Be King Arthur From Today

Vol 5 Chapter 226: sisters? No, they are my wife!

"Special ability?" Tohsaka Rin looked at Lin Sisi suspiciously.

"Yes, you can understand it as the ability of the parallel world of the east and the west, or it can be understood as a kind of predictive ability similar to Clairvoyance EX. Although it is not really the same, the specific effect will not be too different. "

Lin Sisi explained seriously.

Standing beside Lin Sisi, Hei Zhen and Bai Zhen looked at each other and nodded.

Lin Sizhai does have this ability, and of course Lin Sisi, who has turned sexually, also has this ability. After all, Lin Sisi was just a disguised existence by Lin Sizhai. The essence is still the same person, and there is no change in it. At most, it's just a change in appearance.

So, to a certain extent, what Lin Sisi said is true.

Because of the facts, Tohsaka Rin naturally could not hear any flaws and loopholes. Not to mention that the current Lin Sisi has long since stopped feeling guilty about this kind of issue. Even a long, long time ago, Lin Sisi wouldn't let anyone see that he was actually guilty.

With Tohsaka Rin's eyesight, she has not yet been able to see through Lin Sisi's acting skills at a glance.

In this case, Tohsaka Rin nodded slowly.

"Well, if what you're saying is true. That would explain the situation. But you're going to tell me what to call you?"

Tohsaka Rin's eyes shone with a sly light.

Lin Sisi has long thought of a countermeasure for this: "This, you can just call me Sisi."

"Sisi? Is this your real name?" Tohsaka Rin looked at Lin Sisi with some doubts.

In response, Lin Sisi nodded as a matter of course: "That's right!"

' is my current name, yes. ’

Lin Sisi nodded as a matter of course, and Black and White Shuangzhen did not have any abnormal reaction, with a positive expression on her face.

The reaction of the three made Tohsaka Rin see nothing wrong.

At the same time, Tohsaka Rin did recall and confirmed that he did not know anyone called Sisi. Near my work and study environment, there is no one called Sisi.

In addition to Lin Sisi's unforgettable appearance, Rin Tohsaka gradually accepted Lin Sisi's statement.

She may not be from her own world, but she knows herself because of some special abilities.

Thinking of this, Tohsaka Rin gradually recognized Lin Sisi. Of course, there is still no reduction in vigilance...

"So, Sisi, right? We have almost concluded the situation. Can you use your special ability to help me find where Luvia is?"

Tohsaka Rin accepted the current situation and offered help to Lin Sisi.

"I'm afraid it won't work, don't worry. It's not that I don't want to help you. It's that my abilities are limited. It is impossible for me to be omniscient and omnipotent. Therefore, I will help in finding Luvia. But I really don't know her whereabouts."

Lin Sisi's explanation made Tohsaka Rin nodded slightly, as if accepting this statement.

"Well, what are you going to do now? Where are you going? Also, what should you call the two twins over there. Are they your sisters?"

No wonder Rin Tohsaka asked this question, who made Lin Sisi's current face, like Hei Zhen and Bai Zhen, a super typical Takeuchi face?

And this Wu Nei face is completely the same as the one printed in the same mold as Hei Zhen and Bai Zhen, and the similarity is extremely high. It's not the rough outline similarity between Arturia and Okita Soji. Rather, it is similar to the degree of similarity between Hei Zhen and Bai Zhen.

This exaggerated degree of similarity, and the scale of the figure that made Tohsaka Rin feel extremely stressed. Let Tohsaka Rin subconsciously regard them as sisters of the triplets.

Who made them look exactly the same, even the body is the same size.

Being so misunderstood by Tohsaka Rin, Lin Sisi pondered a little and shook his head: "No, they are not my sisters, but my wife."

"What?" Tohsaka Rin looked at Hei Zhen, Bai Zhen, and Lin Sisi in confusion. Looking back and forth between the three, it seems impossible to understand the situation: "How can a woman marry a woman as a wife, what are you kidding..."

Tohsaka Rin could not accept this situation, but Hei Zhen and Bai Zhen did not mean to refute it.

Who made Lin Sizhai really their husband? This is a relationship where he has proposed marriage and has done everything that should be done.

Although Lin Sizhai is now disguised as Lin Sisi, it looks like a woman. But both Hei Zhen and Bai Zhen knew that Lin Sisi was still Lin Sizhai in essence, still a man. So, they don't care about it at all.

Lin Sisi (Lin Sizhai) is their man, their husband. They are also the women of Lin Sisi (Lin Sizhai), her (his) wife.

This is a fact, an irrefutable fact.

Therefore, the expressions of Hei Zhen and Bai Zhen were taken for granted, and there was no change in their expressions.

The reflection of Black Zhen and Bai Zhen made Tohsaka Rin, who was a little unbelieving, gradually accepted this statement with suspicion.

She is not a fool, nor has she never heard of homosexuality. Even in the magic world, **** people actually exist. As long as the family's reproduction is not delayed, the magician will not care too much about these emotional issues.

Gradually accepting the relationship between the three of Lin Sisi, Tohsaka Rin nodded slightly: "Okay, I probably understand your relationship. However, if you are not sisters, why are you so long? Are they exactly the same? Also, what should they be called?"

For this question, Lin Sisi has long thought of the answer: "Appearance is not a problem. You must know that the King of Knights, who is known as the legendary King of Great Britain, even has a relationship with someone from the Roman Empire. The emperors look exactly the same. As for what they should be called? Well... you can just call them Hei Zhen and Bai Zhen. Their real names are Saint Joan of Arc. Just because of some special circumstances, It's like this. The white one is Joan of Arc. The black one is the witch Joan of Arc Alter. It's better to understand them directly as two sisters."

Rubbing her aching temples, Tohsaka Rin felt that his brain was becoming more and more insufficient.

"Saint Joan of Arc? Witch Joan of Arc Alter? I said, shouldn't they be servants? And Saint Joan of Arc, the famous French saint, Right?"

Combining the experience of coming to this world or the singularity, Tohsaka Rin had some incredible guesses.

In response, Lin Sisi smiled and nodded: "Yes, that is the Joan of Arc you know. And my family's Hei Zhen and Bai Zhen are indeed Servants. Say, in this singularity, the vast majority of beings are Servants. Except for a very few living people, they are all Servants and similar beings..."

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