer used on Earth in the previous life was Lei Gong.

Don Juan still has no idea about something like Lei Gong.

But as long as all these are available, then the rifle technology of the oblique moon city can be close to the level of the previous world war on earth.

Create a true bolt-action rifle. .

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