Be A Lord Starting Today

Chapter 87 What A Great City 【37】【Seventh Subscription】

Don Juan distributed overalls to Habalina and the others.

Habalina and the others repeatedly touched the wool cotton coat that was in their hands.

"This is the best item, and it was sent directly to us."

Habalina is a knight and a nobleman, and he has more knowledge than others.

"After changing into work clothes, you started to draft notices, and then posted them to several refugee camps outside the city."

"After more literacy documents are recruited, then we are ready to start conscription."

Don Juan said to them.

"My lord, after the clerical work is over, please allow me to resign! Let me join your army to serve you!"

Habalina said again at this moment.


Don Juan nodded, and he checked Habalina's loyalty.

There are eighty-nine points.

After Don Juan's cohesion effect of great people is activated, people who join Slanting Moon City will automatically increase their loyalty by ten points.

And this shows that Habalina's loyalty has already reached 79 points before, which is also related to Don Juan's saving them and giving them food and drink.

Generally speaking, a loyalty of 70 points is a qualified subordinate.

A loyalty score above 80 points is considered a loyal minister.

More than 90 points of loyalty are eligible to become diehards.

But now, the general loyalty of Don Juan's army is around ninety.

Basically loyal.

After the conscription this time, the average loyalty of the army should change from ninety points to more than eighty points.

But that's okay too.

Because the general army composed of conscripts of the nobles, if the loyalty value of the system is considered, the average is probably around 60 points.

Even if the loyalty of Don Juan's army drops to around 80 points, it is still a very loyal army.

And in the future, their loyalty will gradually increase as they join Xieyue Town and the time they join the army. As time goes by, Don Juan will have a group of loyalists who generally reach 90 and become a loyal army.

In the afternoon of that day, the notice was posted in the refugee camp.

When it was approaching night, among the more than 7,000 refugees, Tang Juan was surprised to have recruited nearly 100 clerks who could read.

This number is not less, but more.

Even Don Juan didn't expect to be able to recruit close to a hundred clerks.

And if there are more educated people, then the next thing will be easy to unfold.

But the matter of conscription will start tomorrow, and tonight is the banquet that Don Juan promised, so we can't break our promise.

At night, Habalina was resting in a small room assigned to him.

Suddenly someone started knocking on the door.


Habalina got out of bed and opened the door.

As soon as the door was opened, Habalina's eyes widened immediately, and at the same time, he subconsciously reached out to touch his sword at his waist.

Because there was a heavily armed werewolf standing outside the door!

"It's over! My sword is by the bed!"

Habalina's heart skipped a beat, and he had put his sword beside the bed when he was resting just now!

Before he had time to think about how a werewolf would come in the city, Habalina's muscles tensed up, guarding against the attack of the werewolf.

But the werewolf looked at Habalina very strangely, and said: "My lord asked me to inform you to attend the banquet."

After finishing speaking, the werewolf turned around and left, but he still left a sentence when he turned around: "Besides, don't be so tense, my name is German Shepherd, I am not an orthodox werewolf, and I am not the same as those wild and brutal orcs outside." The same. And we are also very loyal to the lord."

"The orcs in the oblique moon city are only our tribe, you will see them often in the future, relax, you will get used to it gradually.

After the German Shepherd left, Habalina finally came to his senses gradually.

"In the oblique moon city, there are still orcs loyal to the lord?"

Habalina did not disbelieve the German Shepherd, he was just too nervous just now, after all his territory was destroyed by the werewolves.

Habalina knows that people are very different, let alone orcs and orcs.

Thinking about it this way, it's not surprising that there are orcs who are loyal to humans.

After being connected, Habalina admired Don Juan even more in his heart.

The lord is really amazing, there are still orcs loyal to him.

At the same time, I made up my mind to serve Don Juan's allegiance.

Habalinna put on the newly issued wool padded coat, feeling the warmth of his body, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

Then walked out, and bumped into other documents that walked out.

...0 for flowers...

They greeted each other and walked towards the castle.

"It's already night, I didn't expect that the city of Xieyue is still brightly lit."

"It's so lively."

Habalina and the other clerks walked on the street, looking at the bright and lively street with red lanterns hanging everywhere with emotion.

"And humans and half-orcs get along very well in Oblique Moon City."

The fellow Priest was also very pleased to see the half-orcs living on the street.

He is different from other Priests of those churches, he doesn't think half-orcs are heretics.

And he has been working hard in the empire to make people accept half-orcs.

But the mainstream of the church is still different from him.

The church believes that even if those half-orcs have a human appearance, they are filthy and evil inside.

Like the evil and brutal orcs, there is no difference, and they are even more discriminated against.

So he was excommunicated by the Church and cast out onto the wilderness.

But now, seeing the peaceful coexistence of humans and half-orcs here in the oblique moon city made him very happy.

Although Xieyue Town is small, it can achieve peaceful coexistence of different races, which is something that even the imperial capital of the empire cannot do.

What a great city this is!

Soon they passed the market, which was full of peddlers hawking their wares.

Many of the things that were sold made them feel very novel. Even after passing by a few restaurants, they smelled the unusually fragrant food smell from inside, which made them feel even more hungry and drooling. DC.

Unfortunately, they have no money on them now.

Habalina's attention has been on the sergeants patrolling the streets.

He looked at their heavy armor with envy in his eyes.

Black's iron armor leaves are connected in series, with pockets on his body, iron apron, forgings, shoulder coverings, neck armor, skirt armor, and many armor parts are connected together, which looks so serious and mighty.

"Everyone in the army of the oblique moon city has such armor, which makes me even more shocked, how rich is the oblique moon city.

"In the future, we will be able to live in this fairyland-like city."

A group of newly joined clerks are full of longing for the future. .

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