Be King Arthur From Today

Vol 5 Chapter 215: Sexual Turning Side Effects

Seeing the two wives in his arms silently fighting each other, Lin Si Zhai still doesn't understand. This must be Hei Zhen's impulsive act again, Bai Zhen didn't hold her but was brought over by her instead?

Because Bai Zhen wanted to take care of her sister, she didn't expose it directly, and the scene was a bit deadlocked for a while.

Although I don't understand what they are here for. But now that people are coming, Lin Sizhai will not tell them to rush back.

After all, the two of them came to find themselves the first time they came here, and Lin Sizhai was actually very happy. Being cared about is so happy~!

"Forget it, don't say it if you don't want to. I'm going to return to what I was before and go to the singularity. Would you two come with me?"

Suddenly asked by Lin Si Zhai, Hei Zhen forgot to push Bai Zhen, Bai Zhen also forgot to think of an excuse, and looked at Lin Si Zhai in surprise for a while.

"Eh? Si Zhai, can we go too?" Bai Zhen was a little surprised.

"We don't seem to be magical girls..." Hei Zhen was a little confused.

"This is simple, Heizhen, you are the witch of the dragon. Speaking of witches, it is related to magical girls. Because witches are the future of magical girls. From this aspect, you should be able to enter And if you can't get in, you can also solve it with the same ease as Youzhen's method."

Lin Sizhai's words made Hei Zhen a little stunned and Bai Zhen a little surprised.

"The future of the magical girl, is it a witch?" Hei Zhen mumbled to himself, but he didn't react for a while.

"I almost forgot if you didn't say it, Si Zhai, Youzhen doesn't seem to be a magical girl, how did she get in?" Bai Zhen's eyes were full of curiosity.

"Hehe, Bai Zhen, this is the point of your question. The reason why Young Zhen was able to enter is because she also fits the magical girl's setting. Before I set off, I let Medea Made her a simple magic tool. As long as girls who can use magic are not magical girls?"

Hearing this, Bai Zhen was obviously stunned, and then quickly reacted: "Then what do you mean, let Medea prepare us some magic tools, and we can follow you in?"

Lin Sizhai nodded: "Yes, that's it. In the past, the popularization of the magic tools of others in the Crystal Palace is in the plan. Although your magic tools have not been completed, they are the most common. The simplified version of it should already have a prototype. Just contact Medea later to find out."

With a method, you can follow Lin Si Zhai to enter the singularity. Bai Zhen looked a little happy. Although Heizhen didn't fully understand why witches and magical girls were related. But as long as she can follow along, she doesn't bother to care so much.

In this way, the matter of following Lin Sizhai to the singularity was decided so happily.

With the decision, Lin Si Zhai did not delay. I contacted Medea of ​​Crystal Palace on the spot and got a positive answer. The simple version of the magic tool has been made.

Because Lin Sizhai is the base station, they don't need to go through the spirit transfer system, they just send two simple magic tools.

Bai Zhen and Hei Zhen were both happy when they got their magic tools.

Taking advantage of the chance that the two wives were a little happy, Lin Sizhai picked up the "Mask · Thousand Changes" again and planned to take it back.

Seeing Lin Si Zhai's action, Bai Zhen quickly pulled Hei Zhen and turned around.

"Village girl, what are you doing?"

"Stop making trouble, Si Zhai is going to change back again."

"Huh? Oh, it's better not to watch. To avoid nightmares at night..."

The corners of her mouth twitched slightly. Lin Sizhai didn't know why watching his transformation would be related to nightmares at night.

But when the **** turns, it is also very good to be invisible. Although it was his wife, Lin Sizhai couldn't get used to this kind of thing. It's not something to brag about after all.

The mask was re-buttoned, the light flashed, and Lin Sizhai became Lin Sisi again.


Hearing the strong and powerful male voice transform into a crisp and ethereal female voice, whether it is Hei Zhen or Bai Zhen, is a little uncomfortable.

Turn around and look at Lin Sisi, who has already transformed, Heizhen muttered: "It's still Sisi, so as not to be confused with Sizhai. My man can't be a woman. …”

Bai Zhen nodded in agreement and was about to speak. But suddenly, as if thinking of something, he looked at Lin Sisi in surprise.

"Si Zhai...Sisi, why is your voice exactly like ours?"

Being reminded by Bai Zhen, Hei Zhen also reacted.

Lin Sisi's voice was exactly the same as the two of them. If you close your eyes, it's as if a person is talking to himself.

To this, Lin Sisi replied indifferently: "This is the result of deliberate changes. After the transformation just now, I adjusted some details of the appearance. At that time, I was thinking about the appearance and you. It's very similar, so why don't you make your voices like yours. Maybe you can pretend to be Joan of Arc or something."

Listening to Lin Sisi so blatantly pretending to be herself, Bai Zhen was dumbfounded for a while. At this time, she really didn't know whether to be happy that her husband thought of her for the first time, or to be annoyed that her husband wanted to impersonate her.

Hei Zhen didn't think as much as Bai Zhen, she just frowned and looked at Lin Sisi. From the first glance at Lin Sisi just now, Hei Zhen always felt that something was wrong. After thinking about it for a while, Hei Zhen finally thought of it.

"Si Zhai...Sisi, has your personality changed? Why do you always feel that you are not the same as before. It's like... um ......Yes, it always feels like you've become cold?"

When Heizhen said this, Bai Zhen also reacted.

"Yes, Si Zhai is a person who likes to laugh very much on weekdays. But after the transformation, Sisi has never laughed. Is this a side effect of the transformation?"

Lin Sisi rolled her eyes helplessly as the two wives looked at them curiously.

"It's nothing, it's just that she looks like a queen of icebergs, so I subconsciously put myself into a cold and arrogant setting. It's all acting skills, side effects and so on, and it doesn't exist. "


"That's fine..."

Looking at the two convincing wives, Lin Sisi breathed a sigh of relief, but also felt helpless.

'It's not that I don't want to laugh, it's that I really can't laugh at all right now. The ghost knows that after the little brother is gone, he will be in a state of idleness all the time... Sure enough, I will never become a woman in the future, it is too uncomfortable...'

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