Be King Arthur From Today

Vol 5 Chapter 225: accident

"That's... well."

I don't know the reason, Tohsaka Rin buttoned his cheeks a little embarrassedly, lowered his head with a sigh, and began to tell the reason why she and Luvia came to this world.

"Although it's a bit embarrassing to say, but Luvia and I are in this world. It's because Luvia and I accidentally put the The "Jewel Sword" that was made before was detonated. Ah, the so-called "jeweled sword" is a magic dress involving the "second method". Because I accidentally detonated that magic dress, I was thrown into this world along with Luvia and Illya who was accidentally involved. At first I thought we were thrown into a parallel world. But the current situation does not seem to be that simple. "

Listening to Tohsaka Rin's remarks, Lin Sisi's facial muscles twitched.

Lin Sisi knew very well what the gem sword was.

As the apprentice of the Marshal of Magic, Jewel, it is not surprising that Tohsaka Rin can make a jeweled sword. After all, in a certain parallel world, Tohsaka Rin was holding a gem sword to save his younger sister.

So, Lin Sisi is not at all surprised as to why Tohsaka Rin has a gem sword.

What Lin Sisi really can't stand is what the **** Rin Tohsaka and Luvia are doing to detonate a magic dress like the gem sword.

The explosion didn't kill them directly, it was already their life. And in a sense, they seem to have really crossed the parallel world.

Because the world of "Fate Crown Designation (FGO and the world of "Magic Girl Illya" are completely different worlds.

Being able to be bombed from another world to the singularity of this world, I have to say that Tohsaka Rin and Luvia are indeed very lucky. If this were bombed into a world beyond the singularity, it is estimated that Tohsaka Rin and Luvia would be dead on the spot.

Don't ask why, just think about it. At present, the timeline of "Fate Crown Designation (FGO is in the period of "Humanity Burning". Except for Chaldea, the world is almost destroyed. If Tohsaka Rin and Luvia go to that kind of place, death is almost a sure thing.

So, Rin Tohsaka and Luvia are indeed very dead. Compared to the outside world of "Humani Burning", the singularity is, in a sense, a small safe house.

"Well, why are you here, I generally understand. But you said earlier that Illya was accidentally involved, right? Are Luvia and Illya safe? With the ruby ​​in your hand, Illya is sure it’s all right? Also, why has the ruby ​​been so quiet since just now?”

Hearing Lin Sisi's tone of voice that is very familiar to herself, Luvia, and even Illya and Ruby, Tohsaka Rin became more and more suspicious of Lin Sisi's identity.

From the explanation just now, she has also faintly realized that this is another completely different world. At least in the world she was in, the singularity, Chaldea, etc., did not exist at all. It is almost impossible to hide such a large space once it appears. Coupled with the previous accident, the possibility of her coming to a parallel world is extremely high.

But since it is a parallel world, why is this woman so familiar with them? It stands to reason that it is impossible for people in parallel worlds to be so familiar with her.

No one answered the doubts in her heart, so Tohsaka Rin could only hold down temporarily and replied.

"Luvia is definitely safe, I was with her before. She was just attacked, so they ran away and separated. As for Illya, then I don't know. When I came to this world with Luvia, I didn't see her. I don't know if that little girl is here. But when it comes to the ruby, you may have misunderstood. The ruby ​​is still in Illya's hands. I This is just an imitation. Not a real ruby."

Tohsaka Rin's explanation made Lin Sisi stunned.

"An imitation? Not a real ruby?"

Seeing Lin Sisi a little surprised, Tohsaka Rin finally felt more comfortable. From the beginning, Lin Sisi had been omniscient, which made Tohsaka Rin quite unhappy. Now there is finally something she doesn't know, Tohsaka Rin is quite happy.

"Yes, this is a copy. Although I don't know how this is done. But after Luvia and I came to this world, I was given this copy directly. The ruby ​​is a good ruby, and Luvia is a replica of the sapphire. But that's a good thing for us. It's a great thing to be able to have magical attire again without having to listen to those two annoying elves. After all This magic dress seems to have completely copied the abilities of the original, and it should have a lot of abilities. Except that there is no elves in it, everything else is exactly the same. For us, without the two disobedient elves, this magic dress is better used."

Lin Sisi, who knew that Tohsaka Rin and Luvia were once abandoned by ruby ​​and sapphire, and made money in the arms of Illya and Miyou, led to the story of "Magic Girl Illya". At this moment, I can also feel the joy of Rin Tohsaka at this moment. At least now, if you go back successfully, you won't have to be blamed for losing the two top magic dresses, ruby ​​and sapphire.

Tohsaka Rin's joy at the moment, it is estimated that Luvia also has it.

But why Tohsaka Rin and Luvia have ruby ​​and sapphire replicas. This is still not clear.

There is too little information now, so I can't figure out the details, and Lin Sisi is too lazy to go into it. Anyway, it's enough to know that Tohsaka Rin and Luvia are all right.

In this magical girl's singularity, with a completely obedient sapphire, Luvia's safety should never be a problem. After all, Rin Tohsaka and Luvia had more fighting experience in the field of magic than Illya and Miyu. This is the cumulative effect of experience with age...

"Okay, so much has been said about me. Is it time to talk about you? Although you won't tell me who you are. But you should always put your purpose, and Why do you know about me and Luvia, tell me? People who have always been mysterious and refused to say anything, but can’t win people’s trust.”

Being watched by Tohsaka Rin with sharp eyes, Lin Sisi knew. Something must be said now. Otherwise, Tohsaka Rin probably wouldn't be able to trust himself.

Therefore, Lin Sisi spoke up.

"Actually, I have a special ability to know things about other worlds..."


PF: The call sign sent by the New Year's mission has sunk again.

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