Be A Lord Starting Today

Chapter 44 Why Is This Don Juan So Rich! ? 【56】

"Slanting Moon Town."

Earl Jodl was riding on his horse, looking at this small town, with a lot of doubts in his heart.

"These outside Xieyue Town want to build a city wall?"

Riding on his horse, the Knight of Delin looked at the outskirts of Xieyue Town suspiciously.

Outside the wooden wall, there is a circle of foundations that have been dug, and some stones and tools can be seen. It is obvious that this is the posture to start the construction of the city wall.

The foundations have been dug, and it can be seen that they really want to build the city wall.

As for the reason, Earl Yordle is very clear, because the evil disaster will come in the spring of next year.

"It's less than three or four months before the catastrophe. It's too late to build the city wall at this time."

A knight said mockingly.

"Obviously, the baron of Xieyue Town doesn't want to lose his hard-won territory, so he wants to try his luck, in case they survive the evil disaster."

"Hehe, the fluke mentality of the little nobleman."

Earl Yordle was filled with disdain.

Although it is not known how Don Juan defeated the orcs, this did not prevent Earl Yordle from looking down on him.

It is extremely difficult to build a stone city wall. Everyone believes that with the ability of Xieyue Town, it is impossible to build all the city walls within three months.

This time, Earl Yodel just wanted to see how the lord of Xieyue Town was able to defeat more than fifteen hundred orcs.

By the way.....

Earl Jodl glanced at the dark army with various noble flags flying behind him.

At least hundreds of knights, hundreds of knight retinues, all with horses and good chain mail equipment.

And more than 1,500 professional soldiers equipped with swords and shields, bows and arrows, padded armor and iron helmets.

By the way, use your own strength to frighten the baron, the lord of Xieyue Town.

Let him submit to himself.

Earl Yordle aims to unify the entire wilderness, gather the power of all the nobles in the entire wilderness, and resist the evil disaster.

As long as Earl Yodel can withstand the test of the evil disaster, it means that his strength is not weaker than that of the empire sixty or seventy years ago.

Then he is fully qualified to establish an empire on his own and become the new emperor.

Of course, it's hard to say whether he can withstand the evil disaster.

"Who are you? Why did you come to my territory?"

On the wooden city wall, Don Juan was wearing heavy armor, condescendingly looking down at the leader, Earl Yordle.

Looking at the army below, Don Juan frowned.

These armies can be seen at a glance, unlike the mob composed entirely of farmers and soldiers, and looking at the various noble flags, it is obvious that they are an army composed of human nobles.

Don Juan didn't let his guard down just because they were human.

These days, humans are more dangerous than brutal orcs.

"You are the Lord Baron of Slanting Moon Town, right?"

Jodl looked and saw the incomparably majestic and cold armor on Don Juan at a glance, and a trace of amazement flashed in his eyes.

He subconsciously looked at the imperial scale armor he was wearing.

It is also heavy armor, but Yordle feels that his scale armor is several grades lower than the baron's.

"Is this baron so rich? Does he wear such good armor?"

"And what kind of armor is this, why have I never seen it before?"

Count Yodel had such a question in his mind.

But after much deliberation, Earl Yodel could only let go of the doubt in his heart: "It's just a piece of armor. Does this Don Juan still have the money to equip each of his soldiers with this kind of armor? Ha ha, it's hard to think about it impossible."

"Baron Don Juan, I will stop talking nonsense and just get right to the point."

"I am Earl Yodel, the largest noble in the wilderness at present. In order to resist the evil disaster next year, I have come to unite with other wilderness nobles, and now I am here to invite you to join our noble alliance."

"Don't worry, in the alliance, we help each other, and you will get enough freedom."

Jodl said to Don Juan.

"Aristocratic alliance? I'm sorry, Earl Yodel, I have no current plans to form an alliance with others."

Don Juan shook his head and refused.

"Master Don Juan, please forgive me for talking too much, I want to ask, do you really want to rely on your own strength to fight the hell disaster in the spring of next year?"

"I'm sorry Lord Don Juan, it's not that I look down on you, but that your town really doesn't have that strength."

At this time, the Knight of Delin shouted from the side.

"How do you know I don't have that strength?"

Don Juan sneered and stood on the city wall with his hands behind his back.

"What do you want to rely on? Do you rely on your city wall that you don't know will be built in the next few years?"

"Don Juan, I'm here to give you a suggestion. If you're sensible, take your troops and people to move now. My territory has a wall high enough to protect you."

"Of course, the price of protection is that you must obey my orders."

Earl Jodl felt that he was very merciful, and he could still vacate his own land in his own territory for the untouchables in Xieyue Town to live in, and provide them with his own protection.

Can there be a benevolent nobleman like me in the world? No more.

Earl Jodl was very satisfied.

In his view, Don Juan did not deny his own strength at all. With the current Xieyue Town, it is impossible to survive next year's catastrophe alone.

Don Juan is unable to protect Xieyue Town, so he can only rely on him.

Earl Yordle stared at Don Juan, and at this moment, Don Juan on the city wall beckoned.

"What does he want to do?"

Knight Delin said doubtfully beside him.

The next moment, he suddenly widened his eyes.

Shocked and unbelievable watching what happened on the city wall at this moment.

On the city wall, row after row of soldiers in black heavy armor appeared at the top of the city. The crossbows in their hands were ready to go. They had already loaded the crossbow and aimed at Earl Yodel below. and others.

"Lord Earl Yodel, you have brought an army into my territory without authorization. This is an invasion, and you are talking nonsense, asking me to submit to you and join your territory."

"To be honest, I didn't order the attack on the spot is enough to give you face."

Don Juan was wearing black heavy armor, standing on the city wall with his hands together, looking at everyone below with disdain.

"How is it possible! How could it be possible that the soldiers under Don Juan were all wearing such heavy armor!"

"And there are crossbows!"

Jodl's eyes widened sharply, filled with unbelievable shock.

As for the armor of Don Juan's soldiers, not to mention him, even the emperor of the empire has never seen it!

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