Be King Arthur From Today

Vol 5 Chapter 238: Shin signboard girl

Although Lin Sisi thinks the dragon girl holding her head and squatting is very cute. But this does not mean that the current Lin Sisi will let her go.

Lin Sisi doesn't plan to end it like this if she doesn't understand the whole story.

With a straight face, Lin Sisi's attitude is very firm.

"Ili, please be lenient and resist strictness. Why don't you hurry up and explain the whole thing to me?"

On the screen, Elizabeth secretly glanced up at Lin Sisi, confirming that Lin Sisi's attitude was very firm. She knew that this matter could not escape, and could only explain everything helplessly.

"I said it, don't be angry, little dog."

"You finish first, and then I will consider whether I will be angry."

Lifting her head slightly, Elizabeth stated with some fear.

"In fact, things are not too complicated. It's just that when I was hanging out again, I accidentally picked up a golden cup. I also learned from the information of the Crystal Palace afterwards that it was the Holy Grail. At the time, I just thought the cup was pretty, and I didn't think too much about it."

Lin Sisi nodded and said nothing.

Others may be full of question marks on my head, unable to understand why Elizabeth was able to pick up the Holy Grail. But Lin Sisi would not. As the real kanban girl of FGO by default by many Guda, Long Niang Elizabeth's luck value has always been EX-level in matters related to the Holy Grail.

If anyone can go out to buy a dish, they can pick up the Holy Grail. Then it was only Elizabeth, unintentionally. Other Heroic Spirits have no such signs for the time being.

Other heroic spirits can pick up the Holy Grail at most once, which belongs to the explosion of luck and character.

But Dragon Lady Elizabeth is different. She has picked up the Holy Grail more than once. Although now because of Lin Si Zhai, she has no previous criminal record. But without the intervention of Lin Sizhai, I am afraid that the current Long Niang has already picked up the Holy Grail twice for Halloween, and will pick it up again next year.

Now this is the first time, it is already very restrained.

For Dragon Lady Elizabeth, isn't it an ordinary item that you can pick up when you go out?

Because of this understanding, Lin Sisi's interpretation of Long Niang is not surprising. The troublemaker nodded and motioned her to continue.

Seeing that Lin Sisi believed her words without hesitation, Elizabeth was moved. The expressions on other people's faces that you are making fun of me made Elizabeth deeply realize how heavy and heart-warming Lin Sisi's trust was.

Excited, Elizabeth continued.

" And then, because I didn't know that this thing was the Holy Grail, I just said casually, if I could go to other places to see interesting things. As a result, I accidentally ran I came to a space that I didn't recognize at all. Oh, no, it should be the singularity. At that singularity, I met a little girl who only had consciousness and no body. That is, this cute little sister."

Lin Sisi heard this, turned her head and glanced at Ilya: "Is that so?"

Illya smiled and nodded: "That's right, this big sister is fine."

Illya's innocent smile did not deceive Lin Sisi. Lin Sisi knew how black-bellied the real Ilya was. For specific reference, you can refer to your own little black. This is not Illya, the silly and sweet magical girl raised by Emiya Kiritsugu and Emiya Shirou, but the real magician master Illya.

If you really want to believe her casually, it is estimated that she will be played around. I don't have much friendship with her, and I don't deserve too much trust.

Turn her head to look at the pitiful Elizabeth, Lin Sisi waved: "Then, why is the Holy Grail you picked up in Illya's hands?"

Elizabeth pointed her finger pitifully, kept sneaking glances at Lin Sisi and replied.

"I didn't know it was the Holy Grail at the time. This little sister seemed to know it was the Holy Grail. So as soon as she saw me, she let a very vicious servant chase after me. But he can only run. But that singularity is not big, I was caught up in not long after running. In order to save my life, I threw away the Holy Grail. This little sister seems to like the Holy Grail very much. Seeing me throw away the Holy Grail, Stop chasing me. As soon as the Holy Grail leaves my hand, I go straight back. I don't know what happens after that..."

As she spoke, Elizabeth cried with tears in her eyes.

"Puppy, you have to believe me. I really didn't mean to lose the Holy Grail. I didn't know it was the Holy Grail, otherwise, I would definitely take it back to you, you You have to believe me..."

Elizabeth had tears in her eyes, looking like she was about to cry. Lin Sisi waved his hands repeatedly, giving Lin Sisi a headache.

"Okay, I believe in you, don't cry."


Knowing how her Dragon Lady gave the Holy Grail to Ilya, Lin Sisi didn't blame her anymore. After all, she didn't know what the Holy Grail was, and she was chased by a servant like Hercules. It's good to be able to come back alive. Can't be too demanding.

"But Yili, you have to tell me, when did you see the Holy Grail?"

To this, Elizabeth answered very succinctly: "In that singular spot where everyone went together, I accidentally picked it up when I went out to help the puppy put up the flag. "

"Find the Holy Grail in the singularity?" Fujimaru Tachibana was speechless.

Lin Sisi can feel Fujimaru Tachibana's speechless mood, but no matter how unreasonable things are, put them on Elizabeth, that is so reasonable.

You really take the name of the FGO Kanban girl, did you call it casually?

"Then why didn't you tell me at that time? You should tell me immediately about such a bizarre encounter." Lin Sisi rubbed his brows with a headache.

"This, I originally planned to tell the little dog about you. It's just that you were busy at the time, and I was more curious about the cup I found at that time. I went to the database to find it. Information. After knowing that that thing is the Holy Grail, I was frightened. I didn't dare to tell you, Puppy Dog. If I let you know that I lost the Holy Grail. You will definitely scold me and not let me have a concert.. …”

"Is this what you are worried about?" Lin Sisi felt a headache...

"Otherwise what?" Elizabeth was a little puzzled.

In response, Lin Sisi didn't bother to dwell on this issue any more, and waved her hand: "Forget it, that's it beforehand, I'll go back and talk to you slowly."

"Uh... well." Knowing that she could not escape Lin Si Zhai's blame, Elizabeth was a little frustrated and a little scared.

But before closing the communication, Elizabeth still looked at Lin Sisi curiously.

"That, little dog, why did you suddenly become a woman. Do you want to debut as an idol with me?"

Lin Sisi: "...Go away! Look back and don't kill you!!"

"Wow, the puppy is angry..." Elizabeth ran away in tears...

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