Be A Lord Starting Today

Chapter 43 Mining Is Equivalent To Being Sentenced To Life Imprisonment【46】

In the future, it can continue to expand towards the outside. The current Xieyue Town can be used as an inner city. There are not many other things in the wilderness, but there is a lot of land. There will always be a way in the future.

The Dark Moon soldiers in full armor maintained order, mainly the orcs. The townspeople had already consciously quieted down when Don Juan was about to speak.

Don Juan first explained the experience of the half-orcs to the townspeople, and made it clear to the townspeople that there is still a difference between half-orcs and brutal orcs. Like the previous townspeople, half-orcs are oppressed bottom people.

As soon as this was clarified, many townspeople immediately felt sympathy for the half-orcs.

Because before Don Juan came to Xieyue Town, they were also exploited and oppressed by the nobles.

Therefore, the townspeople have full sympathy for those half-orcs who have suffered similarly to them.

And as long as such a mentality is established in advance, the next work will be much easier to do.

Let the half-orcs live in Xieyue Town for a few days first, feel the warmth of Xieyue Town, and then do the work of these half-orcs.

There are more than a thousand strong men among these half-orcs, which is very important for Xieyue Town, which is currently extremely short of population and able to work.

And Don Juan, who counted the number of orcs, felt a headache again.

The number of male half-orcs is more than a thousand, and the number of half-orcs, women and children together exceeds two thousand. In general, the number of half-orcs is a thousand more than Don Juan thought.

Not just housing, but three thousand more mouths to eat.

The original food from Xieyue Town, together with what Don Juan had brought from the granary, and what was seized from the orc camp, all of them together did not exceed 500,000 catties.

And the 500,000 catties of grain, more than 5,000 people will eat it for three months.

With this calculation, it is just until the spring of next year, when the evil disaster arrives.

But the food is obviously not enough, so Don Juan made a decision, in my world, to start agriculture in an all-round way!

Minecraft is an amazing place.

Don Juan had done an experiment before.

How long does it take to grow crops in minecraft.

And recently, the crops that Don Juan first planted have begun to mature, and the wheat matures once a month in my world map!

Moreover, the quality and output of food must surpass the real world in an all-round way.

Although it is not as good as the wheat that matures every few days in the original game, it is already very powerful.

So Don Juan is going to fully start agriculture in the map of my world and be self-sufficient.

In fact, Don Juan planned to sell grain outside at the beginning, but how can he buy grain now? The nobles in the wilderness are all buying grain, and the price of grain has been skyrocketed.

And it's in short supply.

There is no food to buy at all.

Don Juan first made a plan for the future. Don Juan's plan was divided into several steps. The construction of the city wall could not be stopped, and the place where the orcs lived could be built by themselves, so that they would be extremely attentive.

The food will be consumed after three months, and this period is the time when agriculture starts in my world map.

And minecraft mining can't stop.

At this time, Don Juan thought of those captured orc captives.

There are dozens of orc captives. If they are all put into the mine to mine, the speed and efficiency will be many times higher than that of Don Juan alone.

Thinking of this, Don Juan planned carefully.

Minecraft portals need to be well camouflaged so that the portal looks like a normal portal.

Fortunately, there is a brother function in the system, which can change the appearance of the portal in Minecraft.

So Don Juan changed the portal of Minecraft into a normal gate, and when the gate is opened, there is a new world behind the gate.

In an area behind Xieyue Town, there are some rocky mountains.

Portals can be placed there and then connected to mines in minecraft.

In this way, the orcs entered the portal and came directly to the mine.

Don Juan had experimented with this function before, allowing Ragnar and Pendragon and several sergeants with a loyalty of 100 to enter my world, and Ragnar and the others did not feel anything unusual.

Under Don Juan's insinuations, Don Juan finally confirmed that only Don Juan can use the synthesis function of the Minecraft Workbench and other functions.

In other words, when other people enter Minecraft, they don't have the abilities in the game, and they will only act like normal Common people.

And my world map does not talk about those magical things. It has already become a real world on the outside. If outsiders enter the map, they will not feel anything. At most, they will feel that they have come to a strange place without feeling It's a whole new, magical world.

After confirming these things, Don Juan began to arrange for the orc captives to enter the mine in Minecraft to mine.

As for whether orcs will encounter zombies, skeleton shooters and other things in mines in Minecraft, what dangers will they encounter.

This can only be said, it depends on fate.

Don Juan would send people to clean up the mine in advance, and then let those orc captives go into the mine, but if monsters spawned somewhere in the mine, and some orc captives died, Don Juan could only say that their lives were bad.

In Don Juan's decision, as long as he is captured by the orcs sent to mine, it will be like being sentenced to life imprisonment, and it is basically impossible to come out of the mine in Minecraft.

After confirming the next plan in his study, Don Juan was ready to arrange matters.

"My lord, my lord!"

At this time, Harlaus yelled loudly outside.

"What's wrong?"

Don Juan couldn't help feeling a headache.

"Outside, there's another army coming out of town."

Harlaus obviously ran all the way over, speaking out of breath.


Don Juan was taken aback for a moment, why did another army come here! ?

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