Be King Arthur From Today

Vol 5 Chapter 220: Lin Sisi's Great Adventure 1

"Big sister, who are you?" Tong Yao held the picture book, the corners of her mouth were full of cream, and looked at Lin Sisi curiously.

"Big sister, are you here to play with us?" Holding two short knives, Jack stared at Lin Sisi's... belly with some light.

If you say, Nursery Rhyme's eyes are full of innocence and curiosity. Jack's eyes were full of excitement and eagerness to try.

Needless to say, Lin Sisi, Bai Zhen and Hei Zhen will understand. Why did Jack stare at the belly of the three of them.

This little guy intends to treat them as mothers...

Lin Sisi shuddered subconsciously when she thought that she seemed to be a real woman now.

'No, you can't spend more time with Jack, otherwise it will always feel very dangerous. I wasn't afraid of Jack before because her Noble Phantasm was useless to me at all. But now it's different, I seem to be attacked by her, which will kill me...'

While Lin Sisi was a little wary of Jack, Bai Zhen and Hei Zhen on the other side also discovered a problem.

That is, two little guys here. Jack and nursery rhyme here don't seem to know them.

The nursery rhymes and Jack here do not belong to Chaldea's Servants.

If they are really Chaldean Servants, there is no reason why they would not know them. You must know that these two little guys are very familiar with Youzhen in the Crystal Palace, and they are also familiar with them. A few people have a good relationship. If they do meet, they will ignore it and not know each other.

So, they should be completely different Servants.

This, Bai Zhen knew right away.

As an adjudicator, although Bai Zhen is sometimes unreliable, she is still very clear about the common sense of servants.

Because Bai Zhen is clear, it does not mean that Hei Zhen is also clear. As a Servant who made his debut halfway through, Heizhen's definition and common sense of a Servant are actually not very clear. She was always by Lin Si Zhai's side, and she didn't bother to learn more. If it wasn't for Lin Sizhai, she wouldn't be interested at all.

This result caused Bai Zhen to be vigilant about Jack and nursery rhymes. But Hei Zhen was stunned.

She quietly turned her head back and glanced at the stunned Hei Zhen, Bai Zhen froze for a moment, and then quickly understood what was going on.

Quickly pulled Hei Zhen back and explained the common sense of a servant to Hei Zhen, making Hei Zhen frown at the same time. Lin Sisi also took a few steps forward at this time.

"Hello, two little sisters, I don't know you are here, have you met these big sisters?"

No description of what to do with nursery rhymes and Jack. Lin Si Zhai directly took out the pictures of Fujimaru Tachibana, Matthew and others from the mobile terminal and placed them in front of the two little guys.

The two little guys glanced at the photo, and their little heads nodded quickly.

"Yes, yes, these two big sisters have been here." Nursery Rhymes were full of joy.

"Well, they played with us for a long time, they are good people." The nursery rhyme was also full of joy.

The happy appearance of the two little guys made Lin Sisi understand that they had indeed been in contact with Fujimaru Tachibana and Matthew. Having confirmed this, Lin Sisi struck while the iron was hot.

"Have you seen any of these?"

Taking out the photos of Youzhen, Meiyou, and Xiaohei, the little heads of the two little guys nodded quickly.

"I saw it~!"*2

Bai Zhen, who had already explained to Hei Zhen, was overjoyed when she heard that Jack and the nursery rhyme had seen the three of them.

"Then can you tell us where they went?"

Bai Zhen's words have been exported, and her eager appearance was discovered by Nursery Rhyme.

The nursery rhyme looked cold, and her little head wanted quickly.

"No, I can't tell you. You are so eager to find the big sister and the others, they must be bad people. I will not tell you the whereabouts of the big sister."

Hearing the nursery rhyme, Bai Zhen was dumbfounded. She didn't expect that nursery rhyme would treat her as a bad person. You know, she is a woman called a saint. Although she doesn't think so. But I can't help but other people think so. Being treated as a saint countless times, Bai Zhen got used to it. But to be regarded as a bad person, this is still the first time the big girl gets on the bridal sedan chair.

Bai Zhen's dumbfoundedness made Hei Zhen laugh out loud on the spot.

"Haha, village girl, look. Even two children know that you are not a good person. So, you better not pretend to be a white lotus..."

"Alter you idiot, shut up!"

Being stopped by Bai Zhen's embarrassed expression, Hei Zhen was not angry. Because she found that something seemed wrong.

At this moment, Jack has set up his swords and made a fighting stance. Nursery rhymes are also drawn from picture books, and the magic power on the body fluctuates obviously.

They seem to be going to war with them?

This situation made Hei Zhen finally react.

"They treat us all as bad people, so they attack us?"

Glancing at Hei Zhen who finally reacted, Bai Zhen sighed helplessly: "It looks like that's right..."

Brows involuntarily picked up, Hei Zhen understood that she was in trouble.

When Jack's nursery rhyme regarded them as bad guys who tracked Fujimaru Tachibana and Matthew, she couldn't help but not deny it, and directly mocked Bai Zhen. This is disguised as admitting that he is a bad person.

As two children who have played with Fujimaru Tachibana and Matthew, they are friends of Fujimaru Tachibana and Matthew, and of course they will not let the bad guys who are chasing Fujimaru Tachibana leave. Therefore, knocking down the bad guys is the most direct option.

This way of thinking, Lin Sisi only took 0.001 seconds to see through it.

Although Lin Sisi is helpless about Hei Zhen's death, it is not surprising. Heizhen was such a person. Taunting Bai Zhen has penetrated into her soul. Whenever there is a chance, she will mock Bai Zhen. If this is not mocking, maybe she will feel uncomfortable.

So, calm down. This is just normal operation.

At the same time, Lin Sisi also thought of a setting in this singularity.

In this singularity, all the territory is divided into several areas, which are divided and ruled by several magical girls. All magical girls are hostile to each other and fight each other.

Therefore, when seeing other magical girls coming to their own territory, the magical girls as rulers often go to war directly.

The current black and white are undoubtedly magical girl costumes.

So, even without Hei Zhen's death-defying behavior. It is estimated that this battle is still impossible to escape.

Because of understanding this, Lin Sisi was completely not angry.

"Well, since you don't believe us. Let's have a good time with you. A woman's friendship is to be passed on fist and fist."

Speaking of what made Bai Zhen dumbfounded, Lin Sisi waved the holy sword and rushed up.

"Look at the sword~!"

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