Be A Lord Starting Today

Chapter 279 The Trial Court's Activities

"Tem, you should also know that now the oblique moon city is blatantly declaring war on the church, and you have discovered the things in the oblique moon city here. If the priests of the trial court discover these things, what do you think will happen to you?"

Priest Sauron stood up, wrapped his arms around the tavernkeeper's shoulders, swayed, half of his body weight was on the tavernkeeper's body.

Feeling the heavy weight on his shoulders, the tavern owner felt his whole body trembling.

How could he not know what would happen to those people in the Heresy Tribunal.

In recent years, every once in a while, the priests of the heresy court of the church will try some so-called heresies.

And just some time ago, those members of the Heresy Tribunal just tried some businessmen from Slanting Moon City in the city, and burned them to death on the ten "wooden zero seven" crosses in the center of the city.

"These, these wines...yes, I bought them from the Inquisitor's logistics staff..."

The tavern owner gritted his teeth and said this sentence.

"It turns out that these wines were brought by the merchants of the Crescent Moon City who were tried by the Heresy Tribunal before.

"Has it reached this level?"

Sauron was a little silent.

He never imagined that even those members of the Heresy Tribunal would embezzle the things that were judged by those people, and then sell them.

The reason why the tavern owner is so afraid is because he also knows that the wine he bought is illegal.

Although he bought these wines from the people of the Heresy Inquisition, who knows, will those people directly beat him up, frame him, then judge him, burn him to death, and confiscate all his property.

After all, his tavern is still worth a lot of money.

Do people in the church still do things that turn black and white and disregard human lives?

As a Common man who doesn't believe in religion so deeply and enters the life of St. Garrett with money and bribes, the tavern owner knows very well what those people in the church look like.

"Tem, you and I have a good relationship, I won't report you, you can do it yourself.

Priest Sauron nodded, holding the oblique moon city wine bottle in his hand, and when he was about to leave, he bumped into several people head-on.

"Priest Sauron."

"You are under arrest."

The visitor said such a sentence directly to Sauron.

Sauron looked up in a daze, and saw that those people were all wearing black armor with a white cross carved on them.

He wears a hood on his head.

The face is hidden in the shadow of the hood, making it difficult to see the face.

"Heretical, Inquisition?"

Sauron shook violently, subconsciously raised his hand, and looked at the wine bottle he was still holding in his hand, which he hadn't had time to put down.

At this moment, he was sober.

In order to earn money for themselves, the Tribunal used fishing to enforce the law, and it was really a slippery game.

In addition to what the tavern owner said to himself just now, everything is clear to Sauron now. The people of the Tribunal sell the goods of those merchants in the Crescent Moon City to those who are not believers in the city, and after a while, they will send people from the Tribunal Go to ransack the house.

The crime is adultery with heresy.

After finding the things in Xieyue City, they will be convicted directly, have adultery with heresy, and then directly burned to death, and then the property will be confiscated.

Anyway, these people are also saints who bribe people to enter, and they are not senior believers.

Priest Sauron became sober in an instant. All along, Priest Sauron had no interaction with the members of the Tribunal.

This also made him think that the members of the Heresy Tribunal would stick to their beliefs and be a clean stream in the church.

But he didn't expect that what he saw and heard today completely overturned any illusions he had about the church.

The church, utterly decayed.

The upper echelons of the church are framing each other and intrigue.

Relying on their own rights, the middle and lower levels of the church, in order to make money, turned black and white, and disregarded human life.

Frame good people.

And the purpose of the trial knights of the trial court coming here must be very simple.

Just to confiscate the tavern.

After all, a big tavern is worth a lot of money.

Even Priest Sauron had already thought about what the Tribunal would do next at this moment.

Find a rich businessman who entered St. Qurett with money, sell the tavern to him, and repeat this operation once.

So cycle.

With this method of making money, of course, you can't do too much... 0

Two or three times a year is enough.

You can also add achievements to yourself, because there are "heretics" that can be tried every year.

As for St. Qurett, there has never been a shortage of people who want to squeeze in with money from the outside world.

Therefore, the Tribunal mostly looks for those who have just been in St. Qurett for a short time and do not understand the situation.

This tavern owner happened to be such a person, and he had been in St. Qurett for less than a year.

And why did you find yourself.

The reason is also very simple.

As the church's black-robed priest class, Sauron himself is rich even without relying on those corruption.

Moreover, he has just been suppressed by the educated people of Bishop Si De.

Lost such a powerful position as the chief of the city defense.

The so-called beat the dog in the water.

Naturally, the people from the trial court came to him.

Moreover, maybe these people were instigated by Bishop Sid, in order to get rid of him who is not a faction of the Pope...

Sauron saw it clearly, and he also figured it out.

After figuring out all the reasons, Priest Sauron had a question in his mind.

Why does such a church still serve?!

Seeing that Priest Sauron did not resist, several trial knights waved their hands.

More than a dozen trial knights walked into the tavern. After the two trial knights escorted Sauron away at 5.4, they began to search under the gaze of the pale and desperate tavern owner.

The tavern owner was desperate, he knew, he was gone.

Priest Sauron did not resist, allowing the knights of trial to take him away and imprison him in the prison under the church of trial.

At this moment, after Priest Sauron suddenly came to his senses, he understood everything, and his heart was already dead.

Sitting blankly in the prison, with magic chains clasped on both hands.

The fluctuation of magic power in the body has almost stagnated.

He looked at the two trial knights outside the prison.

The eyes are dull.

And at this moment, Sauron suddenly felt that he seemed to see two invisible silhouettes shaking outside.

"This is...."

Priest Sauron's eyes widened sharply. .

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