Be King Arthur From Today

Vol 5 Chapter 214: little riot

Staring at Lin Sisi in the locker room, Hei Zhen was full of anger. On the other hand, Bai Zhen was much calmer.

Although I am a little surprised that the other side looks somewhat similar to myself. But after the experience of Arturia, Nero, and Chief Okita's face-to-face encounter, Bai Zhen has a much stronger ability to accept this kind of thing. So the other party is just a face similar to his own, not what surprised Bai Zhen.

What really surprised Bai Zhen was that she actually felt a familiar feeling from the other party...

Bai Zhen can be very sure, very irresponsible, that she and the other party are meeting for the first time. After all, Bai Zhenzhen had never seen such a cold female swordsman in front of her. So this is clearly the first time the two have met. But with such a person, she actually felt a hint of familiarity. This was the most incompatible and what surprised Bai Zhen the most.

Subconsciously holding Hei Zhen, Bai Zhen asked the other party with some dignified and puzzled: "Excuse me, who are you? Have we met?"

Lin Sisi: "....."

Lin Sisi's silence seemed to be ignoring to Heizhen. Because of the other party's stern face and sharp eyes, he seemed to be disdainful of everything. Such people, when they are silent, especially feel as if they are ignoring their surroundings. This made Heizhen a little annoyed.

But before Hei Zhen got angry, Da Vinci with a smirk appeared behind them.

"Hehehe, Lin Sizhai, you've changed it... lying on the grass."

The smirk on his face disappeared completely, and Da Vinci looked at Lin Sisi, whose face was indifferent, his eyes were full of surprise. It seems that even she never thought that Lin Si Zhai would be so beautiful after his transformation.

Da Vinci was stunned, and the people behind her who heard the movement were even more puzzled.

"What's the matter, Da Vinci? Si Zhai he... I'll go..." Looking at Lin Sisi, whose eyes were full of cold light, Roman was stunned.

"Huh? What's all the fuss about... I'm going, this is Si Zhai?" Arturia (Lan Dui) looked at Lin Sisi with a ghostly expression.

"Eh? What is it.... oh oh oh..." Arturia Lily (a young girl) who got out of the corner looked at Lin Sisi his chest, and then looked at his chest again. A sense of frustration suddenly appeared on her face.

Being surrounded by so many people, the frost on Lin Sisi's face continued to accumulate, and finally, she couldn't bear it any longer.

"Are you sure enough is enough!! Get me out!!"

The magic hurricane caused by the release of magic power blew everyone at the door away.

One left and one right pulled Black and White Shuangzhen, pulling them behind. Lin Sisi used his magic power to blow the others away, and then closed the door of the locker room directly.


Lin Sisi didn't know how to complain.

Shaking her head, Lin Sisi's head suddenly paused and turned to the door in an instant.

This time, Lin Sisi finally saw it. The beautiful purple girl who covered her nose and seeped bright red liquid from her fingertips.

"That... Skaha, don't you think you've been here just now?"

Seeing that Lin Sisi's face was full of blackness, she knew that the swimsuit that she had revealed had opened the door and ran away in a hurry.

Facing the fleeing swimsuit Skaha, Lin Sisi did not rush to chase. Because she knew that things had come to this point, and it was estimated that it would be difficult to catch up with the swimsuit Skaha. If nothing else, just the group of people at the door can block her and prevent her from getting out.

Besides, there is something more troublesome to her.

Turn around and look at Bai Zhen, who has an O-shaped mouth, and Hei Zhen, who is confused. Lin Sisi knew that she had been exposed.

But yes, so many people know about it, it can't be hidden from the beginning.

"What a headache..."

Shaking her head, holding the hand of Black and White Shuangzhen, Lin Sisi took a deep breath.

"Wives, listen to me..."

The girl (?) is explaining...

"In other words, Si Zhai, you sacrificed a special dress to go to that magical girl's singularity? It's just to ensure the safety of Xiaozhen, Meiyou, Xiaohe, and the others. It's not that you personally have such a hobby, right?" After listening to Lin Sisi's explanation, Bai Zhen asked in a trance.

The husband suddenly changed from him to her, Bai Zhen felt frightened. Especially after her husband transformed, he seemed to be a little more beautiful than herself, which made her feel Alexander.

"It's true, if it wasn't for those perverted gentlemen from Blackbeard who went to the singularity privately, I wouldn't be involved in this matter. Besides, you think I've become what I am now, would I? Are you comfortable?" Lin Sisi sighed with her hands on Bai Zhen's shoulders.

Lin Sisi's appearance and the helplessness on his face are quite real. Combined with Lin Sizhai's character and actions before, Bai Zhen has reason to believe it. The reason why Lin Sizhai became Lin Sisi was for the three little guys. After all, for Lin Sizhai, he values ​​the people around him more than his own life. At this level, as long as he understands the cause and effect, Bai Zhen can accept it without any difficulty. Just a little surprised that her husband changed from him to her.

Compared to Bai Zhen who cares about these things, Hei Zhen is more direct.

"That, Si Zhai, you can change back, right?" Hei Zhen looked at Lin Sisi with anxiety and hope.

In response, Lin Sisi nodded without hesitation.

"Of course, this is only a temporary disguise. As long as I take off the "Thousand Changes" that turned into a headband, I will change back in an instant. "

Speaking, Lin Sisi took off the headband directly, and her body flashed. Immediately, he changed back to Lin Si Zhai, who was tall and dressed in a magic suit.

Seeing that Lin Sizhai successfully changed back, Hei Zhen also patted his chest with a long sigh.

"It's okay, as long as Si Zhai doesn't really become a woman."

Holding Lin Si Zhai's arm, Hei Zhen looked happy.

Lin Sizhai looked at such a black jerk, and buckled his cheeks in embarrassment: "Of course not really becoming a woman. I am very satisfied with my gender and have no expectations of being a woman. And my wife is so Beautiful, how can I be willing to be a woman."

Pouring the black and white Shuangzhen into his arms, making Bai Zhen blushing and Hei Zhen pushing and pushing, Lin Sizhai also asked the two of them curiously.

"By the way, how did you two get here? Didn't you stay in the Crystal Palace before?"

Being asked by Lin Si Zhai, Black and White Shuangzhen's face froze immediately.

Just now I have been thinking about Lin Sizhai becoming Lin Sisi. They only remembered now, and they didn't seem to have figured out how to explain it to Lin Si Zhai.

At this moment, the black and white Shuangzhen looked at each other...

Hei Zhen: "Speak!"

Bai Zhen: "Speak!"

Hei Zhen: "..."

Bai Zhen: "..."

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