Be A Lord Starting Today

Chapter 86 Preparations Before Conscription【27】【Seventh Subscription】

"The lord is here!!"

"The Lord Baron of Slanted Moon City has come to see us!"

Shouts rang out in the refugee camp. Hearing these words, many refugees walked out of the tents.

"Has the lord come?"


Many of them, when Tang Juan said before that the oblique moon city would accept them, and they could start their lives again in the oblique moon city, basically considered themselves to be the subjects of Tang Juan's subordinates.

And for them, it was Don Juan who gave them food and clothing, so many people were grateful to Don Juan.

For Don Juan's arrival at this moment, many people are still very excited.

In the refugee camp, Habalina was distributing the new food and coal he had just received from Oblique Moon City to the refugees he had brought.

He was also holding a piece of bread in his hand and was devouring it.

"The lord of Oblique Moon City is willing to give us refugees this kind of fine bread!"

Eating the white bread in his hand, Habalina was completely shocked.

This texture, this soft feel.

Habalina had never seen bread of this quality.

And he believes that this level of food, I am afraid that only those above the earl and duke level can enjoy it 940.

But now, the chef of the city lord actually gives all these good things to these refugees!

After losing his territory and his attendants, Habalina thinks that he can only be regarded as a refugee now.

"The lord has come to see us!"

Suddenly Habalina heard such a shout.

He immediately devoured the bread in three mouthfuls, and then ran out with his sword.

After running outside, I saw a large group of people surrounding something.

Habalinna squeezed in with great effort, and saw a handsome young man who looked very gentle.

When Don Juan visited these refugees, what he asked was nothing more than official words such as how the food was and whether it was hard to live here.

But just these words made these refugees very excited.

"Master Don Juan!"

Habalina shouted, then ran up, knelt down on one knee in front of Don Juan, raised the long sword in his hands above his head.

"My lord, please accept my allegiance!"

Don Juan glanced at Dabc Ballina and asked, "What's your name?"

"Habalinna, my lord, I am a knight, but I lost my territory, and my people were killed by those orcs, so I can only take a small number of people and escape to the city of the oblique moon."

"My lord, I want to join your army and take revenge on those orcs with my own hands!"

Habalinna knelt on one knee, raised the long sword above his head with both hands, the bandit leader said loudly.

Habalina's words immediately resonated with many people.

Especially young men.

The door is also full of flesh and blood, the barbarians of the evil disaster, the orcs destroyed their homes and killed their relatives, and they fled here.

They want to take revenge on the evil disaster.

And at this time Habalina's words reminded them!

They can join the army of Crescent Moon City and join the battle against those evil orcs!

Immediately, many young people imitated Habalina and knelt down, shouting one after another: "Please accept us, my lord, we want to fight for you and join the battle against the orcs!"

Don Juan was a little surprised.

In fact, he came here today just to collect people's hearts, and then he will come back tomorrow to see if there are any literate people and recruit some literate people as documents.

After all, the next recruitment will definitely not only recruit one or two thousand people.

(The number of refugees now exceeds 7,000, and most of them are young adults.)

Then recruit again on the third day.

Now what Don Juan didn't expect was that he had just arrived, and before he proposed to conscript troops to fight against the evil disaster, a knight named Habalina offered to join Don Juan's army, which caused a lot of trouble. The sympathy of a large number of refugees.

"Everyone, everyone, please be quiet."

The voices of many refugee youths joined together, and Don Juan felt that there was some noise in his ears. He raised his hand to suppress the voices of the refugees, and then said: "Everyone, I know that you have lost your homeland, and I slanted Yuecheng will accept all of you."

"Xianyue City will be your new home from now on."

"I do want to recruit troops among you, but this is a huge job, so now I need to find some literate people to do this job for me."

Don Juan didn't make a fool of himself, and just used this excuse to directly explain his intention for coming.

"My lord, I am a knight, and I can read and write."

Habalina was the first to speak to Don Juan.

"I, I, I used to teach under the hands of nobles, and I can also read."

"I used to be the Priest of the church, and I can also read!"

To Don Juan's surprise, there are five or six people who can read and write here alone.

"Very well, you all will come into the city with me first, draft a notice, and then wait until all the literate people are recruited, and when the sun is clear at noon tomorrow, you will start to sign up for recruitment."

Don Juan brought Habalina and other literate people into the city first.

And as soon as they entered the oblique moon city, Habalina and the others stared wide-eyed.

Because they have never seen such a city.

The buildings in the city have almost been planned at this moment, and they are arranged in an orderly manner, and the ground is not mud, but a kind of smooth and flat thing they have never seen before, like a stone , but the stone cannot be so smooth and flat.

"This is truly, a city I've never seen before!"

One of them was Priest who settled in the wilderness, and he stared at everything in front of him with wide eyes.

Before he came to the wilderness, he was well-informed, but he had never seen a city like Slanting Moon City in his life!

And when they entered the central area of ​​the oblique moon city, the dozens of cement and reinforced concrete buildings made their eyes widen in shock.

And they were also assigned their own dormitory.

This is a residential building that has just been built not long ago, with a height of five floors and a length of more than 50 meters.

Constructed of cement and reinforced concrete, it stands on the ground like a seamless rectangle.

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