Be A Lord Starting Today

Chapter 261 Four Kingdoms Gather In Slanting Moon City [Second More]

What I just said is the basic equipment. Considering that the Knights Templar of the church basically has a good defense, so each guard soldier is specially equipped with a star hammer.

This kind of hammer is a wooden stick with a steel ball that is only half the size of a fist, and this steel ball is covered with spikes that are one centimeter long.

This kind of star hammer is specially used to break armor.

At present, the two divisions and one corps are ready to be dispatched, with a total of 22,000 guards.

They will cross a mountain range three hundred miles to the east of Xieyue City, and then on the Xieyue River there, they will take a boat, walk by water and land, and reach the Lake of Saint Muina directly. A tentative raid.

Don Juan didn't pin his hopes on this guard army, Don Juan just hoped that this guard army could try the true depth of the church.

The camp where these servants stayed was the one closest to the mountains and the Xieyue River.

A week after they set off in full gear.

A king and three dukes who were invited by Don Juan also came to the city of the oblique moon.

"I haven't been to Xieyue City for almost half a year. Unexpectedly, Xieyue City has undergone some changes. Such a majestic city wall, even the Holy City of the Church, can't compare...

Grand Duke Wilhelm II led his team to the edge of the Xieyue River. Looking at the incomparably majestic and tall city wall across the river, he sighed.

"Is it because this era has changed, or is it just that the oblique moon city has such a change? Does the oblique moon city really have the help of gods?"

Grand Duke Marcus looked at the tall and majestic city wall, his eyes widened in shock.

The longest section of the city wall of the Holy City of the Church is ten miles long (the shape of St. Quirret is not a square, but an irregular shape.)

Several walls are twelve meters high and six meters thick. Just this, it took 100,000 believers and five years to build it.

As for the Oblique Moon City, which has only been gone for less than half a year, it has already been established without any loss, and even completely surpassed the majestic city walls of St. Quirret!

In their view, this can only be described as a miracle.

"This era has not changed, it has been changing, only the city of the oblique moon~."

"I have a hunch that the entire continent will be left far behind by Don Juan..."

Earl Yordle next to Grand Duke Marcus shook his head. He looked at the walls of Slanted Moon City with an extremely complicated expression in his eyes.

Ever since Earl Yordle lost his 20-year inheritance in the wilderness, he was disheartened and followed Marcus the Heavenly Lord.

At the moment, he is working as a military minister in the Principality of Marcus.

Now think about it, it's a year in total.

From the arrogant governor of the wilderness to the disheartened minister of the principality who has lost everything.

The cataclysm destroyed everything about Yordle, and also his ambition.

In just one year, it was still a small town that could not be seen by Jodl, and now it has become comparable to the holy city of the church, which Jodl can only look up to. ear city.

"Slanting Moon City..."

Grand Duke Tangji II and King Wade II are both very young, young people who have just succeeded to the throne for a few months. They looked at the majestic Slanting Moon City, with unknown brilliance in their eyes

"I heard that Count Don Juan, the lord of Oblique Moon City, is also a young man about our age."

"I really don't know how he developed the oblique moon city from a small town that no one cares about to what it looks like."

The two of them are also the lords of a country, but at this moment, they have established an impression of Don Juan, whom they have basically never met, that they can look up to.

"Come on, let's cross the bridge."

Grand Duke Wilhelm II said to the others.

Soon, a group of people passed the bridge above the Xieyue River and officially arrived at the city of Xieyue.

"It's the flag of the four countries."

The sergeants of the defense regiment on the city wall saw their flags from a distance, and at this moment "the city gate is slowly opened.

"My lords, please dismount and enter the city. Our lord is waiting for you in the meeting room of the twin buildings in the inner city."

Ragnar came out to meet them in person and said to everyone.

"Commander Ragnar, you have worked hard."

Grand Duke Wilhelm II got off his horse first, and gave a gentle salute to Ragnar.

Among these people, it is better to belong to Wilhelm II and Don Juan's Milai.

"々`Please enter the city."

At the gate of the city, the sergeants, whose whole bodies were covered in steel armor, lined up on both sides, making way for a path.

The uniform footsteps and uniform movements all show their strict discipline and sharpness.

"There are all such soldiers in Xieyue City."

Grand Duke Marcus glanced at Tangy II and Wade II with straight eyes, and introduced them.

"The army in the oblique moon city are all such elite soldiers?!"

"My God, this, this is almost completely surpassing the knights, how powerful an army composed of soldiers completely surpassing the knights, it is not inferior to the Templars of the church at all!"

Tang Ji II's eyes widened in astonishment, and he cried out in shock.

And King Wade II was also incomparably astonished, but amidst the astonishment, an extremely absurd thought suddenly rose in his heart.

Could it be that Xieyue City wants to go to war against the church? Winter!

This kind of groundless idea has a solid basis. Before that, all of them have heard that the Templars of the church are arresting the caravans of Slanting Moon City everywhere.

This is undoubtedly the trigger for the fierce conflict between the oblique moon city and the church.

"However, why do we have to get off our horses? After the expansion of Slanting Moon City, the area should not be small. Without horses, it will take a lot of time to walk to the Twin Towers."

Marcus took a rough look at the now extended outer city wall of Oblique Moon City, and roughly estimated the area in his mind.

The area of ​​Oblique Moon City has increased more than a hundred times than before.

In the past, the oblique moon city could easily go around without riding a horse, but now it is impossible without riding a horse.

"No, there is no need to ride a horse."

Ragnar shook his head and passed through the city gate first. .

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