Be A Lord Starting Today

Chapter 254 How To Make The Iron Golem Move [Second More]

Originally in my world, generally speaking, the end portal requires players to use the eye of ender to find it by themselves.

But Don Juan has been digging a lot of mines in my world, digging a lot of ground.

What Don Juan didn't expect was that a dungeon was dug out during a certain mining process, and within this dungeon, there was an end portal.

This also makes Don Juan can't help daydreaming.

What does the Ender Dragon that manifests into the real world look like?

Don Juan wanted to know.

After all, the ender dragon in the game is a bit silly because it is restricted by the rules of minecraft.

But now that it has been realized in the real world, it is no longer restricted by the appearance of all squares. Don Juan is still looking forward to what the Ender Dragon will look like.

And what Tang Juan cares more about is not the Ender Dragon, "Four Five Three" but the dragon egg.

After defeating the Ender Dragon, one of the things that can be obtained is the Ender Dragon Egg.

If the oblique moon city obtained an ender dragon egg, does it mean that the oblique moon city can also raise a dragon?

The Ender Dragon is probably the only dragon that appeared in this world.

"But right now, there is only one Eye of Ender in Oblique Moon City."

Don Juan was thinking in his heart.

In the game, if you want to get the eye of the ender, you can kill the enderman, drop the ender pearl, and then synthesize it with blaze powder.

As for the oblique moon city, until now, there is only one eye of ender.

Although from the beginning to now, I have encountered many endermen in my world.

But until now, there has only been one successful hunt.

Without him, Enderman is too strong.

Not only in the game, but also in the reality of the Enderman, hidden in the shadows, and his teleportation ability has been used to the extreme.

The only eye of ender in the oblique moon city is a combination of ender pearls and blaze powder obtained by hunting down an enderman by the army by chance.

Now, to open the end portal, two eyes of ender are needed.

"The End has to go."

"It seems that we still have to find a way to hunt and kill some endermen."

Don Juan was silent for a moment, then turned and walked out of the dungeon room.

Outside this dungeon room, two rows of oblique moon city sergeants were waiting in line for Don Juan.


As soon as Don Juan stepped out, the sergeants in full armor stood at attention, and the heels of their steel armor boots collided, making loud and orderly sounds.

"Temporarily seal up this room."

"No one is allowed to enter without my order."

"The mine veins above this dungeon also suspended excavation, and all monks and miners were transferred away.

Glancing at the tall Ragnar next to him, Don Juan ordered.


Ragnar bowed his head.

Coming out of the dungeon, Don Juan didn't go back to the oblique moon city, but went directly to the mechanical engineering team.

As soon as he entered the site of the mechanical engineering team, Don Juan saw several engineers scratching their ears and cheeks at a four-meter-high humanoid iron lump.

iron golem.

"How's the research going?"

Don Juan asked.


The engineer was taken aback, and Laudo came over and shouted: "My lord. 11


Don Juan nodded, and asked again: "How is the research going?"

"My lord, this iron puppet really makes us feel helpless."

Lao Duo couldn't help sucking his teeth, he felt some toothache.

Ever since Don Juan handed over the iron golem to them a few days ago for them to study, they have suffered from insomnia all night long.

"Can you make this iron golem move?"

asked Don Juan.

"This, we are still studying."

Lao Duo looked at the iron puppet that had been motionless over there, and said.

The iron golem Don Juan has also been made out before.

But what is different from the game is that the iron puppet that Don Juan made before is really just a dead thing.

It doesn't even move at all.

At that time, Don Juan suspected that it would not work for the iron golem to materialize in reality?

And after owning the red stone, Tang Juan remembered the iron golem.

After making the iron puppet again, Don Juan handed over the iron puppet to the mechanical engineering team for research. 0

Try powering iron golems with redstone.

"Didn't you take it apart and study the structure inside?"

Don Juan couldn't help frowning.

"This, we are a little afraid, after all, we didn't get your order, if we destroy this thing without authorization, then..."

Lao Duo was taken aback, and said with some hesitation.

"You are so timid, how do you do research?!"

Don Juan said with a bit of resentment: "As a researcher, you must have the desire to explore some things in the world. What is an iron puppet!"

"I have opened the highest authority to you, what tools you need, what materials you want, there is a special smelter to provide you."

"You guys are still so timid, from today on, remember this for me!"

Listening to Don Juan's words, everyone bowed their heads in shame.

"Now, do you know what to do?"

Don Juan looked at everyone.

"we know."

Laudo nodded.

"Okay, then I will give you a month, within a month, let this iron puppet find a way to move.

"During this period, if any of you can thoroughly study the structure inside, imitate it, and make it independently, then I will reward you very much." 3.8 Don Juan nodded, turned and left.

After Don Juan left, the engineers all looked at each other, looking at the hammer in their hands and the four-meter-high human-shaped iron lump.

Lao Duo thought about it, and then left the test site.

He got on a redstone vehicle, and when he came back, he brought a big thing.

"This is the cutting machine I just applied for from the engineering and construction office in the city."

"Come on, get ready to cut this big guy."

Laudo gritted his teeth, the steel sawtooth on the large cutting machine shone coldly under the sun in the sky.

Large cutting machine, used for the construction of buildings in the city, cutting stone.

The principle is still the mechanical movement of the piston, which is also something they made themselves.

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