Be A Lord Starting Today

Chapter 90 Guarding The Great Slanting Moon City【67】【Seventh Watch For Collection】

Hutch was wearing heavy-duty armor, and the black pocket on his head looked black and bright under the sunshine that didn't have any warmth.

He yawned, his chin as long as a wolf's kiss rubbed against the iron girdle under his chin.

Because his tribe belonged to the werewolf tribe, the way of wearing the Doudou iron helmet was different from that of other human half-orc sergeants.

The armored helmets worn by other human sergeants cover the entire face, and at the same time serve as a nape and a visor.

Coupled with the eyebrow covering of Douhou's eyebrows, only a pair of eyes are exposed on the whole face, which looks serious and majestic.

But because of the natural appearance of the werewolves in Hatch, which belongs to the city of the oblique moon, their heads are animal heads and they basically have long snouts, so their iron-encircled armor covers their necks. It can be said that it is a double-layer neck guard.

And the long kiss on the face is exposed, so it looks very different from other human sergeants and half-orc sergeants.

"There are really many new recruits this time, and the barracks have more than tripled in size."

Alaska, who was standing guard at the gate of the barracks, looked at the recruits who entered the barracks one by one with excitement in their eyes, wearing winter military uniforms, and holding recruit wooden signs, and he said casually.

"After all, there is the pressure of war, and the evil disaster is coming."

"Although I don't know what the specific evil disaster looks like, I am very worried about our fellow clansmen.

"They are just like us, and they are incompatible with real werewolves. They will definitely not join the Demon Disaster Legion, and they will have a hard time then."

With a sad look in Hatch's eyes, he said.

The reason why Hatch's tribe mixed with the real orthodox orcs of Hula and Bigaxe was also a last resort.

Although they are also orthodox orcs, their werewolf branch is considered a different kind, and their minds are similar to half-orcs.

However, Don Juan recently gave Hatch's tribe a new name, the Wolfdog tribe.

This name is obviously a literal meaning, because the werewolves of the Hatch tribe basically look similar to the wolfdogs Don Juan knew in his previous life.

And if it is called a kobold, or a wolf dog, it is not very pleasant to hear, so Don Juan made a compromise and gave the werewolf tribe of Hatch the name of the wolf dog tribe.

And the name wolfdog also has meanings, like a werewolf's fighting power, and a dog's loyalty.

The distribution of the wolf dog tribe is not small among the entire orc and werewolf.

And because of their natural temperament, they will definitely not join the Demon Disaster Legion. When they lived peacefully, the wolf dog tribe was incompatible with the orthodox werewolf tribe or the orthodox orc tribe.

"Let's guard the oblique moon city well."

"Although I've been in Slanted Moon City for a few months, I feel that I've truly integrated into this city, and I'm going to put my life on the line, and I have to guard her well.

There was a cold and fierce look in Alaska's eyes.

"If those demonic barbarians and orcs come to invade our city, we must cut off their sharp claws, and let them know that our land is sacred and inviolable!"

Hatch let out a long breath, opened his long wolf kiss and said, "Our great city, the great City of Oblique Ears."


At this time, Alaska suddenly saw the equipment being transported to the military camp not far away.

There was doubt in his eyes.

"When will our army be equipped with bows and arrows?"

"Isn't the power of the crossbow much greater than that of the bow and arrow? I can use the crossbow very smoothly now."

Alaska asked puzzled.

"I guess it should be the reason for the defense of the city."

Hatch said: "After all, it's a city defense battle, not precision, but fire coverage.

"Just let the recruits learn bows and arrows for a period of time, so that they can draw bows and shoot arrows, and cover firepower when defending the city."

"After all, although the crossbow is powerful, the speed of launching the arrow is still too slow."

"It can't compare to the shooting speed of bows and arrows."

Hutch thought for a while and added.

"So that's how it is."

Alaska nodded.

At the very beginning, Don Juan never thought of going into a field battle with the enemy.

Although he has an advantage in equipment, if he engages in a field battle with the enemy, when the enemy's large army arrives, even if the enemy cannot let go of 200,000 people at a time due to the limitation of the venue, at least Don Juan's army will have to face several More than ten thousand people.

After Don Juan expanded his army, the total strength was only 3,800.

Although it has various advantages in equipment and weapons, even if the enemy's forces cannot be deployed due to the limited space.

But facing tens of thousands of people at a time, the risk of conducting a field battle is still too great.

Don Juan is not Zhuge Liang, and he has no intelligence beyond ordinary people.

In terms of IQ, Don Juan is just a common person, and Don Juan is not very good at tactics and strategy.

Therefore, the most conservative and stable method is to defend the city.

Backed by the entire Minecraft game map, after carrying out the agricultural revolution carried out in the Minecraft map, Don Juan has no shortage of food at all.

By guarding the city, Don Juan can defend the city until the enemy dies of old age!

This really reflects a sentence in the game of riding and hacking: "々`ha! We can defend the city until we die of old age!"

The manpower in the oblique moon city was used to the limit by Don Juan, basically there was no one idle.

Even in such a situation, the various constructions in Xieyue City have not stopped.

Not only the residential buildings of the Common, but also more military defense (king's) buildings near the city wall, all kinds of cement and reinforced concrete walls one after another

Although Don Juan is a Common man, he will prepare for the worst in everything.

If a certain city wall falls, the defenders can retreat to the numerous military defensive buildings behind the city wall and defend inside the defensive wall.

In order to wait for the mobile team on standby in the city to come to support and regain the city wall.

And usually people can live in these buildings.

And because of the need for people to live in, these buildings are basically built at a high level.

The lowest, also has ten meters, the height of three floors.

A lot of people can be filled to live in it.

And these buildings will use a large number of refugees outside the city to work, because for them, these military buildings used for defense during wartime are also their residential buildings in normal times.

It can be said to be a half-civilian, half-military building bundle. .

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