Be King Arthur From Today

Vol 2 Chapter 122: before parting

In the living room of Einsworth, everyone gathered at this moment.

Lin Sizhai sat on the master's seat, looked at all the people who were there, coughed, and began to speak.

"Cough, first of all, I want to apologize to everyone. I'm in a coma during this period of time, making everyone worry, I'm really sorry."

Nodding to everyone, Lin Sizhai said again with a smile after getting everyone's gesture.

"During this period of time, everyone should be aware of the changes in the world."

"The world has been saved and our mission is over."

"Although I am a little reluctant to part, there is no such thing as a banquet in the world. It is time to leave. So, before leaving, I will arrange some things."

With a somewhat serious expression, Lin Si Zhai looked at Angelica standing beside him and asked.

"Angelica, have you recovered your body? Shouldn't it be the doll you used now?"

Angelica bowed respectfully, and replied neatly.

"With the help of Lord Medea, the souls scattered on the dolls have been re-transplanted back. Although they are not complete, they can barely be regarded as a person now."

After receiving Angelica's reply, Lin Si Zhai nodded and instructed Angelica.

"Then, Angelica, from today onwards, you will take care of Miyu's brother Emiya Shirou."

"The Einsworth family has been destroyed. You will be Shirou Emiya from now on. Follow his instructions."

Because of the promise, Angelica did not have any objection at this moment, and fulfilled her promise very simply and followed Lin Si Zhai's order.

"I see, Sir Si Zhai."

She came to sit on the side with a blank expression, behind the giant Empress who looked a little stunned, Angelica said lightly to the giant Empress.

"The little girl is not talented, so I will give more advice in the future, Shilang-kun."

Angelica's words made Wei Gong giant wake up like a dream, and jumped directly from the sofa.

"What are you talking about Angelica, I'm not..."

Before he finished speaking, Lin Sizhai raised his hand to stop the Wei Gong giant and explained.

"Okay Shilang-kun, don't worry, listen to my explanation."

"According to Angelica's agreement with me, as long as I defeat Darius, then everything in the Ainsworth family belongs to me. The Ainsworth family is destroyed by me. After that, Angelica is a homeless person."

" And I don't need Angelica to follow, so she is now a poor homeless person. And your body has been broken because of the previous battle. So you are very Someone needs to take care of it."

"And you are Julian's former friend, and Angelica is Julian's sister. When your friend's sister is homeless, why don't you, a man, plan to give Is there a place for my friend's sister?"

Lin Si Zhai's words made the giant guard of the palace not know how to reply for a while. When Lin Sizhai saw this, he was very domineering, and announced it arbitrarily.

"Then, from today onwards, Angelica will be a member of the Emiya family. I believe that Ishirou, your character, will definitely not treat Angelica badly. Of course, If you want to see Angelica, who is not very emotionally complete, live on the street, Wugo Shirou, then you can also drive her out. I don't have any opinion."

Lin Sizhai's remarks made Shirou Shirou sit down, not knowing how to refute.

As a good-natured person, you let him drive the homeless Angelica out to the streets? This is obviously impossible.

If he can do such a thing, then he is not Emiya Shirou...

Lin Sizhai just took his point and announced it so arrogantly. Moreover, in Lin Sizhai's view, Wei Gong Juxia did not suffer at all. Angelica has a very good affinity with Emiya giants in all respects. To be the wife of a giant in the palace is really fitting.

And now that Meiyou is taken away by herself, there is no one to accompany and take care of it, the life of the giants of the palace is a big problem. You know, he is not a healthy normal person now. Fragmented bodies can fall down at any time. If there is no one to take care of it, Meiyou will never be relieved.

So, even in order to reassure Meiyou, Lin Sizhai will use very strong means to keep Angelica by the side of the giant of the palace.

Oh, of course, there is another person here by the way.

"Cough, by the way, Beatrix is ​​also homeless now. So, Shirou, brother, I'll decide for you to adopt Beatrix as well. I have a younger sister. Although Beatrix has long since died, she can only rely on the body of the doll to move. But with your personality, Shirou, you definitely won’t mind, right?”

Faced with Lin Si Zhai's arbitrary actions, the Wei Gong giant smiled wryly and shook his head.

"Brother Si Zhai, you are really..."

Shaking his head, the Empress did not refuse.

Whether it is his character, or to let Meiyou leave with peace of mind. He really had no reason to refuse.

It's just that Lin Si Zhai doesn't care if he adapts or not. After solving the problem of the Wei Gong giant, Lin Si Zhai told the others.

"Shirou will stay in this world with Angelica and Beatrice. Illya, Rin, Luvia, Bazette, Sakura, Jiro. What are your plans? ? To leave? To stay, you can decide for yourself."

"Leaving the teleportation formation in this world, I will let Medea get it done by tomorrow. Tomorrow, I will send all those who want to leave."

Hearing this, Illya raised her hand a little indifferently and asked.

"Brother Si Zhai, are you in such a hurry? Can't you stay for a few more days?"

In response, Lin Si Zhai shook his head and sighed.

"Although I would love to stay for a few more days, unfortunately, I have no time."

Looking at the left-hand mobile terminal to expand the virtual screen, there was only a countdown of 23 hours, and everyone was silent.

This thing, although not explicitly stated, but everyone knows it. This should be the countdown to Lin Sizhai's departure.

After thinking that everyone has to leave, everyone's mood seems a little low...


PS: Number of chapters remaining: 13


PS2: 1000 stones = 1 Musashi + 3 gold cubes (B book, nursery rhyme, Helena), my heart is broken. I may be really from Africa, a pure African chief. …

Now, the wallet is empty...

The manuscript fee just issued is also empty......

Inside? Also empty....

There is no joy in drawing Musashi at all.

There is only one wrestling elder sister who can look good + a steel apology.

I just want to be quiet now, don't ask me who Jingjing is, maybe a very cute girl......

Probably in a dream...  


PS3: Today's update ends here, there are a lot of things going on recently, try to find time to update, that's it.

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