Be A Lord Starting Today

Chapter 263 Destroy The Dark Moon Demon 【For Now】

[ps: The author bought Call of Duty 16 in the past two days and played it the update has been so much less....】

The city gate of St. Quirret was wide open, and a neat row of knights walking out of the holy city, all wrapped in plate and chain armor.

The tips of the cross spears are facing the sky, like a forest of iron trees.

"Target, Wilderness, Slanting Moon City!"

"The evil revealed by the gods, as servants of the gods, we must completely wipe out the evil!"

A black-clothed priest in armor rode a war horse roaring beside the city gate.

Teams of templar walking knights lined up neatly and walked past him.

The Templars of the Church are not all knights on horseback.

Most of the soldiers are ~templar foot knights.

There are no war horses.

"Carl, I didn't expect the Pope to choose you as the leader this time."

At this time, the priest in black standing on the city wall looked at the bishop next to the army, he - said.

"Hmph, so what if you choose me, you can envy me, let me get such an easy job."

Carl was very proud, he said to several priests in black on the city wall.

"Hmph, why is he so proud? It's not because he is the Pope's brother-in-law."

Another priest in a black robe spoke very angrily.

"With this achievement, Carl's promotion from black to cardinal is probably a certainty."

The third priest in black walked up to the two of them at this time and said.

"You don't have to be upset, it's still the same sentence, who made Carl the Pope's brother-in-law."

"This kind of good job that is easy and can get great credit will naturally fall into the hands of the Pope's own family."

He shook his head and said.

The promotion path of magic priests in the church is divided into: white robe priest, red and white robe priest, black priest, and cardinal.

There are only twelve cardinals in the church now.

Half of them are people from the Pope's own family.

Looking at it now, I am afraid that a new cardinal in the future is also a member of the Pope's own family.

And the church, from the Pope himself, down to a Common Templar foot knight, was full of confidence when they set off.

Among them, I don't know how many people envy and hate Carl as the leader.

Because from their point of view, destroying Slanted Moon City is easy, and Carl got the credit for nothing.

And their self-confidence is based on the confidence in magic that has dominated the mainland for 1,500 years.

In the center of St. Quirret City, the Pope, standing on the 100-meter-high bell tower, looked at the Templar Knights who had already left the city, with a smile on his face.

This time he can not only complete the revelation of the gods, but also make him one more cardinal.

He looked at this time, who else in the church would dare to be meaningful to him.

The Knights Templar Legion came out of St. Quirret, all the way along the western part of the empire, and then passed through the kingdom of Novadia in the north.

Here, they joined other nobles of the kingdom who responded to the call. After that, the army was divided into three groups: the vanguard army, the middle army, and the rear army. They went to the wilderness oblique moon city.

And just when the Knights Templar had just come out of St. Quirret.

The former eldest prince of the Karla German Empire, the current King Nordlit and the former second prince of the Karla German Empire, King Novadia, these two brothers secretly gathered in a small village on the border of Tuwei to serve as ministers .

"Second brother, what do you think of this move by the church?"

King Nordlit sat on a chair, frowning deeply.

"Brother, I have a premonition this time. I don't think the church will win."

"The two of us have stayed in Xieyue City for a long time. Although one of us stayed in the prison, I saw many things clearly during that time. Xieyue City is really extraordinary."

King Novadia stood up from his chair, paced back and forth, finally stopped, and said to King Nodlet.

"Then you mean we don't listen to the church?"

"You and I both know the strength of the army of the Oblique Moon City. It is not inferior to the Templar Legion of the Church. However, the Church has magic. Magic is enough to determine success or failure.

"No matter how powerful the army in the oblique moon city is, it's only the army of the Common people. Second brother, how do you have such confidence in the oblique moon city?"

King Nordlit was puzzled.

"I don't know, I just have a weird feeling.

"Just wait and see. If the Church wins, then we will remain the same, but if Slanted Moon City wins, then we will defect!"

King Novadia was silent for a while, and finally said.

"Oh well……"

King Nordlit touched his beard, stood up, and left first.


As the Templars of the church continued to advance, as more and more nobles led their troops to join the Templars, a voice spread throughout the entire continent.

The Church has declared war on the evil heretic, Crescent City.

And the name of the oblique moon city can be regarded as thoroughly resounding throughout the mainland.

0 looking for flowers......

Although, the country

Under the constant publicity of the church, the oblique moon city was described as a demonic city, and Don Juan, the lord of the oblique moon city, was also dubbed the title of the dark moon demon lord by the church.

Of course, these are all fabricated out of thin air, but for fabricating out of thin air and framing people's innocence, the church is very good at using fishing reels to complete it.

After all, it has dominated the mainland for 1,500 years, and after so many years of accumulation, the church still has a deep influence.

This wave of sound was passed on, and it reached Don Juan.

"Hahahaha, Dark Moon Demon Lord."

In the Twin Towers of Slanting Moon City, Tang Juan laughed out loud as he looked at the intelligence document in his hand.

"What do you think?"

Don Juan threw the document on the table casually, and looked at the four people sitting in front of him.

Grand Duke Wilhelm II, Grand Duke Marcus, King Wade II, Grand Duke Tanguy II.

They were invited by Don Juan.

But it was strange that Don Juan didn't talk to them about anything on the day they came to Slant Moon City.

Instead, let them live in Xieyue City for a while.

The longer the time they stayed in Xieyue City, the more frightened the four of them became, because they understood that they didn't need any language, they had already seen the magic of Xieyue City

But today, they spontaneously came to Don Juan's office to discuss something with Don Juan.

"The church has always been like this, whether it is true or not, they will always portray those who oppose them as evil, so that those who oppose them can stand on the opposite side of the entire continent, and let themselves stand at the highest level of justice point."

Marcus shook his head and said.

"It really seems like something the church can do."

Don Juan nodded.

Then there was a moment of silence.

After a long time, King Wade II broke the silence.

"Count Don Juan, the four of us have already understood what you mean, and we have also seen the greatness of Crescent Moon City during this period of time.

"So, we want to form an alliance with Slanted Moon City."

"Form a new united front."

Hearing what Wade II said, Don Juan was a little surprised, because Don Juan's idea was to let them live in Slanted Moon City for a period of time, to experience the wonders of Slanted Moon City for themselves, and after they experienced it themselves, Just let them do what they have to do,

Don Juan's purpose was just to make these few people decide whether to listen to the church before being influenced by the church.

But now I didn't expect that the four of them actually proposed to form an alliance with the oblique moon city. .

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