Be King Arthur From Today

Vol 5 Chapter 219: Lin Sisi's Great Adventure · Preface

Compared to the willful and arrogant Hei Zhen, Bai Zhen knows the general better.

Bai Zhen didn't let Lin Sisi worry too much, and this turmoil about the magical girl Joan of Arc has come to an end temporarily.

Although from the beginning, Lin Sisi did not intend to expect the two of them to be able to help her, she still had to do it herself at the critical moment. But anyway, it's his wife, so Lin Sisi won't do anything that will lose his favorability.

Remove the magic barrier at will, Lin Sisi looked around, feeling a little distressed.

"By the way, where should we go to find someone better?"

Lin Sisi's question, Heizhen blinked and did not answer. Heizhen gave up thinking on a daily basis. Just following her husband's side, she became more and more lazy to use her mind. I don't know if this habit will have any negative effects in the long run.

Hei Zhen didn't respond, but Bai Zhen was more considerate. After thinking for a while, Bai Zhen suggested: "Si Zhai...Sisi, why don't we contact Chaldea first? I remember that there is a way to get in touch with Matthew from Chaldea, right? If we can let Matthew's position be determined, we can turn with them as soon as possible. Youngzhen and the others are following Matthew and Tachibana."

Bai Zhen's proposal was highly approved by Lin Sisi. It is indeed more labor-saving.

Compared to wandering around like a headless fly, looking for a needle in a haystack and looking for a few wives. Or use this method directly, which is the most trouble-free and the most labor-saving.

Having a solution, Lin Sisi did not hesitate and contacted Chaldea directly.

Soon, the communication request was connected.

"Hi~! Hi~! This is Chaldea. Oh, isn't this Sisi, what's the matter?"

"I need you to send the positions of Tachibana and Matthew, so I can find them. There should be Matthew's position on your side. Don't give me sloppy eyes, be more efficient."

Being so coldly commanded by Lin Sisi, Da Vinci did not have any dissatisfaction on his face, but looked behind Lin Sisi with surprise, as if he saw some incredible sight.

In this regard, Lin Sisi does not need to look back, she knows it. It must be his black and white Shuangzhen wives who came over and were dressed up by Da Vinci when they saw their magical girls.

No, it was accompanied by a scream of black and white Shuangzhen from near to far. Lin Sisi knew that she had guessed correctly.

Ignoring the panic of the two wives, Lin Sisi was quite calm. There seemed to be only women in the control room now, and even Roman avoided suspicion and left. Although Da Vinci seemed to be considered a man, since her body was indeed female, Lin Sisi didn't bother to care about her.

"Okay, let's get down to business. If something happens to Tachibana and Matthew, I'm sure you don't want to see it, right?"

Under the urging of Lin Sisi, Da Vinci quickly recovered.

"That's right, that's fine. Although I don't know where Tachibana and Matthew are now. But I will send you the coordinates of the previous communication between Matthew and us. You can Go there and look for it. At least Mash and the others were indeed there when they were managing communications before."


Received the communication coordinates sent by Da Vinci, Lin Sisi didn't even bother to use the strength to say more, and immediately closed the communication.

"Okay, wives, it's time for us to go. Meiyou and the others already have their previous coordinates, let's go and have a look first."

Under Lin Sisi's greeting, Black and White Shuangzhen, who was quite uncomfortable with her clothes, was forcibly dragged on the road.

Although he encountered some apparently octopus-like enemies to attack, but in front of Lin Sisi's strong personal strength. How much this kind of miscellaneous soldiers come and harvest, I will not list them one by one here.

Anyway, she didn't let Bai Zhen, the one-punch saint, take action, and Lin Sisi went to mow the grass toward the refined holy sword.

Watching the handsome and unrestrained scene of Lin Sisi harvesting the enemy, Heizhen held his wand-shaped magic tool, not to mention envious.

After a little cleaning, Lin Sisi quickly came to an area that seemed to be composed of cakes and desserts.

"This is the place where Young Zhen and the others came before?"

Looking at the castle and various buildings made up of all kinds of cream, chocolate and candy, Bai Zhen was dumbfounded.

......It's so sweet, can you really eat it?"

The reaction of Black and White Shuangzhen was not surprising to Lin Sisi. As I said earlier, this is the singularity of magical girls, and all kinds of unscientific settings are very common here. Unscientific, after all, but it might be magical.

Although Lin Sisi is also very curious, whether all these houses can eat. But compared to these, it is still more important to find someone first.

At the same time, Lin Sisi is also trying to recall her memories.

In terms of the current architectural style of this area, if Lin Sisi's memory is not wrong. The managers here should be Nursery Rhyme and Jack. Of course, this is not Jack and the nursery rhyme of Chaldea, but another being summoned entirely by the Holy Grail in this singularity.

But this is only Lin Sisi's memory.

You know, in Lin Sisi's memory, Xiao Hei still met Fujimaru Tachibana and Matthew at this singularity.

Now that Xiao Hei was abducted from the magic world by Lin Sisi, the ghost knows whether the singularity here will be affected.

In case this singularity is really connected to the magic world, the little black here is the one that Lin Sizhai abducted. Whether there will be any butterfly effect, it is completely unknown.

Considering this, Lin Sisi did not dare to speculate based on her own memory. Memories of the past can only be used as a reference, nothing more.

One hand pulled up a Joan of Arc, and Lin Sisi directly pulled the curious black and white twins away. At the same time, Lin Sisi is also doing his best to release his magic power fluctuations, trying to attract the attention of the managers in this area. At present, this is the most straightforward method without fear of the opponent's combat power.

The subsequent facts also directly proved that Lin Sisi's method is quite effective.

No, two familiar little guys appeared in the eyes of Lin Sisi and Black and White Shuangzhen.

It is none other than Jack and the nursery rhyme.


PS: I don’t know if there are any kind readers, please give me a little blade? Let me have a good year, okay?

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