Be A Lord Starting Today

Chapter 255: The Revelation Of The Gods [Third Change]

While enjoying the rare comfort in the oblique moon city above the wilderness.

The empire at this moment is in chaos.

Just before, the wilderness was full of smoke, demonic disasters raged, and countless people were displaced.

Countless decadent nobles in the empire enjoy themselves peacefully, regardless of worldly affairs.

But now, everything seems to be reversed.

The huge empire was split into four pieces.

In the south of the empire, the former Duke of the southern border of the empire, the Kingdom of Barens established by Dedens-Henaya.

It basically occupies almost half of the territory of the empire, and the most fertile south of the empire is acquired by the Kingdom of Barrons.

Covers an area of ​​nearly three million square kilometers.

This piece of land is the most fertile land in the entire empire.

In the eastern part of the empire, Herlis, the eldest prince of the Yegris family, the former ruler of the empire, established a kingdom named Nordlit, which occupied one-third of the remaining half of the empire. The total area of ​​the kingdom is more than one million square kilometers.

In the northern part of the empire, Paolis, the second prince of the Yegris family, the former ruler of the empire, established a kingdom named Novadia. More than one million square kilometers.

Next, it is the western part of the empire.

The western part of the empire, this piece is a border that directly borders the territory of the elves and the territories of the dwarves.

Compared with the other three places in the empire, this place is relatively safe.

The Duke of Portia, the Duke of the Western Region of the Empire, did not declare independence.

Instead, it firmly guarded the western border of the empire, sticking to its own position.

As for the Grand Duke of Portia, whether it was Barrons, Nordlit, or Novadia, they all wanted to win him over.

After all, whoever successfully wins over the Grand Duke of Portia can acquire the last area of ​​more than one million square kilometers in the western part of the empire.

At this moment, wars and wars are rampant in the empire. The nobles belonging to the three kingdoms are constantly leading troops to fight and compete for territory.

Countless Common people in the empire were displaced by the war.

In contrast, the wilderness has become calmer.

Everything seems to be reversed.

in the western part of the empire.

Among the millions of square kilometers, there is a city with an area of ​​less than one hundred square kilometers.

Compared with other cities, this city is incomparably majestic.

The city wall is twelve meters high and six meters thick, and it is extremely strong.

There are countless flags hanging above the city wall, fluttering with the wind.

That is the Church's Gold Cross banner.

There are many Templar knights with complete armor and long-handled cross spears patrolling back and forth.

The buildings in the city are also arranged in an orderly manner.

The people coming and going in the city are all rich, and they basically wear white robes embroidered with Gold crosses.

Here is the holy city of the church—————— St. Quirret.

Or some of the church believers live.

The Knights Templar of the church has a standing force of 100,000 here.

St. Quirret is undoubtedly very rich.

But this kind of abundance is abnormal and deformed.

Because the church absorbed the wealth of the entire continent and supported the city.

It can be said that the entire continent has supported such a holy city———San Queret, and because of this, it is so prosperous.

The tallest building in the city is an incomparably tall clock tower. So far, it may be said to be the most magnificent building of this era.

Almost a hundred meters high.

At the top, is a bulky, huge iron bell.

When the bell rings, it can ring throughout the city.

So why say, so far, this bell tower is the tallest.

Because, Slanting Moon City.

The center of the oblique moon city was originally the location of Don Juan's castle, but later, Don Juan built twin towers on both sides of the castle.

The height of the twin towers was less than forty meters. Later, Don Juan demolished the castle and rebuilt a tall building in the middle of the twin towers.

The tall building that was re-established has not been completed until now.

But it is also fast, with the help of redstone machinery, the construction speed is also increasing extremely fast.

According to Don Juan's plan, the tallest building in the center of the city is in the middle of the two twin buildings, with a height of about 140 meters.

There are thirty-five floors in total, and each floor is four meters high.

It adds up to a total of one hundred and forty meters.

Of course, nothing has been built until now.

(Redstone elevators appeared before. When there were no elevators before, the highest was only seven or eight floors. Generally, the height of five or six floors is high. It is easy to climb up the stairs. Now there are redstone elevators. It is no problem to go up and down such high floors. of.)

Church of the holy city of St. Quirret, the bell tower in the center of the city is not just a bell tower.

Below the bell tower, there is still a church.

Strictly speaking, the bell tower is only above the church.

Two Templars stand at the door of the church.

The plates covered by their chain mail breastplates were ornately carved in gold.

There is also a golden cross painting on the face of the helmet covering the head, and the long red feathers on the top of the helmet hang back and hang down to the waist.

The red cloak that was pressed under the shoulder armor fell down to the back calf.

The Sword of the Holy Knight hangs from his waist

The hand wearing the plate armor glove part is holding a long-handled gold pattern 430 cross gun.

These two ornate Templars guard the church's gates.

And just inside the church, the Pope was leading ten cardinals and some Templars doing daily prayers.

However, the pope himself has always maintained a movement, knelt on one knee in place, motionless.

Five hours have passed since the prayer started.

It's noon now.

It stands to reason that two hours of daily prayer is enough, but why is it taking so long today?

All the cardinals looked at the Pope suspiciously, but they didn't dare to move, so they could only continue to wait like this.

In front of the Pope, there is a statue of White God in armor, six meters high, with six wings on the back.

At this moment, all the bishops and Templars stared at the statue in astonishment.

A white and soft light slowly glowed from the statue among the gods.

At this time, the pope moved.

He stood up slowly, then turned around.

The Gold crown on the head, which represents the Pope, shimmers with golden yellow light under the soft light from the statue.

He opened his eyes to all the bishops, and spit out words that shocked everyone: "Everyone, I just received a revelation from the gods."

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