Be A Lord Starting Today

Chapter 264 Dark Moon Military Alliance

[ps: Call of Duty 16 is really fun...but it's absurd to play the game every day, and it will resume seven changes tomorrow. 】

"Have you thought it through?"

"Now the oblique moon city is the target of everyone's criticism, the enemy of the church."

"The church is here to eliminate evil this time. The church will not let anyone who is related to us be spared. Are you sure you want to be an enemy of the church?"

Don Juan stood up and looked at the people in front of him.

"Thought it out!"

Marcus gritted his teeth, feeling ruthless in his heart, take a gamble!

He bet that in the future, the oblique moon city can defeat the church, and even replace the church.

If this is the case, then the future of his Principality of Marcus will be limitless.

"what about you?"

Don Juan looked at the others.

"So do we."

Wilhelm II, Tang Ji II "Four Five Seven", Wade II, they didn't even have much hesitation, they were more decisive than Marcus.

They are young people.

Young people naturally dare to fight hard.

"The fathers of the three of us all died in the wilderness due to the evil disaster. We think that we don't owe the church anything.

"So we all decided to get out of the control of the church."

Wilhelm II took a deep breath and said.

"Well, this is a road of no return from which there is no turning back.

"Then, I hereby declare that the Dark Moon Military Alliance is officially established."

Don Juan looked at everyone, he nodded, and said this sentence in a calm and indifferent tone.

【Ding, subdue the affiliated forces X4】

[The Dark Moon Military Alliance was established, and it was detected that the total area of ​​the affiliated territory of the alliance exceeded 2 million square kilometers, and the territory block was unlocked! 】

[Affiliated faction panel is unlocked. 】

[Accessory gift package is unlocked. 】

After Don Juan said these words, the system prompt that he hadn't heard for a long time sounded again in his mind.

At this moment, a virtual 3D map image that only he can see appeared in front of Don Juan.

The map tile in this image appears to be shaped like a boot.

"This, is a map of the entire continent?"

Don Juan looked at the 3D map image that appeared in front of him, and was a little stunned.

On this boot-like map, the most southwest corner, the part of the boot's toe, is the territory of the dwarves.

Occupies only one corner.

The east of this angle is the west of the empire.

The north of the dwarf territory is bordered by the elf territory.

The northernmost corner of the elves' territory is bordered by the Principality of Wilhelm, and the elves' east is bordered by a small part of the western territory of the empire.

And the large area of ​​the "heel" and "boot shaft" of this "boot"-shaped map is all the territory of the original empire.

Now on this map, Nordlit, Novadia, Barrons, and the western part of the original empire are all marked.

Oblique Moon City is a small green dot above the territory of the Dark Moon Military Alliance, at the junction of the wilderness and the human world, in the middle of the two mountain ranges.

At the same time, the small point representing the oblique moon city also continuously emits a kind of green radiation ripple towards the empire.

The place covered by the green radiation ripples, the Principality of Wilhelm, the Principality of Marcus, the Kingdom of Wade, the Principality of Tangji, and a part of the wilderness are connected into one piece.

Became a Green plate.

There are several large characters on this area of ​​almost two million square kilometers: Dark Moon Military Alliance.

And on the map of the western part of the empire, there is a small red dot with the four words Saint Qurett on it.

Although the real territory is very small, this red dot emits waves of red all the time, basically radiating the entire empire plate and part of the dwarf and elf territories.

In this way, the green ripples radiating from the oblique moon city towards the empire collided with the red ripples of the holy city of the church, St. Quirret. On the edge of the empire, at the border of the dark moon military alliance, the two formed a The state of confrontation.

And this time, obviously noticed.

Just to the north of Xieyue City, this map seems to be incomplete.

The edge extends all the way to the Black Mist Forest, and there is clearly a small Green spot in the Black Mist Forest: Blood Castle.

This is the blood castle that has been occupied by the oblique moon city.

But further inside, the map seems to have reached the boundary, and it can't be moved no matter what.

This can't help but make Don Juan deliberately guess.

Because judging from the various representations of the map, it can undoubtedly be seen that behind the black fog and forest sea is an extremely vast area... 0

In comparison, the size of the map that can be observed today is really very small.

After observing the map, Don Juan naturally did not forget the people in front of him.

Don Juan closed the map, looked at Wilhelm II and others who were waiting for him to speak, and said, "Then, now let me plan the future development program."

"The first and only goal of the development program is the Dark Moon Development Circle with Inclined City at its core."

"In the future, the entire wilderness will be included in the territory of our Dark Moon Military Alliance."

"Forming a confrontation with the continental empire represented by the church."

"So, our only goal is to center everything on the oblique moon city."

"You should have no opinion on this."

Don Juan looked at the four of them.

"No comment."

Several people nodded.

"Very well, then the next series of cooperation can be launched."

"First of all, in the future war with the church, I don't care what the current situation in your country is. Since you have joined this military alliance, you have to fulfill your obligations."

"I won't let you fight the church, but you can stop the other nobles who have been recruited by the church. Although they are nothing in the eyes of the oblique moon city, they are annoying if there are too many flies.

Don Juan said to them.

"We all know this in our hearts." 1.8

Grand Duke Marcus said, and everyone else nodded.

"Very well, then, in the next few days, I will have someone temporarily draft a development program and alliance treaty."

"But today, let's set this one for the time being. Everything will be centered on the oblique moon city. This is also the most basic clause in the alliance treaty.

"You can choose to stay in Crescent Moon City, or go back to your own country. If the drafting of the alliance treaty is completed, then I will have someone bring it to you."

Don Juan sat back on his desk and said to the others.

"Let's stay in Oblique Moon City for a while, and go back after everything is completed.

Several people discussed it, and finally Grand Duke Marcus said to Don Juan.


Don Juan raised his head slightly. .

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