Be King Arthur From Today

Vol 5 Chapter 213: Lin Sisi~ Appears!

"Of course no problem, I promise no one will peep, you can rest assured."

Smiling in response, Da Vinci brought Lin Sizhai to the dressing room of the Chaldean female staff. And in the eyes of a group of people full of curiosity and inquiry, all the female staff were kicked out.

Smiling and closing the door, Da Vinci gave Lin Sizhai a thumbs up, as if to encourage Lin Sizhai to transform quickly.

Looking at Roman who was full of regret and Da Vinci who was happy, plus the three Artorias who came after him at some point. Lin Si Zhai suddenly felt a sense of regret.

"Am I being a little sloppy?"

Whispering, Lin Si Zhai patted his cheek to wake himself up.

'Forget it, come here. Miyou, Xiaohe, and Youzhen are still in the singularity. Don't hurry over, I'm afraid something will happen. Originally, I didn't know if this magical girl's singularity was the same as what I remembered. After all, Xiao Hei and Meiyou have already been taken away by me. Now that even Youzhen is in disorder, if the Chaldeans are allowed to follow up, it will definitely lead to chaos. If nothing else, just being the marshal of Caster's job agency with big eyes is very disturbing. So, it's definitely going to go. ’

After comforting herself, Lin Sizhai's psychological counseling work is completely over.

Anyway, I decided to go, and I also decided to temporarily transfer. Then there is nothing to tangle. When it is interrupted, it will suffer from chaos. Take advantage of the fact that there are not many onlookers outside now, so hurry up. If you wait for some good people to come over, I am afraid that bad things will happen.

After all, Swimsuit Skaha has been silently following him since just now. The strange silent attitude made Lin Si Zhai feel a little nervous. Also, Lin Si Zhai suddenly discovered that the swimsuit Skaha disappeared at some point.

The exact time is not clear, it seems that he disappeared when he took over the Da Vinci dress. Lin Sizhai didn't know exactly where she went. I was so confused just now that I didn't have the energy to ask.

It's better to finish things as soon as possible while the swimsuit Skaha is away.

Thinking of this, Lin Si Zhai quickly took off his clothes, leaving only his underwear.

Taking out the equipment "Mask, Thousand Transformations, Strengthening" and was about to put it on, Lin Si Zhai suddenly thought of a question.

'Although this is a women's dressing room, Da Vinci is now a woman. If she has already counted this step before, or because of some bad taste. Maybe it's not that safe here? ’

As soon as the thought flashed by, it could not be easily dismissed.

And when it comes to transforming into a magical girl, a magic tool is essential. If that's the case, then it's better to...

He summoned the magic tool at will, and Lin Si Zhai directly launched the local detection magician.

Don't say, this test, Lin Sizhai really found the surveillance camera.

"7 pure technology pinhole cameras, 7 magic puppets, and 7 semi-magic guides. I know this Da Vinci is uneasy and kind."

Lin Sizhai, who looked fortunate, destroyed all the instruments that could record his sexual transformation, Lin Sizhai was slightly relieved.

What Lin Sizhai didn't notice was that it was near the door of the locked and locked female staff locker room. A purple old lady...beautiful girl in revealing clothes was peeping there.

Lin Sizhai couldn't notice such a big living person, of course not because Lin Sizhai was blind. But because this purple beautiful girl is covered with dense red runes all over her body.

It seems that it is precisely because of the effect of these runes that Lin Sizhai has ignored her existence.

So the detection magic did not sweep her.

In this way, Lin Si Zhai didn't even know there was another person here. He holds the magic tool in his left hand, and the equipment "Mask, Kaleidoscope, Enhancement" is buckled on his face in his right hand.

The next moment, accompanied by a dazzling white light. Lin Si Zhai's body was completely shrouded in it.

From the perspective of the beautiful purple girl wearing sunglasses at the door. In this strong light, only the outline of a male body can be seen indistinctly. And this outline shrinks and changes at an extremely fast rate.

The original height of 1.8 meters has shrunk to 1.65 meters.

The originally thick arms and thighs have become extremely slender, obviously tending to women.

The originally very not very long hair began to grow, and it didn't take long to hang down to the level of the calf.

Of course, none of that matters.

The real point is the rapid expansion of the flat chest contour. Not long after that, the figure in the strong light had turned forward and backward, with an extremely graceful figure. The beautiful purple girl was stunned.

Finally, the strong light ended, and the true appearance of the figure appeared in the eyes of the beautiful purple girl. Subconsciously taking off her sunglasses, the beautiful purple girl saw it.

A beautiful girl with dazzling blond hair like the sun appeared in the female staff locker room.

Especially the loose underwear was attached to her body, exposing most of the spring to the air. With the aura of not being angry and arrogant, and the cold and arrogant face that looks quite sacred. A disheveled queen outlines a criminal atmosphere.

That breath, the purple-haired beautiful girl subconsciously covered the tip of her nose. Vaguely, there seems to be something red seeping out from between the fingers...

Not knowing that she is being watched now, the female Lin Si Zhai looked at the clothes on her body and frowned.

He took out a mirror and looked at his face.

In an instant, Lin Si Zhai was dumbfounded.

Originally, Lin Sizhai thought that the female version of herself might be more like Artoria or Lungomiad. After all, it was the female version of King Arthur.

But Lin Sizhai didn't expect that after his sexual transformation, he was not more like them, but more like Joan of Arc. It's just that the details are a lot worse, and the temperament is completely different.

Thinking of this, Lin Si Zhai thought about it, changed the way of wearing the mask, and directly turned it into a headband like Joan of Arc and fastened it on his head. At the same time, Lin Si Zhai gave up the light magic suit. On the contrary, it is the effect of matching the equipment "Mask, Thousand Changes, Strengthening", which blurred the appearance of the magic suit and the holy sword that was just taken out.

Not long after, a female swordsman wearing silver-white armor appeared in the mirror.

Looking at himself in the mirror, Lin Si Zhai nodded secretly, his pupil color suddenly changed. The original emerald eyes have become the color of amethyst.

Looking at himself like this, Lin Si Zhai was finally satisfied.

"Very good, the change is complete. But this way, you can't use your life. Why don't you use a pseudonym for now, let's call it Lin Sisi. Well, it feels okay... "Hong Meng Pavilion 29831⑥35④


The door to the locker room of the female staff was knocked open.

"Si Zhai, are you alright......?" Looking at the cold and arrogant female swordsman who was somewhat similar to himself, but with a completely different flag, Bai Zhen was dumbfounded.

For a moment, Lin Sisi felt the atmosphere froze.

'Why...they're here? ’

At this moment, Lin Sisi was also stupid.

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