Be A Lord Starting Today

Chapter 278 Isn’T It The City Of The Oblique Moon? [Second Update]

"Hahahaha, I just said that these orcs are simply vulnerable mobs. Look, halfway through the siege, they all ran away!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Looking at the soldiers of the guards who started to retreat and flee, a big laugh broke out from the city of St. Quirret.

"Go back to your beast wombs, monsters!"


A templar wearing a barrel helmet poked his head out of the city wall. He shouted loudly towards the outside of the city, and then caused the city to burst into laughter.

"Legion Commander, you just saw it."

The corps commander who retreated spoke to Francis a little out of breath.

Just now, they feinted to attack the city and swayed around below, losing hundreds of people as a result.

"I've seen it all."

Francis nodded, feeling a little headache: "With such a magic defense mechanism for the city wall, if their giant fireballs are not limited at one time, then no matter how many people we come, we will all die."

"Then, Commander, what should we do now? Since there is nothing we can do about St. Quirret, are we going to retreat?"

A werewolf division leader asked Francis.

Francis looked around and saw that all the officers were waiting for his decision.

In fact, at this time, their mission was completed.

Some information about St. Quirret has been investigated clearly, and the defensive capabilities of the defense mechanism of St. Quirret's city wall have also been found out.

At this time, they have already completed the task and can retreat.

But Francis was still a little reconciled.

Accept Don Juan's order and come to attack St. Quirret, although Don Juan has clearly told him that he can retreat directly after achieving his goal.

It doesn't matter if nothing is gained from the attack on St. Qurett.

Because the mission of the guards has never been to really attack San Querite, but only to investigate the details of San Querit's defense.

It's just that this trip has been out for more than a month.

After wasting so much food, Francis wanted to make a victory.

"We are waiting, the food is still relatively sufficient, and we can still eat for three months."

Francis thought for a while, and finally said.


A dark ghost officer took orders.

The day and night passed quickly.

The stalemate between inside and outside the city has always been like this.

The guards outside the city did not go to attack the city either.

The Templar defenders in the city also guarded the city wall like this. What puzzled Francis was that they did not come out to attack directly as before.

Francis thought they would come out to attack the camp the next night, but they didn't.

A few days later, in the city of St. Quirret.

In a tavern.

Priest Sauron sat disheartened at a table, constantly pouring himself ale.

"Hey, Master Priest."

"We have a new batch of good wine here some time ago, do you want to try it?"

The owner of the tavern rubbed his hands, and came to Sauron very fawningly.

"Wine? Yes, how much is there, how much, I, I am not short of money."

The table in front of Sauron at this moment was full of empty wine jars.

He has already had a big tongue after drinking it.

"Come on, look."

Not long after, the tavern owner put a palm-sized wine jar on the table in front of Sauron.

"Huh? Hiccup~"

Sauron shrugged his shoulders and hiccupped. He said dissatisfiedly to the tavern owner: "Just, such a small amount, look, who do you look down on?"

Then he picked up the wine jar and poured it directly into the glass.

He just poured a glass of barley wine in front of him.

"Here, are you sure you didn't trick me, this is water!"

Priest Sauron picked up the wine glass and was about to drink it, when he suddenly saw that the wine in the glass was colorless, exactly the same as water.

"No, no, Priest Sauron, how dare I look down on you."

"This kind of wine is newly circulated in the outside world recently. It is extremely strong and has no color like water."

"If you don't believe me, would you like to try it?"

The tavern owner spoke cautiously to Priest Sauron.

Priest Sauron doesn't care that much, this wine glass has about 300 milliliters.

Just "gudong gudong gudong." He raised his head and poured it all down in one breath.

It may be that Sauron's religion has been drunk, and the sense of taste has been paralyzed.

…0 for flowers……

This full jar was poured down directly, and I didn't feel anything.

He just wanted to get angry at the tavern owner, but the next moment, he suddenly felt that his throat, heart, and even stomach were as hot as a flame.

"This, this wine."

"I, I've never tasted this wine."

After the stamina came up, Priest Sauron's eyes gradually began to widen, feeling the hot feeling in his body, as if a fireball technique was directly released in his own body.

The energy is very unusual, it is uncomfortable, but there is such a kind of refreshing feeling in the discomfort.

He squinted his eyes, stuck out his tongue, and asked the tavern owner in a dazed state, "Where did this kind of wine come from... What's the name of it? From now on, I will only drink this kind of wine." Alcohol."


"Here, Priest Sauron, that can just now is the last one we have here. As soon as this kind of wine comes out, it will be sold out. Now, someone outside the city is attacking the city, and the whole city is blocked. I can't deliver it at all."

"It's really gone."

The tavern owner was a little embarrassed.

As he said, Sauron over there did pick up the empty wine jar on the table by himself.

Looking at the exquisite letters of the words drawn by Longfei Feng Wu on the exquisite wine jars, I began to spell the words one by one.

", two...guotou..."

Sauron pouted his tongue: "What, where is it produced?"

"Boss, this, this place of origin, why was it crossed out?"

The tavern owner's face became a little embarrassed, and he said carelessly: "Ah, maybe, maybe it was accidentally scratched during delivery."

"Hmm, hmm, hmm."

Priest Sauron did suddenly laugh softly.

Laughter came from his throat.

"I, I am, I am a little drunk, but, not, not stupid."

"It's obvious that someone rubbed it off with a file."

"But it's not clean, the remaining few letters, I'm trying to make up a few... Isn't it just... Slanting Moon City?"

Priest Sauron's eyes seemed to brighten up suddenly, staring straight at the owner of the wine tank.

The face of the owner of the wine tank turned pale immediately. .

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