Be A Lord Starting Today

Chapter 265 Control The Four Countries Fundamentally Economically [1/7]

Within a few days, the covenant regulations of the Dark Moon Military Alliance were stipulated.

What Don Juan is going to build is not a short-term wartime military alliance, but a long-term economic, military, and multi-faceted alliance.

It is an all-in-one alliance with the oblique moon city as the core and the surrounding four countries, the Duchy of Wilhelm, the Duchy of Marcus, the Kingdom of Wade, and the Duchy of Tangji.

[Affiliated alliance forces: Principality of Wilhelm. 】

【Owner: Duke Wilhelm Maude II】

[Land area: 720,000 square kilometers. 】

【Total population: 3.08 million】

【Major cities (population over 50,000): 6】

[Cities and towns (over 5,000 population): 56]

【Villages: 2495】

[Subsidiary alliance forces: Principality of Marcus]

[Owner: Duke Marcus Thomas]

【Land area: 530,000 square kilometers】

【Total population: 1.78 million】

【Major cities (population over 50,000): 3】

[Cities and towns (over 5,000 population): 33]

【Villages: 1442】

[30 Affiliated Alliance Forces: Tangji Principality]

[Owner: Duke Tangji Mohammed II]

【Land area: 610,000 square kilometers】

【Total population: 2.21 million】

【Major cities (population over 50,000): 5】

[Cities and towns (over 5,000 population): 40]

【Villages: 1790】

[Subsidiary alliance forces: Wade Kingdom]

[Owner: King Wadeham II]

【Land area: 980,000 square kilometers】

【Total population: 4.37 million】

【Major cities (population over 50,000): 9】

[Cities and towns (over 5,000 population): 78]

【Villages: 3540】

【Core of the Dark Moon Military Alliance: Slanting Moon City】

【Lord: Don Juan】

【Area: 62 square kilometers】

【Total population: 270,000】

【Dark Moon Military Alliance】

【Total Territory Area: 2.84 million square kilometers】

【Total population: 11.71 million people】

[There are 24 cities with a population of over 50,000, 207 towns with a population of over 5,000, and 9,267 villages within the territory]

Don Juan looked at the panel presented in front of him, on which all the data of the four countries were presented in front of him.

"I didn't expect that after the integration of the four countries, there would be such a large population."

"11.171 million people."

Seeing the data panel displayed in front of him, Don Juan's expression was undoubtedly complicated.

And on the desk in front of him, there are some parchment documents.

These parchment documents were all sent by Wilhelm and others.

It is some basic towns, villages, and population information in their country.

As described above, the population size recorded in their information is only half of the population displayed on the system panel.

The number of cities is consistent with that shown in the system data, but the number of towns is twice as large as that shown in the system, and the number of villages is only one-third of what the system shows.

It's not that they deceived Don Juan.

It's because they really thought that there were only so many people in their country.

They don't understand the importance of the census at all, and for these data, look at the recorded year, which is 1531 in the church calendar.

It is now 1541 in the church calendar.

In other words, these materials are already ten years ago.

Moreover, Don Juan believes that the reason for the unequal data is that their census is not careful, and there are at least half of the black households in the country that the nobles don't even know about.

In order to avoid taxation, the peasants will also hide to prevent the nobles from finding themselves in the census.

In this era, if you just hide in a deep mountain and old forest, you will never find it.

No way] The text sample.

If it wasn't for finding out how much tax they could collect and how many troops they could form, the nobles would probably not even be willing to do a census of the population of their territories.

How can we expect them to make no mistakes in the data.

The number of villages is less than the system, because they don't know that there are so many villages in their own country.

The number of towns is more than in the system, because according to their own standards, there are so many towns, but according to the standard of the system, more than 5,000 people are considered towns. The number displayed in the system has dropped.

"It's okay, fortunately, I don't need to take care of these tens of millions of people. Naturally, they have their own lords and nobles to take care of them. I only need to take care of them, the dukes and kings.

Don Juan thought for a while, and he was also relieved.

Now managing an oblique moon city with more than 200,000 people is enough for him. If the current Dark Moon Military Alliance is really turned into an empire under his jurisdiction with a population of more than 10 million, Then Don Juan really might as well commit suicide.

Don Juan's basic territory is still only the area of ​​several tens of square kilometers in Xieyue City.

The other countries are also clearly marked on the system, and they are only subsidiary forces.

It's like Millikin and some of his younger brothers in the previous life on Earth.

But having said that, Don Juan still designated a series of commercial and economic development plans.

With the oblique moon city as the core, it continuously exports its economy to the surrounding four countries.

At that time, the oblique moon city will produce products, and then the four countries will become the dumping ground for oblique moon city's products.

Then some things, minerals, items, and raw materials in the territory of the four countries are transported back to the oblique moon city to produce things, and then sold to the four countries.

Although the oblique moon city does not need to obtain minerals and 250 raw materials from the territory of the four countries, Don Juan is already trying to gradually separate the production of some things from my world.

Although my world map is the core of Don Juan, if that day happens, my world map will not work.

That oblique moon city is completely finished.

Everything has to be prepared with both hands. Don Juan has to make long-term plans for the future. He can't rely entirely on my world map, and he must learn to be independent.

And the economic model just proposed, if it continues, Yuecheng will completely control the economic lifeline of the four countries.

Just imagine, if all the daily necessities, luxury goods, and even army armor, weapons and equipment of the Four Kingdoms are all purchased from the Oblique Moon City, is it possible for the Four Kingdoms to break free from the control of the Oblique Moon City?

Is it still possible for them, in the future, to escape from Oblique Moon City?

No, it's impossible.

Because once such a model is formed, without the oblique moon city, they simply cannot survive.

Therefore, relying on such an economic system of interests, Don Juan can control the four countries from the core and fundamentally.

And if something goes wrong in the oblique moon city, it will cause a chain reaction, which will cause the economic collapse of the four countries.

Therefore, even if the Four Kingdoms know this, they will only be willing to do their best to be the supporters of the oblique moon city, so as to ensure that the oblique moon city will not collapse.

In this way, an outer ring defense system was formed. .

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