Be A Lord Starting Today

Chapter 91: Misfortune! The Real Disaster Army! 【77】【Seventh Subscription】

If time goes by, maybe after a while, the buildings in Xieyue City will show a strange phenomenon.

Because the area close to the city wall is a building with a height of more than ten meters, and the center is also a building with a height of more than ten meters. The two present a concentric circle, enclosing a circle with a height of only a few meters...

Very weird architectural planning.

But now in order to defend the city as hard as possible, this is the only way to do it.

But the state of concentric circles of buildings will not last long, because the construction of Xieyue Town has been going on.

Afterwards, it will always become a building full of tall buildings.

Time passed gradually like this.

Soon, half a month passed, and it came to January of the next year, the time of spring.

At this time in the past, the townspeople of Slanting Moon City should be busy with spring sowing.

Because before Don Juan came here, Xieyue Town was said to be a town, but it was actually a border village in the wilderness.

People also rely on farming to support themselves.

This time happens to be the time to harvest the wheat sown in the previous spring and then replant the crops on the land harvested in the previous autumn.

Farmers in this world generally adopt the method of three-field system, and the land is rotated every year.

But now for the 147 hours, in order to deal with the urgent arrival of evil disasters, basically the food depends on the sown crops in my world.

Not only the townspeople outside, including a large number of refugees, all entered the oblique moon city, relying on the protection of the city wall.

The oblique moon city is only one mile long and wide, with an area of ​​250,000 square meters.

There are more than 12,000 residents in such a small place, if all of them are built into bungalows, it will certainly appear that Xieyue City is very crowded.

There is not enough personal space between people.

But it has been four months since Don Juan came here.

A considerable part of the buildings in Xieyue City have also been built.

Therefore, more than 10,000 people live in Xieyue City, not only does it appear uncrowded, but it can even accommodate another 10,000 people.

Just build enough multistory buildings.

Deep in the wilderness.

Dark foggy area, dark snow-colored forest.

This is a huge forest that is completely shrouded in black mist, and the edge cannot be seen at a glance.

The forest that has experienced winter still has this thick snow at this moment. The combination of white snow and black fog "forms a very special black snow.

The whole forest is covered with such Black snow.

And the Chunyang that has appeared in the sky can't shine into this forest at all.

Moreover, under the influence of the Black mist, the snow in this forest did not melt.

Therefore, this forest is covered by a large black snow all year round.

At the edge of the dark snow-colored forest, a black air suddenly rose into the sky.

Three figures suddenly separated from this puff of black air, and they stood in the sky.

Three figures, two men and one woman, all have huge bat wings on their backs, and the wings are like a big hand, waving slowly in the sky.

The wings on their backs are not the same as Losataya's. If Don Juan were to say it, it would be the same as the fleshy wings on Sasuke's back in the cursed state in Naruto.

Some ugly.

"The time has finally come!"

One of the male vampires with a bloody pattern on his face squinted his eyes.

"Tsk, this sunshine is still annoying."

"It has been more than a hundred years since I came out of the clan, and I still haven't fully adapted to the sunlight. Every time I am exposed to the sun, I will feel a tingling pain."

Pale skin felt the sting from the sunlight in the sky, and a look of disgust appeared on his face.

"Dorombali, it is said that your younger sister Losataya has fully adapted to the sun, where is she now?"

Another male blood clan laughed and asked.

"Hmph, don't mention that idiot woman to me, after more than a (daad) more than a hundred years, she still looks like a child who can't grow up, even my younger sister Melonia's strength has almost reached my level, she It's still pitifully weak!"

Dorombali obviously has an extremely disgusting feeling for Losataya.

By now, their identities have become apparent.

The man with the bloody pattern on his face "is Rosatani's everything.

And the tall, long-legged vampire woman with a height of 1.76 meters is the younger sister Melonia.

But as for the other male blood race, I don't know who he is.

In Losataya's rhetoric, in the wilderness are the only three blood races left in this world.

So why is another popping up now?

"Ba Ni Duo, I never expected that the fourth day walker in the clan who can adapt to the sun in the past hundred years is you.

At this moment, Dolombali frowned and looked at another blood man.

"It's not just that you didn't expect it, because I also didn't expect that I could adapt to the sun in these hundred years and lead the disaster army with you."

Baniduo laughed. He glanced around and asked, "Back to my topic just now, where is your sister Losataya? Where did she go?"

"She had already arrived in the wilderness three weeks ago."

At this moment, Melonia spoke.

"Three weeks ago? What if she went out early and was caught by humans and exposed our plan?"

Baniduo was stunned for a moment, and said worriedly.

"Don't worry, that idiot woman, I didn't tell her our real plan and the information about you."

"So even if she is caught and tortured, she will not know our real information."

"Those stupid humans don't know our real purpose and plan at all."

"They are just foolish to think that every sixty or seventy years, the barbarian orcs will experience a riot."

"After so many years of hard work, the strength of each of the three disaster regiments in the east, west and north has exceeded 100,000!"

"With an army of more than 300,000, it is impossible for us to be defeated by humans in the wilderness this time!"

"We want to completely break out of the wilderness, and then capture the entire human world."

Obviously, the information that Losataya knew was obviously wrong. The number of the Demon Disaster Legion was not only 200,000, but more than 300,000.

Moreover, the real leader of the Demon Disaster Legion is not Melonia who has been silent just now, but Dorombali.

As for all of this, the kingdom coalition forces that had assembled in the wilderness, numbering more than 150,000, and whose real combat power was only 80,000, did not know.

And Don Juan, who was urgently preparing for defense in Oblique Moon City, knew nothing about it. .

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