Be A Lord Starting Today

Chapter 92 Second Prince, Why Did You Come To The Wilderness? 【17】【Seventh Ball Seeking Subscription

The border between the Wilderness and the Principality of Wilhelm.

A convoy of carriages is constantly moving forward.

There are not too many people in this carriage team, and the total number of guards is only more than 60 people.

But each of these more than sixty people is wearing heavy armor.

Lined chain mail, armored breastplate covering the chest, and armored shoulder armor on the shoulders.

A heavy iron helmet worn on the head.

There are also gorgeous long swords around their waists, each of which shows the extraordinary identity of its owner.

"My lord, Lord Earl, there should be a wilderness ahead, let's stop and have a rest."

At this time, a knight rode forward and walked up to a middle-aged man wearing a full set of imperial scale armor and an imperial lord's helmet.

The count looked around and the scenery in the sky. It was just noon, and the sun in the sky was emitting mild sunlight at "083".

But the sunlight was too mild, and it couldn't warm their bodies under the gusts of cold wind blowing around them.

"Damn it, it's already spring, why is it still so cold."

The earl gritted his teeth and couldn't help cursing.

Because I came out in a hurry this time, I didn't bring a thick cotton coat.

Fortunately, the armor on his body blocked most of the cold wind, but there was still a trace of cold wind that penetrated through the gaps in the armor very precisely. Every time the wind blew, Earl Bergenlas would feel the coolness on the back of his neck. of.

Yes, the leader of this convoy is Count Bergenrath.

Some people may still remember him, and some may have forgotten him.

If Don Juan was here, he would definitely recognize that Earl Bergenrath was the imperial aristocratic count who sold Don Juan the title of baron when Don Juan bought the title in the imperial capital.

And why did Earl Bergenrath appear here?

The reason is naturally...

"Bergenrath, where are you?"

At this moment, a slightly lazy voice came from the carriage next to it.

"Ah, Your Highness, we have reached the border of the wilderness, so I am going to give the knights a rest. After all, we have been driving for several days."

Bergenlas immediately said to the carriage with a little respect.

"Well, it's already in the wilderness."

Because of the occlusion of the carriage curtain, Earl Bergenlas vaguely saw that the man seemed to be nodding his head, but he didn't seem to move anything. His voice came out of the carriage.

The person Earl Bogenrath is loyal to is the second prince of the empire, and the person who can be respected by Earl Bogenrath as His Highness at this moment is only the second son of the Emperor of the Empire, His Royal Highness the Second Prince!

"Your Highness, there is one thing I don't understand."

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Earl Bergenlas asked inside the carriage.

"What's the matter? Bergenrath, you ask."

The second prince in the carriage stretched and said casually.

"That's right, Your Highness, if you want to inquire about the news of the Demon Disaster Legion in the wilderness, you can just send someone to inquire directly, or if you don't want those servants to inquire, don't worry about them, then my lord, I will run for a while A trip is also possible."

"But why did you bring the team here yourself?"

Earl Bergenlas replied a little cautiously.

A month ago, when His Royal Highness the Second Prince personally told Bogenrath that he would send people to investigate the news of the wilderness disaster, Earl Bogenrath didn't care.

Because of this kind of inquiring about news, just send a letter to a certain noble on the border, let him inquire about it, and then send the letter.

But when His Royal Highness the Second Prince said that he wanted to go to the wilderness by himself, Earl Bergenlas was shocked.

Because His Royal Highness the Second Prince and His Highness the First Prince are the most powerful among the nobles in the empire, and they both have the support of a large number of nobles.

The two princes are eyeing the throne covetously.

Even the southern dukes on the southernmost border of the empire have their eyes on the throne.

The Duke of the South is the Duke of the southern border. He holds a powerful army and is powerful.

And why, seeing that the battle for the throne is imminent, why did His Royal Highness the Second Prince personally lead the team to this wasteland?

Moreover, the evil disaster on the wilderness is very fierce, although there is already a kingdom, three duchies, and the troops of Earl Yordle on the wilderness gathered in the wilderness.

"Then Bogenlas, tell me, why can't I come to the wilderness myself?"

The voice of His Royal Highness the Second Prince was a little smiley, and passed through the curtain of the carriage to Bergenrath's ears.

"Of course it's because..."

Bergenrath was about to speak, but stopped... 0

Why, he can't just say it directly, because I'm afraid that you will kill yourself, so let's kill yourself.

After all, the fight for the throne is just around the corner, and the First Prince's gang will not sit still, they will definitely do something.

If something unexpected happens at this juncture

The words were on the verge of his mouth, but Bogenlas couldn't say it, because if he said it, wouldn't he curse the second prince for an accident.

What if it was all right, but after he said that, an accident happened?

"Because of what? Why don't you continue talking?"

The second prince smiled lightly, and he continued to say what Bergenlas hadn't finished speaking to Bergenlas.

"You are worried that something will happen to me when I suddenly come to the wilderness at such a critical juncture in the struggle for the throne. At that time, no one will compete with the eldest prince for the throne, and the throne will definitely fall into his hands, and you are worried that the eldest prince will treat you You are at a disadvantage."

"After all, you are from my lineage."

The second prince let out bursts of sneer.

"No, I definitely don't have that in mind."

Bergenrath immediately denied it.

"Don't worry, I know that as long as you are a long-term viewer, you can't sleep. I don't blame you. Instead, I want to praise you. You have a sense of crisis."

"After all, the evil disaster has already begun, but there is nothing to worry about. I checked the information about the last evil disaster decades ago."

1.3 "In the last demon disaster, there were hundreds of thousands of barbarians and orcs gathered. Although the empire at that time was strong and strong, the number of nobles and the number of troops that could be recruited were far inferior to the current empire."

"We are still at the border of the Principality of Wilhelm. There is the Earl of Yordle in the wilderness, and a kingdom and three principalities separated from the empire in the past few decades. They are definitely enough to withstand this evil disaster."

"So it is absolutely safe for me to come here. After all, the coalition forces of several countries and Earl Yodel's army have entered the wilderness and assembled. They have a number of 150,000 people, far surpassing the last demon disaster."

Having said that, the second prince waved his hand, and he changed the subject, and continued to Bogenras: "Among your subordinates, there is the eldest prince's eyeliner.",

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