Be A Lord Starting Today

Chapter 89 The War Machine Is On! 【57】【Seventh Subscription】

On the second day after the banquet, Don Juan started the conscription.

Don Juan thought, no matter what, at least 2,000 troops must be recruited.

After all, there are 7,000 refugees, and at least 5,000 of them are young and strong!

And when the notice of conscription is posted, the conscription matters for conscription records by documents begin.

The enthusiastic registration and enthusiasm of the refugees exceeded Don Juan's expectations.

There are quite a lot of young people who signed up to join the army of the oblique moon city.

The line is very long.

Fortunately, Don Juan had 100 clerks enlisted to work in advance, otherwise, it would have taken several days just to record the recruiters with only Harlaus and some literate sergeants.

One hundred new paperworkers worked extremely hard, and in just half a day, the registration record was completed.

Among the more than 7,000 refugees, more than 4,000 of the more than 5,000 young adults will be recruited to join Don Juan's army.

This statistic caught Don Juan off guard.

Originally, he thought that only 2,000 people could be recruited, but in the end, more than 4,000 people had to be drafted into the army.

According to Don Juan's plan plus the original 800 people, at least 2,400 people will be recruited, reaching the number of 3,200 people.

30 Now the four walls of Xieyue City are each one mile long, which is 500 meters.

Four walls, in order to prevent the enemy from besieging the city, besieged on all sides.

Seven hundred people were placed on each city wall to defend the city. With the help of various defense equipment above, there will be a total of 2,800 fixed guards on the four walls.

The remaining 400 people are on standby as a mobile force, ready to provide support to the somewhat dangerous city wall.

At that time, if there is an army of evil disasters coming to attack the city

So adding up, recruiting 2,400 people is enough.

But now there are more than 4,000 people who want to be drafted into the army.

Helpless, Tang Qi could only go through layers of screening again.

According to the height data, physical appearance, etc. provided when the documents were recorded, and the barracks available for training in Xieyue Town, Tang Juan eliminated more than a thousand people.

The number of recruits this time was maintained at 3,000 people.

The barracks in Xieyue Town outside the city are also urgently expanding.

As the new population of Xieyue Town, the refugees were recruited by Don Juan to expand the barracks.

After all, the original barracks could only accommodate 1,000 people, so it had to be expanded at least three times.

And almost a week later, the expansion of the new barracks was completed.

It is now the middle of December.

There is still less than half a month left before the evil disaster corps truly launches a general attack on human beings.

Anvi Miya also left with the caravan within a week.

She accepted Don Juan's request to buy all kinds of war weapons here.

Oil, saltpeter, sulfur, etc.

The purpose of buying oil is to defend the city. The hot oil is poured directly from the city wall, which can directly cause a large area of ​​damage to the attacking troops.

The purpose is not to kill the enemy, the purpose is mostly to cause burns to the enemy's troops. Burns are painful injuries. If the enemy's troops have a large number of burnt personnel, then that person will directly lose combat effectiveness, and The wounded are not left alone like the dead.

It can be very effective in reducing the enemy's troops.

The purpose of buying saltpeter and brimstone is to make gunpowder.

There is a huge amount of charcoal in Xieyue City, which is enough, but there is not enough charcoal in Xieyue City, and the ones collected by the health team are not enough.

There is also sulfur. Sulfur can not be found here in the oblique moon city and its surroundings. Only the surroundings of some magma found in the underground mines in the mine world map have collected sulfur, but the amount is too small.

However, besides making gunpowder, sulfur has other uses. People in other parts of the empire generally use sulfur to kill insects on crops.

So Anvi Miya went out to buy these things.

And in the underground abandoned mine in the mine world map, it is a pity for Don Juan that no dungeon has been found.

In my world, after such a long time of exploration, Don Juan also understood that monsters are not randomly spawned in the dark like in the game.

Instead, it has a fixed nest.

After Don Juan sent troops to clean up several monster lairs, Don Juan didn't find anything like a monster spawner.

Once a lair is cleared, the lair will no longer contain monsters.

So this made Don Juan's idea of ​​building a monster spawning tower, spawning a large number of monsters, and killing creepers to get ready-made gunpowder fell through.

And Don Juan didn't let the troops stop cleaning up the monster lairs in Minecraft.

Troops of more than 400 people are mainly hunting creepers every day.

Obtain gunpowder, and the gunpowder obtained from the creeper's body is smokeless gunpowder. In terms of power and advanced level, smokeless gunpowder is much more advanced than black gunpowder.

However, this method is still unstable, and sometimes the harvest is more, and sometimes the harvest is less.

That's why Don Juan needed Anvimiya to purchase a large amount of raw materials for making black powder.

After all, the smelting factories in my world are now fully operational, and a steady stream of cast iron cannons are manufactured every day to defend the city.

If there are a lot of guns, but not enough gunpowder, it will be embarrassing. 140

Each city wall has twenty-five small watchtowers and ten large watchtowers. Added together, there are one hundred small watchtowers and ten large watchtowers.

In this way, at least one hundred cast iron cannons are needed for placement.

And each cast iron cannon is equipped with at least fifty shells and matching gunpowder.

Calculated in this way, at least 5,000 shells and a huge amount of gunpowder are needed.

The entire Oblique Moon City is like a very precise machine, fully activated under the pressure of the war.

And during this period, with the increase in the number of refugees who really became the population of Xieyue Town, the real population of Xieyue Town included more than 10,000 people. In the system interface, Xieyue City was also truly upgraded to a city.

And after upgrading to the city, Don Juan discovered that the system has an additional function, that is, it can open multiple Minecraft portals at the same time!

With this function, Don Juan does not need to put the portal in various places, open it, and then send workers and farmers to my world map to pick up supplies, harvest food or grow food. .

Every time like this Don Juan has to run back and forth...

After all, it's been done like this before, it's just that it's too unreasonable...not much to mention. .

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