Be A Lord Starting Today

Chapter 260 The Rich And Rich Slanting Moon City [First Update]

Above the wilderness, there is a wooden camp somewhere.

This is a rather small wooden camp, and there are orcs everywhere in the camp.

"Everyone pay attention to preparations! Get your weapons and equipment, your mission is coming!"

Suddenly, the assembly horn sounded in the camp, and Francis of the Slanting Moon City's dark ghost troop was wearing a black strict uniform, and the werewolf's iconic long kiss stretched out from under the big-brimmed hat with the dark moon skull logo.

The triangular eyes under the brim stared at the orcs in front of him.

Under the urging and assembly of various dark ghost members, all 22,000 orcs in this camp were assembled.

At the same time, carriages entered the camp one after another.

"Are you going to issue weapons and equipment to us?"

"It seems to be going to the battlefield."

"But who are we going to fight?"

"It should still be fighting humans."

"If you fight a war, fight it. Isn't that what we eat? This is what we have always known."

Many orcs looked at the carriages being pulled into the camp and whispered.

"No talking! Maintain discipline!"

A werewolf from the dark ghost army shouted at them.

Those who entered the dark ghost army were some werewolves.

I don't know why, compared to other orcs, werewolves are more likely to be brainwashed and more likely to have high loyalty to the city of the oblique moon.

Don Juan did not study this point.

As long as it works.

After being scolded, those orcs who were whispering all shut up.

This is just a warning, if they dare to violate again, then it is not just a warning, but a real punishment that may cost their lives.

In order to guarantee their combat effectiveness, the military discipline of the orc servants appointed by Don Juan is also quite strict.

In other words, four months ago, more than 30,000 orcs were attracted to this camp.

After all, providing a lot of food will allow them to eat with their stomachs open.

But after four months, some orcs left because they couldn't stand the strict discipline, and many orcs were executed for violating military discipline.

But there are still many orcs who can adapt, and most of these orcs are werewolves and hyenas.

Because they can definitely eat enough and wear warm clothes here. Although the discipline is strict, it is not impossible to live.

The remaining ones, it can be said that in terms of combat effectiveness, they even surpassed the previous elite army of evil disasters.

The other seven camps above the wilderness are also in the same situation.

"I think you all know what to do today."

Francis looked at the orcs in front of him, and it spoke loudly.

And its words were conveyed by many werewolves of the Dark Moon Army.

After all, in a square where 20,000 people gather, it is impossible for everyone to hear Francis' words.

"This mission is a test of your four-month training results!"

"Our goal will be on the continent, the Church of Humanity!"

"Presumably, you have all heard the name of the church before this, but today, our mission is to directly attack them!"

Francis glanced at the dark square in front of him, a neat square formation of 20,000 people.

The audience was silent, only the voices of dark ghost werewolves repeating loudly could be heard.

"As for the reason, you don't need to know, all you need to know is to obey orders! Since you have served as soldiers and eaten this bowl of rice, you have to understand that the bounden duty of soldiers is to obey orders!"

"Now, all troops are united by battalion, and the respective battalions will receive your equipment in the future!"

The planning of these guards is based on squads, teams, battalions, regiments, divisions, and regiments.

Ten orcs form a squad, 50 form a squadron, 250 form a corps, 500 form a battalion, 2,500 form a regiment, 5,000 form a regiment, and 25,000 form a regiment. Formed by the regiment.

Among them, a large number of low-ranking officers and high-ranking officers are needed.

And the dark ghost troop in the oblique moon city is not small now, with two thousand qualified orcs joining.

From the two thousand members of the dark ghost troop of the oblique moon city, 1,500 people were selected by Don Juan to serve as the officers of the guards.

The minimum is also a squadron leader.

Among the servants with a total of more than 100,000 people, most of the troops are directly or indirectly controlled by the dark ghost troops.

A carriage entered the school yard at this moment.

Numerous weapons and equipment were distributed.

"I really saw the undead. Are these equipments really distributed to us?!"

A werewolf who had just received its matching equipment widened his eyes, and kept touching the heavy chain mail full of cold metal texture.

"Why are you in a daze, there are more."

The werewolf of the dark ghost troop who was in charge of distributing equipment reprimanded it, and then handed it a pair of plate breastplate and an iron helmet.

The heavy chain long armor with a hood can cover directly to the knees.

A pair of plate breastplate covering the upper body, an iron helmet, a spear, a machete, and a wooden shield painted in blood.

This is their basic equipment.

The chain mail is made by the redstone wire drawing machine, and the plate breastplate is directly produced by the smelter using the mold to pour the film.

So is the Iron Helm.

Generally speaking, the production of these things in the current oblique moon city is really like an assembly line, making as many as you want.

And this kind of equipment, in this era of common noble army, is already considered extremely luxurious.

Not to mention these orcs who lived a wild life on the 470 of the wilderness before.

One day has passed since the distribution of equipment to these guards.

A day later, the brand new servants and guards of the oblique moon city were released.

Take, for example, a werewolf servitor.

Lined with a thin layer of cloth clothing, and then put on a layer of heavy chain long armor.

The chain mail jacket covers the arms and extends to the knees, like a skirt armor.

The chain mail also has this layer of hood. After the chain mail hood is covered, an iron helmet is worn.

Under the iron helmet is a wolf's kiss extending out.

The chain mail on the upper body is matched with a pair of breastplate armor, and then covered with a blood-colored burqa with the logo of the Demon Scourge Legion, covering the plate breastplate and the knee-length chain skirt armor.

A scimitar hangs on his waist, a wooden shield painted with blood-colored disasters is carried on his back, and a spear is held in his hand.

And the servants did not wear boots.

Because they are all orcs, they all have wild beast feet, which are basically different, so their shoes are a layer of cotton cloth wrapped around the beast's feet, and then there is a layer of iron on the bottom of the beast's feet.

Then wrap it all up with string.

These are their shoes.

It's not that their equipment is luxurious, but that Slanting Moon City, which is currently developing redstone energy and preparing to advance to the era of the industrial revolution, is really rich and powerful.

Cold weapons and equipment are really just made casually. .

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