Be King Arthur From Today

Vol 2 Chapter 123: the last riot

(first update normal update)

Because they are about to leave, the nature of everyone is not high.

After Lin Sizhai ordered everyone to do some trivial things, everyone disbanded on their own.

There is only one day left, and everyone is saying goodbye.

Miyu and Xiaohe went out with Illya and Matou Sakura, saying that they wanted to have a good time at the end and parted happily.

Although Lin Sizhai was the last, Illya and Meiyou would definitely cry. But as a brother and an adult, Lin Sizhai will never say anything incomprehensible when he has enough emotional intelligence.

With a big hand, let the little girls go out to play. Lin Si Zhai was also sitting in the courtyard of Ainsworth, looking at Tohsaka Rin and Luvia who were sitting in the same courtyard with him.

Lin Sizhai asked casually as they looked like they were doing nothing.

"Rin, Luvia, don't you have anything to say? Tomorrow everyone will be parting."

In response, Tohsaka Rin put his head on one hand and replied lazily.

"I already knew about this kind of thing. After the world is saved by you, the parting time will come sooner or later. So before you wake up, I will put all the All I want to say is finished. Now, as long as Medea sends us back tomorrow, there is nothing else to worry about."

Tohsaka Rin's words, let Luvia count her jaw silently, and replied softly.

"Me too. I am only here for Meiyou. Since Meiyou has decided to leave with you, I can only choose to bless her. After all, in our original world , I can't guarantee her safety with my strength alone. So it's actually a good choice to let her leave with you. It's just..."

With sharp eyes, Luvia stared at Lin Sizhai and said word by word.

"If you let me know that you dare to bully Meiyou, the next time I see you, I will definitely smash all the gems in your face. Understand? Si Zhai Sang!"

Luvia had some warnings and a hint of threat, which made Lin Si Zhai wave his hand with a confident smile.

"You can rest assured. Miyu is your sister and mine. I won't let her be bullied by others. I want you to guarantee this."

Listening to Lin Si Zhai's words, Luvia's eyes narrowed. She heard the hidden meaning in Lin Si Zhai's words.

It was just the thought that Meiyou was going to follow Lin Sizhai to another world, so her threats were useless. Not to mention that Lin Sizhai is not something she can deal with. So she could only pretend she didn't hear it at the moment and nodded silently.


Tohsaka Rin silently glanced at Luvia, then at Lin Si Zhai, and finally shook his head without saying anything.

In the silence of the two, Lin Si Zhai was silent for a while, and then asked the two of them after a while.

"Rin, Luvia, I'm leaving tomorrow, don't you have any parting words to tell me?"

Lin Sizhai's words made Tohsaka Rin roll his eyes madly at Lin Sizhai.

"You? Oh, bye, okay?"

Tohsaka Rin's words were so simple that they couldn't be shorter, which made Lin Si Zhai smile bitterly.

"Hey, Rin, is this too short for you? We've been together for a while now. As a friend, your attitude is too hurtful..."

Lin Si Zhai's wry smile caused Tohsaka Rin's mouth to twitch slightly, and he snorted irritably.

"Humph~! It's nothing to hurt, you are just doing it yourself. Although you are reliable at critical moments, you are too out of character at ordinary times. And you peek at Illya and the others. I still remember the bathing thing clearly. You perverted lo*ic*n."

As soon as I heard Tohsaka Rin mentioned that Matou Sakura gave out welfare at the door of the bathroom, I let myself see the welfare events of the four little loli's whole body. Lin Sizhai's expression became even more helpless.

" I said, it was really an accident. I didn't mean to watch it. And instead of peeking at the little girls who haven't opened their eyes, I went to peek Isn't it more cost-effective for you and Luvia? After all, you have to have a figure, a good-looking appearance, and a temperament. No matter what angle I look at, I should peep at you, and there is no reason to go. peek at them?"

"Luvia, did you hear that? This guy actually made a criminal declaration in front of our two parties. It's so shameless..."

After a while, he leaned back, put his hands on his chest, and looked at Lin Si Zhai with disgust.

"Si Zhai-sang, making such filthy remarks in front of a lady is really not a qualified gentleman's behavior. And you are still the king of knights, please restrain yourself a little? "

In the face of Tohsaka Rin and Luvia's reaction of playing cards completely out of the way, the wry smile on Lin Si Zhai's face became even stronger.

"What, I just want to explain that I don't want to peep at Illya and the others taking a bath. Please don't misunderstand. I don't actually want to spy on your bath. mean......."

Lin Sizhai's wry smile has not been finished yet, Tohsaka Rin's face elongated with an unhappy expression.

"Huh? What do you mean, are we not as good as those little girls with no **** and butts? Isn't it worth your peeping at all?"

Although I knew that Tohsaka Rin was making trouble without reason, I wanted to leave in a relaxed atmosphere. But Luvia still didn't quite understand what Rin Tohsaka was thinking at this time.

However, since we are about to leave soon, it is better to indulge and bully Lin Sizhai at the end. You must know that in normal times, she and Tohsaka Rin seem to be the ones suppressed by Lin Si Zhai's aura.

If you miss this opportunity, you may never have the opportunity to make things difficult for Lin Sizhai again.

With this kind of thought, Luvia also used her strong capital, raised her chest, and glared at Lin Si Zhai.

"Si Zhai-sang, I can't pretend that I didn't hear what you said before. Is it possible that in your eyes, we don't have the charm of women?"

Luvia's action made the strong capital on her chest sway. Rin Tohsaka's eyelids jumped. It was something she couldn't do at all.

Lin Sizhai was so flustered by Luvia's plump that he couldn't move his eyes away, so he could only cover his face with his hands with a wry smile to cover up.

"I really don't mean that. Luvia, Rin, listen to my explanation..."

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